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Everything posted by bostonlager

  1. bostonlager

    I had the most disturbing dream evah

    Lets here it
  2. bostonlager

    Peyton Manning meets God

    Even better.
  3. bostonlager

    Peyton Manning meets God

    I have seen this many times, but it never gets old. How many INTs will he throw this weekend in what will go down as another Manning playoff choke?
  4. bostonlager

    finally nailed the blind date cutey last night

    Just checking your prostate. Standard procedure.
  5. bostonlager

    Tony Gwynn

    Speaks like a girl too.
  6. bostonlager

    poker help

    I thought the same thing. How do you not cheat?
  7. bostonlager


    Jager and Captain Morgan are 2 bottles of booze that you will ALWAYS find present in my house. I didn't think you drank.
  8. bostonlager

    HOF selections

    :sarcasm: I don't really agree.
  9. bostonlager

    HOF selections

    I am with edjr here. Cal Ripken was merely an average shortstop.
  10. bostonlager

    Myspace Geeks...

    There are hot b!tches on there you can pick up.
  11. bostonlager

    BCS National Championship Poll

    I did not single you out nor did I make the claim you are the only OSU fan. You picked this fight with me b/c you can't handle what OSU fans deserve right now as a whole. Just scroll up this entire thread and read where your Buck Buddies would have bet their houses on last nights game. I actually thought you were being fairly civil until you acted like I took a shat in your breakfast.
  12. bostonlager

    WTF Is wrong with people?

    I've never understood why people pay attention to the price of gas. Unless you plan on walking or riding a bike buy it and be quiet.
  13. bostonlager

    BCS National Championship Poll

    Do you hear me crying over how bad they are? Do you think I would pout and act like someone kicked me sqaure in the d!ck like you are now when someone bashes your team? This comes solely from the arrogant focks that are known as OSU fans. The OSU fans that already had a place in the trophy case dusted off and ready to put the coaches trophy in it. The same OSU fans that claimed they would dominate on both sides of the ball. The same OSU fans that can't take the ribbing they deserve right now for being overly confident. You guys have this coming to you. Stand up and take it like a man or continue to piss and moan like you've been doing all morning. IN TRESSELL WE TRUST
  14. bostonlager

    BCS National Championship Poll

    My team is Miami (OH). I don't think we were even ranked. Living in Suckeye nation and listening to the BS all year of how they were going to roll to a national title gives me all the right in the world to kick you focks while you're down. I mean come on, you guys were going to DOMINATE Florida on both sides of the ball.
  15. bostonlager

    BCS National Championship Poll

    If Teeroy Smiff hadn't turned the ball over multiple times and been sacked 57 times the Suckeyes may have made a better game out of it.
  16. bostonlager

    you geeks all got what you wanted

    Good luck in the future. I always thought you were cool though.
  17. bostonlager

    Baseball HOF selections announced today.

    Hating black people doesn't make you a cheater. HTH.
  18. bostonlager

    DWI (driving while intoxicated)

    He did the flashlight thing to me as well. It may have been offset by the fact that I was also stoned.
  19. bostonlager

    Myspace Geeks...

    Bullet Boys - Smooth Up In Ya
  20. bostonlager

    This bed is on fire

    THe neighbors complain about the noises above....
  21. bostonlager

    This bed is on fire

    Nati = Cincinnati. Also a great place to visit. We have the Reds reporting to spring training in about a month.
  22. bostonlager

    This bed is on fire

    If T-town means Tacoma, then no, I have not been there. Washington is one of 3 states I have never ventured to in my life. Wouldn't mind seeing it thought. Ever been to the Nati?
  23. bostonlager

    This bed is on fire

    I had Alexander on my fantasy team 3 years ago and watched every Hawk game religously. I guess I could do it again.