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Posts posted by sbas2k

  1. I am in need of a backup wide receiver in my flex league. I currently have Wayne and Housh as my starters but a bunch of junk behind them. I have Heap and Zach Miller already (plus Ben Watson is available). Should I trade Gonzo for Dwayne Bowe? I personally think Bowe will improve when Cassel gets back, i'll help with yours.

  2. I need exactly the same thing, 6 points (60 yards or a touchdown) from Jennings or Olsen or both combined. I'm nervous though, you just never know with receivers what could happen, a big zero is not out of realm of possibility from Olsen especially.


    I had Peterson and Andre Johnson, Carolina defense which killed me. I was the odds on favorite to win...if I had played Scheffler or Heath Miller i'd be right there. But 6 points should be attainable, I hope it's in the 1st quarter....Good luck everyone.
