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Posts posted by Portis26

  1. :thumbsup:

    yuck! R u that guy who leaves game with 5 min left in 4th or the 7th inning to beat traffic? I'm trying to compare not playing week 17 to something we can all relate too. The last minutes can stink - most of time it does- but when it doesn't stink, suck, not fun to stay and watch - it usually is something we all talk about for a while. Memories happen .., so stick it out for week 17 and when something good happens.. It's more memorable then stuff that normally happens.


    Like Lee Suggs gaining 100+ yards on last game of season vs Miami (in miami no less) which helped me win a championship. I still have a #44 Browns Lee Suggs jersey and wear it with Pride lol


    So I'm just saying - good things happen in week 17 - u just gotta go find them!

  2. If you don't include week 17 then your league is weak. Play the whole season or don't play. So u don't have all your studs week 17... That's life. You gotta adjust on fly, play for week 17.


    Pansy league not including week 17

    Basically leagues that end at week 16 is for amateurs , people who just do it to stay close with friends, reason to grab some brews - not for hardcore players

  3. RGIII to be 100% healthy and a lot smarter.

    Alfred Morris NOT to be a flash in the pan.

    Fred Davis healthy and signed.

    Orakpo and Carriker back at 100%.

    Sign or draft and 2 instant starters in the defensive backfield.


    All of which is possible. The Skins do not need miracles to be a SB contender.


    Agreed! A healthy secondary and/or an addition at safety would be nice

  4. Why? Dude didn't do sh!t last year.


    Granted his QB sucked, but is that really going to change?


    I say let him go and rebuild at key positions. WR is a luxury you don't pay big bucks for until you are set elsewhere, IMO.

    He is a physical beast - that's why. Don't look at stats

  5. (Take the uniforms off and purely as brothers)


    I think Jon needs to win. His brother beat him at everything their entire lives. Jim was always better


    Jon was a coach first ...so I think he "deserves" ( for lack of better words) the Super Bowl win.

  6. Sapp as a first ballot was kinda surprise. I know he was good & worthy but not over 6-time Super Bowl winner Charles Haley IMO

    Allen & Ogden both good, just not on same year when other guys still waiting.

    Carter deserves it. But so does Andre Reed

    Parcels is ok, but Art Model did way more for NFL in big picture

    Don't know much bout those senior guys, although I do know Robinson play for Skins at some point (other guy is Curley)



    Other non hofers ...

    Jerome Bettis- 1day

    Tim Brown -

    Ed Debartolo, Jr.

    Art Modell -should b in

    Will Shields

    Charles Haley - ashame he isn't in

    Kevin Greene

    Aeneas Williams -
