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Posts posted by montana

  1. The other guys can chime in too, but I would(if you don't have extremely better options). Anthony Hitchens is out which potentially shakes up Dallas interior LB crew and forces Justin Durant or Jaylon Smith to step up... durant is an aging role player and smith has never played a down in the NFL... I think this puts more of a burden on Lee to stay in the box, and I think the middle of the field is very vulnerable... Hitchens wasn't the greatest pass defender, but he is an amazing tackler, and frees up Lee to roam and make plays, this could be a coming out party.


    Edit: also, the Cowboys cancelled their last preseason game due to the hurricane, so this new configuration hasn't really had any competitive reps together...

    Excellent take on the situation. Thanks brother.

    Other option is Doyle vs Rams
