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Everything posted by pimptastic69

  1. pimptastic69

    2011 Baseball Hall of Fame.

    Really? And because Larkin went from 15 to 33 HR's in a season, your eagle eye convinced you that it's proof he's on steroids?
  2. pimptastic69

    2011 Baseball Hall of Fame.

    Considering the crap heap that is eligible next year, Barry Larkin may get 100% in 2012.
  3. http://livewire.wlwt.com/Event/Marvin_Lewis_Watch "@AdamSchefter: Bengals expect HC Marvin Lewis now will remain in Cincinnati. The two sides expect to resolve any issues within next 24 hours." As a Bungles fan, I'm indifferent as to whether or not Lewis stays. His record is mediocre at best, but you have to consider what he's had to work with - no GM, no scouts, no choice in coordinators, and a cheap bastard of an owner. No coach in his right mind would want to stay in Cinci unless............ Lewis gets: - More personnel control - Indoor practice facility - More scouts - His choice of coaches Could it be that Lewis has broken the mis-guided will of the Brown family?
  4. pimptastic69

    It appears Marvin Lewis will stay on as HC

    I was just guessing on the cost, I've no idea what one costs. But, the University of Cincinnati offered to go Dutch on one, but Brown refused. UC is now building one on campus for themselves.
  5. pimptastic69

    Must get new cell phone and plan

    I could never understand what the big deal was with iphones, until I bought the wifey an iPod Touch for Christmas. That thing is focking amazing. I can't wait to get me one of them iPhones, so I was thrilled to find out Verizon would be carrying it.
  6. pimptastic69

    Must get new cell phone and plan

    If you can hold out for a few months, Verizon is supposed to start carrying the Iphone.
  7. pimptastic69

    It appears Marvin Lewis will stay on as HC

    He says he's "not as keen" on it as Lewis. Basically what he's saying is, "If you dumbass taxpayers want to pony up another $50M for a practice bubble, I won't say no."
  8. pimptastic69

    It appears Marvin Lewis will stay on as HC

    They may have sucked for the last 20 years, but in a heartbeat, I'd take the Bengals' history over the Seahags any day.
  9. pimptastic69

    Using the Stud WR theory next season.

    For the last 3 years I'd drafted stud QBs early in two leagues and was in 5 of 6 superbowls. This past year I strayed by going WR heavy (R. White, Moss, Fitzgerald with Flacco/Schaub as my QBs) and that backfired in a big way. It's much harder to compete when you don't have those guaranteed points that QBs like Brady, Manning, Rivers and Brees provide. Year in and year out they are the most consistent point scorers.
  10. pimptastic69

    Best And Worst Present You Ever Received

    Best (all in the same year 1984?): Commodore 64 8 Stompers along with the tractor pull set Dukes of Hazzard slot car track Can't say I've ever had a "worst" gift. I'm even down with fruitcake. I think it taste's awesome.
  11. pimptastic69

    2011 Baseball Hall of Fame.

    This whole voting system is a complete sham. Does a player get better after a few years of eligibility? Do they somehow find more stats that were overlooked the previous year? And as far as Barry Larkin goes... Ozzie Smith got 92% of the Hall of Fame vote in his first year of eligibility...and Barry Larkin got just over 50% in his first year of eligibility. They both played 18 seasons, but Larkin had 1,700 FEWER at bats. Despite 1,700 fewer at bats, Larkin had more: 1) Runs (1329 to 1257) 2) Doubles (441 to 402) 3) Triples (76 to 69) 4) Home runs (198 to 28) 5) RBI (960 to 793) 6) a much better AVG (.295 to .262) 7) a much better OBP (.371 to .337) 8) higher SLG (.444 to .328) 9) more .300 seasons (9 to 1) 10) more Silver Slugger awards (9 to 1) 11) Larkin stole bases with a higher success rate 83% (379 SB to 77 CS) vs 79% (580 SB to 148 CS) 12) MVP awards (1-0) Ozzie was a GREAT fielder and better than Larkin in the field, especially at doing "backflips", but Larkin was better at every other aspect of the game by far and was still a great defensive player himself. If Ozzie was a first-ballot HOFer, shouldn't Larkin have been?
  12. pimptastic69

    Ohio's unemployment rate about to go up

    I meant Reps as in representatives.
  13. pimptastic69

    Ohio's unemployment rate about to go up

    So how do they decide which Reps get the boot?
  14. pimptastic69

    I can finally join the military

    I don't really give a fock if gay dudes want to serve openly, what I fear though is that the military will be dumbed down by the PC crowd. It's already a clusterfock with rules of engagement.
  15. pimptastic69

    Collie probably done for the day (head/neck)

    Dude is just a walking injury. Note to self: Don't stand next to Austin Collie on the street corner.
  16. pimptastic69

    I can finally join the military

    What happens if some homophobe CO decides to assign all outed gheys to kitchen duty? Will he then be sued for discrimination?
  17. pimptastic69

    Your top five movies

    Goodfellas Tombstone Braveheart Saving Private Ryan Unforgiven Honorable Mentions: Happy Gilmore Joe Dirt Forrest Gump All 3 Bourne movies Caddyshack
  18. pimptastic69


    Vodka tends to sneak up on you. You keep on drinking it thinking it's having no effect, and then all at once you're wearing a lampshade prancing around nekkid.
  19. pimptastic69

    Week 15 Sleeper Defense

    I would consider Der Vikes in that case. Yes, they were just blown out by the Gaints, but they are playing their first outdoor home game in 30 years, on Monday night, where the temperature is going to be hovering around zero, against that "offensive juggernaut" aka the Bears.
  20. pimptastic69

    Week 15 Sleeper Defense

    You only have 6 DSTs available? How many teams are in the league? I was gonna say Arizona, but they're not on the list.
  21. pimptastic69

    Non playoff teams putting in waiver claims

    Here's the "problem". You can keep as many players as you want, but each one cost's you last year's draft round + 2. (4th rounder becomes a 2nd rounder, etc.) So, as owners drop out of contention, they could conceivably drop the high round picks to pick up low round/undrafted potential keepers. This would potentially leave the likes of Adrian Peterson, Steven Jackson, Peyton Manning on the waiver wire, as they can't be kept next year. The remaining playoff teams could then scoop up any one of these players and completely change the dynamic of the team that got them there. I'm not really down with that. I realize this keeper system is unorthodox, but the league likes it.
  22. pimptastic69

    What's for lunch?

    Right on. Had a meatloaf sandwich for lunch, and then after looking at the wifey's porkchop/rice dinner concoction, I decided I was full and had another meatloaf sandwich an hour later. I made the meatloaf the previous day - it was freakin awesome.
  23. pimptastic69

    So I went to Harbor Freight today ...

    I like to call it the Candy Store. I love Harbor Freight. They have all kinds of crazy shat you don't really need. It's awesome. Extra large pipe wrench: Home Depot $30, HF $6 Used it once on the MIL's kitchen redo Pneumatic Hammer: Home Depot $60, HF $9 Used it once to break up some tile mortar Trigger style clamps are especially cheap at HF. They may not last as long, but you can buy like ten of them for the same price as one from Sears. Nails, brads and staples for pneumatic guns are dirt cheap at HF and I can't really tell the difference from the more expensive Porter Cable nails.
  24. pimptastic69

    Hillis next year?

    I'm somewhat inclined to agree. He'll cost me only a 10th rounder next year so I'll certainly keep him, but I'm not really expecting a similar season. He's got a bruising style mixed with some Eric Metcalf. Just doesn't look right, as in ripe for injury. Also, dude fumbles like every game, and no one seems to mention it. Oh, and he's white, which is quite an anomaly.