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Everything posted by Parja

  1. Parja

    Broncos RB Clusterf#ck

    ...and riding the pine by week 7.
  2. Parja

    Ray Edwards DL Vikings

    Ya gotta wonder if a prediction like this flags a guy for "random" drug testing. If one of the other young DEs has a great camp, Edwards might not even be a starter.
  3. Parja

    Any Goallineblitz players in here?

    Handsy Handerson, possession receiver, reporting for duty!
  4. Parja

    Who will it be this year....Eli? Adrian Peterson?

    Please not Adrian Peterson. Please not Adrian Peterson. Please not Adrian Peterson.
  5. Rodgers should be on the sideline/in the locker room nursing a sprained mangina well before halftime.
  6. Gonna be a boring first day for us Viking fans this year.
  7. Parja

    Brohm to the Vikings at 17?

    End of story.
  8. Parja

    Cutler Rips Marshall

    Yup, smashed the screen of a 19" TV with a claw hammer once. Took a fairly solid first swing into it and it bounced off...'bout blew my mind. You've gotta really give 'er to break a TV screen.
  9. Parja

    Leftwhich Left Out

    I think he'd be a decent fit in Minny. Even if he couldn't beat out Tarvaris for the starting job, he could at least have some value as a mentor for him.
  10. His team made it to the conference championship. 88% of the starting QBs in the league can't say that.
  11. Based on what I heard in the discussion on the radio yesterday, he doesn't seem to think much of him.
  12. Parja

    My Stab at the First Round

    And that's why it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see the Cowboys go all in to land McFadden.
  13. The problem with SalPal's analysis is that he really only looks at Favre's post-season stats. Homer from ESPN Milwaukee interviewed him on his show yesterday and Sal couldn't get past Favre's recent playoff statistics. He kept harping on how Favre hadn't won a SuperBowl in 11 years but totally ignored the fact that most QBs can't even manage to keep a starting job for 11 years, much less ever have a shot at a SuperBowl. Sure, his recent post-season stats weren't the best, but without Favre at the helm, the Packers wouldn't have even been in the post-season in the first place. Also, all of these comparisons to Starr need some adjustment. For one, Starr only played in 12 or 14 game seasons, so you need to factor up his stats to even start to make a comparison to today. And yes, the game was totally different back then and much less pass-centric than it is today, but if you look at the stats, but Starr passed a hell of a lot more than most guys. Also, look at Starr's post-season stats. The man was a post-season god.
  14. Parja

    So where does Joey Harrington land?

    Straight up brutal. Well played.
  15. Parja

    What to do with Brady Quinn?

    First and a 3rd for Brady Quinn? You're focking delusional.
  16. Parja

    Bye Bye Sean Salisbury.

  17. Parja

    Jacobs or Bradshaw next season ?

    That one was definitely all Bradshaw.
  18. Parja

    Jessica Simpson finally speaks...

    Translation to Jessica Simpsonese - A-hyuk! I put dis here smelly stuff on muh neck and Tony went'n acted like he dun drunk up all'a Granpappy's moonshine!
  19. I'm rooting for the Pats in this one. I just can't stand to see teams from New York win anything.
  20. Parja

    Betting Question

    You'll end up with less money if you do it the second way. In the first case, you wager $100 and win $360 for a total of $460. In the second case, you wager $50 twice, win $389 on one and lose the $50 you wagered on the other, for a total of $389.
  21. Parja

    Brady sporting a walking cast on right foot

    Huh, I actually agree with Pimptaddy on this one. The end of the world is nigh!
  22. Parja

    $uperBowl Betting Poll$ NE-12 U/O 54

    I'm definitely liking the Giants plus the points. In their last 5 games, the only team the Pats beat by more than 11 was Miami...and they should have lost to the Giants week 17. I think the conditions in Arizona play to the Pats strengths but not enough to cover at -12.
  23. Parja

    NFL Commentator Booth Dream Team

    If you're watching in HD and have 5.1 channel audio, just mute/disconnect your center channel. That way, you get all of the game audio (you can usually hear the PA at the game pretty clearly this way) and none of the commentator audio.
  24. Parja

    Fox gaying up the Super Bowl

    Man would that look sweet in high def.