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About Shinriki

  • Rank
    FF Rookie
  1. That worked for me to Mike. Thanks. I use Excel 2000 9.0.2720. I was a little frustrated, but then I remembered how we did it last year. Thanks for all your hard work.
  2. Shinriki

    Compiler/DB help for odd QB scoring

    Here are the results of our draft for one of my teams. I picked from the 5th spot. By round: Deuce McAllister, Michael Bennett, Chad Johnson, Joe Horn, Steve Smith, Jeff Garcia, Julius Jones, Miami Defense, Reno Mahe, Carson Palmer, Kevin Faulk, Joey Galloway, Terry Glenn, Paul Edinger, Antonio Gates, Lee Evans, Amos Zereoue, Phillip Rivers, Richie Anderson, and Eddie "Boo" Williams. Yep, I screwed up by waiting one round too long to get Deuce's backkup. Was surprised Galloway and Anderson fell so late based on Compiler's recomendations. Thanks again, Tim
  3. Shinriki

    Compiler/DB help for odd QB scoring

    Thanks for the reply Mike. Our draft was yesterday and I may have made a few mistakes here and there, but it's only my second year and we'll see how I do. I didn't have time to project my own FF points for quarterbacks before the draft so I went with the FFToday projections and the points mentioned earlier. I'll stat all QB's week by week this year and be prepared to do so next year. I still think that in our league there is a more pronounced discrepancy between great quarterbacks and average ones. I agree that they still stack up the same relative to one another. I have 2 teams in the 14 team league. I waited probably longer than most to draft a QB, but last year I remember really scrapping for enough starting WR and RBs several weeks, and I figured most of the middle of the pack QB's don't make a huge difference because their in the same tier. I was blown away that Peyton Manning was the first quarterback taken as the eighth pick overall in the first round, followed immediately by Dante Culpepper. According to the Compiler/Draftbuddy their overall ranking came in at 19th for Culpepper and 35th for Manning! However, you can't dismiss the two coaches who drafted them. They were both in the SuperBowl in our league last year and most of the guys in the league are pretty good. We'll see how good they do this year though! Thanks for the help and the great program. Tim Thomas For next year, I know it's probably impossible, but could you build in some kind of AI into draft buddy that takes into account the number of players taken at a given position and the number of players you've taken by your team to continually reprioritize the overall rankings? (I didn't think so. lol) Hey, it still takes SOME skill.
  4. Thanks for Compiler and DraftBuddy. I've been studying them and learning a lot in preparation for my draft upcoming this Sunday, August 29th. I have struggled with how to input QB scoring for our league. By the way our 14 team league starts 1QB, 2-4RB, 2-4 WR/TE, 1K, 1DEF It is a performance & TD scoring league. QB's score 3 pts if they pass for 150 yds, then 1 pt for each additional 10 yards. (They also score 3pts/passing TD, 6 pts/rushing TD, 1pt/10yds rushing, 2 pts/2pt conversion) So far, I've left the passing yards scoring at the default of 1pt for 20 yds. This breaks even with out league's scoring system at 240 yds. However, QB's who routinely pass for greater yardage score quite a bit more than others. For example: three QB's throw for 147 yds, 246 yds, and 382 yds. Under traditional scoring they would score 7.3, 12.3 and 19.1 pts respectively. Under our leagues scoring rules however, they would score 0, 12 and 26 pts., which is a lot more desparity. This kind of scoring really rewards QB's who routinely pass for big yards. I'm having trouble integrating this into Draft Buddy. I've started analyzing the top 20 QB's using last years game by game stats, and will attempt to use FFToday projections to come up with my own projected FF points for each top QB for 2004.....if I have time. Since our league is 14 teams deep, doesn't require a TE, the quality of RB's and even WR's dries up quickly, so depending on how the draft goes, I usually don't plan on taking a QB in any of the early rounds. I'm wondering what impact this kind of QB passing scoring has on the QB position in general relative to other positions in our league, and how important it might be to draft a top QB in an early round. Thanks for any comments. Tim Thomas Coach Moonsville Marauders