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Woble Eth

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Everything posted by Woble Eth

  1. Woble Eth

    Who do I start? - Kaepernick vs. Freeman

    Yes the matchup is wonderful and tempting, but to sit Kaep for Freeman is slightly mad.
  2. Woble Eth

    Flex Options, Week 7. Leave a link (WHIR)

    Gates for sure.. great matchup. Link? nah. Find my post, lazybones.
  3. Woble Eth

    Ryan Mathews for Jordan Cameron Trade Offer

    If you can score a solid RB for Graham, it's certainly worth making that deal. Again, it is reliant on someone making the deal with you.. that is the hard part to predict. That said,Graham will certainly draw interest. Good luck
  4. Woble Eth

    Eagle Homers

    When a guy publicly claims his injury requires more rest, that says it all.
  5. Woble Eth

    Who has more value ROS.....Cutler of Foles?

    That is a big assumption. Regardless, Cutler is the direction you should be looking. When Vick is healthy, he'll get the nod... Kelly isn't married to either of these guys after this year, as his next QB will be reeled in at the draft. But for now, Vick gives them the best chance to win. (I am completely cool with the mulligan this year, but I digress...) Even with Ware out, the Cowboys will be blitzing heavily and I will be interested to see how Foles reacts. I have a suspicion not very good as he as as mobile as an iceberg.. (clutching my noggin with fear).. I see back foot errant tosses.. Good god. Maybe I am just a pessimistic bastage. Did I say Cutler?
  6. Woble Eth

    Moreno vs Shady

    This. I am pretty sure that Manning isn't going to force the ball unnecessarily to his RB just because he got into a ridiculous social media war of words with another NFL "adult".. These guys are idiots. Just shut up and play. As far as the three touchdowns, it was Jacksonville for Chrisssake.
  7. Woble Eth

    N.Y Giants RBs

    It is mind-boggling how a guy can fall from grace so quickly actually when looking at Hillis. The former Madden cover boy makes for an interesting flier in deeper leagues and I just might jump in and test the water. I question if Jacobs holds up (same could be said for Hillis tho), what the future holds for Wilson, and Cox? Meh. Maybe the time away did him some good.. As far as the cup of coffee in Tampa, did anyone expect him to usurp Martin? This could be a golden opportunity for him. Signed, Mrs. Hillis
  8. Rudolph has some nice matchups coming up with the prospect of a new QB who can get him the ball, or you would think.. Giants, Cowboys, Redskins, Packers twice coming up.. Miller is Ben's most reliable receiver and the schedule is decent as well... Cameron's blocking while helpful is not netting me points. Thoughts?
  9. Woble Eth

    Down the Stretch - Heath Miller or Kyle Rudolph...

    Seems like he's been more in a max-protect mode as of late.. I'm not one to be impatient, but I guess I am.. LOL
  10. Woble Eth

    Bob Costas at it again...

    Ah, a forum.. a prime time forum, to flap your yap. Didn't most Native Americans say (and I am unware of the official pole) they have no issues with the name? If so, can we get off the high horse of morality and move on? What is next?? Packers, 49ers, Steelers, Patriots, Texans, all in an uproar?! Where does the madness stop? I mean if the Aniak Halfbreeds in AK are proud of their team name.. http://juneauempire.com/stories/090605/spo_20050906001.shtml
  11. Woble Eth

    Lance Dunbar

    What have you done for me lately.. if Randle has a nice game against the Eagles, which is entirely (sigh) possible, they'll keep giving him the rock.
  12. Woble Eth

    League Trade Vetod

    Trades are all about perceived value and the common sense or lack thereof of both parties involved.. In many cases, one party has the lion's share of the sense. That said, haven't we all low-balled in regards to a trade? Did you hope the low ball offer was accepted?? OF COURSE. Why offer your tip-top deal out of the gate if you don't have to? Maybe, just maybe the one team is misinformed enough (I am not talking peddling injured players - if that is the case, both owners deserved to be slapped) or has blind loyalty to a certain player and a deal, albeit maybe tilted is accepted. Team management is a key aspect of the hobby, without question.. if one owner lacks knowledge or common sense, if is not the job of the commissioner to set them straight - why was only one team smart enough to propose a trade to this rube? Blood in the water, man.. Blood in the water.. and you get dancing bananas.
  13. Woble Eth

    Who to Pick up to Replace Julio

    Should have been drafted. He was suspended, not dead.
  14. Woble Eth

    Never bench your studs?

    Stop it.
  15. Woble Eth

    Bryce Brown...finally worth dropping?

    And add what? Brown's value is "meh" now, but most drafted him as 1) handcuff to McCoy 2) to dangle in front of the McCoy owner if and when McCoy gets hurt 3) his value spiking should #2 happen. I am skeptical that McCoy plays all season, with the workload and other factors. He goes down, and Brown is GOLD. That said, I have Brown and please drop him.. the moment you do, Brown will be a factor. Just sayin. Seriously he is worth keeping like Ben Tate due to his value should the main guy go down.. These guys have talent and are not just your prototypical backups. Both can and will make an impact if Foster or McCoy go down. Why run the risk of getting in line to try and re-obtain should that happen? Again, I ask what is the league-changer that you are adding in his place?
  16. Woble Eth

    Anyone Else Have An 0-5 Team They Think Can Still Win?

    if you are in a two division league, you are on life support but still have a chance. I am 1-4 in one league but the teams about me are all 2-3, so it's not that bleak. Yet. (rose colored glasses dancing banana)
  17. Woble Eth

    Who would you trade Calvin Johnson for?

    Not sure I would trade Forte and Cruz for that...
  18. Woble Eth

    Being held accountable...Some of you suck!

    Unfortunately it is an open forum. With that you'll get great information, solid opinions and info that you can use. Conversely, you'll get lousy opinions, folks who are just trying to justify their own opinions by spinning something a certain way, and comments that are ridiculous, ludicrous, preposterous (personally I like those the best).. You want the best information? Go with the local papers of each team. You get local reporters who spend valuable time with that particular team and are more in touch with the goings on of that organization than Joe Blow from FantasyBlahBlah.com You'll get decent injury information and other news you can use. The vast majority is opinion-based mumbo-jumbo. I mean hell, the idiots at CBS Fantasy basically give themselves a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card every week with their laughable "Full Disclosure" section.. They are admitting they are clowns with a faux-credible outlet to spiel their useless advice... 1) Draft Well. 2) Go With Your Gut 3) Don't Over Think. If you played your best players and lost, who will vilify you?? However start some "woulda-coulda" who some assclown told you would "blow up" and you lose.. feel the wrath of yourself.. and the fine folks here. LOL And go back to #1
  19. Play the wait and see. Did Calvin blow up last week? No. Sure he scored, but it wasn't a banner performance. Next week against the Packers will be a real test for Broyles as he should have a nice game. Pettigrew? Meh.
  20. Woble Eth

    Being held accountable...Some of you suck!

    Shame on you for not taking it all with a grain of salt. All of this. Opinions with a capital O. Quite honestly, Broyles was a hot pick and play on Rotoworld, ESPN, Yahoo etc. In theory it sounded good, slot receiver, decent speed, knows the system, passing offense, etc. In fact, Saint Silva at Rotoworld said the following about the aforementioned Broyles: "Patient Broyles owners are about to be rewarded, potentially in a major way. The Lions play high-volume passing offense, are getting efficient quarterback play, and Burleson is out until November with a fractured arm. Burleson quietly ranked 11th in the NFL in receptions through the first three weeks. Running high-percentage routes, Broyles will be a plug-and-play WR3 for the foreseeable future..." Did I start him?? Nah. It just didn't make sense. Too many variables, ACL, little game action - why in the world would anyone expect him to "blow up", whether it be Expert or Average Joe? However, the coaching staff, not giving a rats arse about fantasy football and if a player is "for real", they just gameplan to win. Who would have thought that Brandon Pettigrew would be the beneficiary of more targets and receptions in the absence of Nate Burleson? Not Rotoworld, not ESPN, and not yahoo. It's all subjective. To continue on Mr. Silva, "I don't necessarily see Pettigrew, Scheffler, or Fauria experiencing major leaps in production. Broyles will slide right into Burleson's role, and Detroit likely won't miss a beat. It can't help that Pettigrew and Scheffler have been ineffective real-life players..." Notice his use of the words "likely" "potentially" .. FF-speak for OPINIONS. All that said, the person setting the lineup is YOU. You can't run to the bank just because someone with and opinion and an outlet to make it visible (therefore justifying it as credible) said so. I will say, last week - did Calvin Johnson "blow up"?? If not for the TD, his 40 yard receiving performance would have been a monumental disappointment. So if he did "meh".. did anyone really think Broyles would light it up? Now this week against the Packers... Hmmmmm... But I digress. You like a guy, play him. He blows up - you are a genius. He stinks - don't blame Sam Smith on FFWhatever.com
  21. So I'll admit my RB's are a mess, but I have a lot of em... SJax, ChrJohnson, Quizz, Bell, Tate BryceBrown, McGahee But I only have three WR's on my roster... One gets hurt and I am in trouble.. Been trying to deal Ben Tate for a serviceable receiver to no avail.. On the wire, are the likes of: Ryan Broyles, Percy Harvin, Kendall Wright, Nate Washington, Kenbrell T, Greg Jennings are on the wire.. Tate could be valuable, BUT I have other needs and I can't unload him for an upgrade.. But if I just say hell with it and drop.... Cool to drop Tate and add at WR? Let someone else deal with the uncertainty.. ?
  22. Woble Eth

    David Wilson week 4

  23. Ok, Tate stays put! Awesome insight and advice, thanks everyone. Quizz may be the odd man out, and Broyles the smart add. As are these nifty voodoo dolls of Arian Foster and Lesean McCoy.. Seriously, thanks to everyone for taking a second to lend some advice. Have a great weekend.