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Posts posted by RyanM

  1. Hmmm...I would definitely drop Gannon, unless your QB situation is just deplorable. Green and Boston are a toss up, though I'd probably go Green, because you can never have enough solid young RBs (unless, of course, you have no WRs).

  2. Originally posted by pingpong:

    What happened? The stock is coming back now that Heller is back. Why the change of heart?


    Heller back is, admittedly, a good thing, but have you heard our second quarter earnings report? Not very good. It'll be awhile before EDS recovers from the **** Brown catastrophe. As for me, my job at IMPAC more suits my skills as a trainer. I will actually be working with learners again, instead of designing on-line training. (I never talked about it on here, but as Farmer Bernie can attest, I've been trying to get away from EDS for about a year.)

  3. h

    Originally posted by RyanM:

    QB Hasselbeck...this is the year...no, REALLY!!!!

    RB A. Green

    RB G.Hearst/K. Barlow

    WR T. Owens

    WR Key. Johnson

    FL R. Dayne?, R. Ferguson?, K. Dyson, T. Gonzo (Do USBL stats count?), M. Bavaro? (Set me on fire. Set me on fire now...)

    K TBD

    D San Diego?


    QB Hasselbeck...this is the year...no, really...REALLY!!!! :D

    (Who am I kidding...it's D. Carr or Maddox)

    RB A. Green

    RB G.Hearst/K. Barlow

    WR T. Owens

    WR Key. Johnson

    FL J. Reed, T. Gonzo, or A. Bryant are the frontrunners

    K J. Ealm, unless Hasselbeck DOES work out, in which case, it's Josh Brown

    D San Diego

    we have a losah...

  4. Originally posted by Scooby:

    Actually they are all not major items..Just a little tweaking here and there...



    Maybe you should try it ...



    Can't do it...might ruin my image of having no phucking clue what I'm doing!!!!!

  5. Originally posted by OB1:

    Wasn't planning on taking Simms, but after Davenport and Ragone went off the board he was the next guy on my list.


    Clearly I need money on the line in this league, dammit. Ahman Green's back-up sitting right there in the 3rd round and I sleep right through it to get Drew phucking Bennett...Lord, I'm slipping...

  6. I'll trade you your trade with OB1 for the trade that you traded to trade Farmer Bernie in that trade that Jwood traded with CMT. Just don't trade before I trade, trade? Oh, and your 4th round trade, too!


    Trade *****!!!!! Will he ever have a team he likes?????



  7. Originally posted by Jwood:






    As FB and I discussed yesterday...Chris (INT) Simms has never won a big game in HIS LIFE!!!!! Everyone is saying what a great pro talent he'll make, almost as though it's a compensatory statement for the dreadfully mediocre college career he had. I mean, when this kid was bad, he was TERRIBLE!!!!

  8. Originally posted by Farmer Bernie:


    ROTFLOFL :rolleyes:


    Clearly I don't. I like to keep a****** of things, obviously. What game is this???


    Regardless, Dyson is NOT playing this year, so it's a good thing I got Drew Bennett, no matter which team eithe one plays for!!!!


