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Posts posted by zippychi

  1. I would just like to say that when preseason games are played mostly Thurday through Sunday, having to wait till the next Thursday to get an updated projection is way to long. Five days later is just not going to cut it in fantasy land. Basically anyone drafting on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday will be going to their draft with last weeks projections.

    No thanks,

    (will not order agoin until fixed) Todd :D



    cross off guys who got hurt over the weekend, you should be able to do this pretty easily...


    otherwise, i highly doubt drastic changes are being made after a preseason game...


    in the case of someone being named a starter on monday, use some common sense...


    jeebus, for 15 bones or less, i think you are getting a hell of a product...


    and i'm sure i'm not in the minority when i say don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out...


    gb not having dumbasses asking questions next year...

  2. Sorry guys Im not very good with computers. How do I #1 find projections from other sites? #2 copy them or save them? #3 put them in my compiler? :rolleyes:

    go to your 2nd favorite fantasy football info site, and find their projections...


    hilite the projections, right click copy...


    open compiler


    i then add a worksheet and right click paste the projections...


    then you have to use the vlookup command to manipulate the data into site b

  3. Also, is there anywhere to add Bonuses i.e. WR gets 4 pts for 7 receptions and 8 points for 10 :pointstosky:

    not that i know of, but that is a stat that will wash out over the season...


    remember projections are not that specific...


    i would just go with 4/7 = .57 or something like that for receptions...

  4. Mike...


    i copy/pasted projections from another site into compiler 2.0...


    then ran vlookup to pull the stats into site b...


    but it wouldn't recognize the c5 match...


    all i had to do was retype, case not sensitive, the player names, or copy/paste from the original compiler name over to the "other" projections...


    what could possibly be wrong that simply re-typing the name allows it to be recognized...



  5. just want you to know that the dominator is not free after awhile...


    so you can get it now, and then update projections on your own..


    but they are both good programs...


    i like the compiler mainly cuz i can take and add in projections from other resources and manipulate from there, or if i feel real ambitious put my own in...

  6. unbelievable the activity in here vs last year.


    obviously because this is a tremendous product!!


    anyway, the limited amount of players that buddy pulls from the compiler is slightly frustrating, but livable.


    would it be possible though, to pull the bye week info that appears in the draft input and is copied everywhere else, based on team name vs player.


    that way when a player not pulled into buddy is selected, i can just type in his name, spelled however i wish, and then input the team abbreviation and still get an accurate bye week instead of the NA error i get now.


    this would save me from having to look it up and input it manually.


    either that or add more to the buddy lists.


    thanks again!

  7. Zipperhead:


    I would love to have a copy also.  Is there anyway you can post it to this forum so you can stop this    :)  .  Please e-mail it to bboyd@waterpik.com.  YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!!!!!!



    weird seeing someelse using my name wink