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Everything posted by cmh6476

  1. cmh6476

    Playoff Fraft and Stuff Round 1234567 & 8

    what? Go ahead and make your final selection
  2. cmh6476

    League Discussion

    we'll let him make the last pick. he got the first and last, you got the rest of em
  3. cmh6476

    Playoff Fraft and Stuff Round 1234567 & 8

    Josh Brown, Seattle
  4. cmh6476


    you could go ahead and pick a RB too, no one else needs one
  5. cmh6476

    League Discussion

    also why did you take tatum bell over rueben droughns?
  6. cmh6476

    League Discussion

    i've got three decent receivers
  7. cmh6476

    League Discussion

  8. cmh6476

    Playoff Fraft and Stuff Round 1234567 & 8

    San Diego Super Chargers
  9. cmh6476

    Playoff Fraft and Stuff Round 1234567 & 8

    proxy for edjr: Nate Burleson
  10. cmh6476

    Playoff Fraft and Stuff Round 1234567 & 8

    proxy for edjr: Daniel Graham (WR) New England Patriots
  11. cmh6476

    League Discussion

    no, but I have a proxy from edjr I'm gettin ready to post (Daniel Graham), so you can go ahead and make your picks
  12. cmh6476

    Playoff Fraft and Stuff Round 1234567 & 8

    since everyone ahead of me already has a QB, I'll go ahead and make my pick to keep this rolling. (gettin ready to take off) 6.4or5 Daunte Culpepper (QB) Minnesota Vikings
  13. cmh6476


    no prob, i'm getting ready to leave for the day too.
  14. cmh6476

    Yo Emoney!

  15. cmh6476

    Yo Emoney!

    they're lettin us off early cause they say it's crapass outside. if you and jackal and cgod hurry up and pick, I can make one more selection before I take off
  16. cmh6476

    League Discussion

    i like how edjr is picking pats right before drob, when drob isnt even making the selections
  17. cmh6476

    League Discussion

    i wish my team had more chiefs
  18. cmh6476

    Playoff Fraft and Stuff Round 1234567 & 8

    4.5 rod smith denver donkos
  19. cmh6476

    I'm gonna do this in an excel spreadsheet

    our spreadsheet is the kick-ass fellas
  20. cmh6476

    Yo Emoney!

    why is it i see emoney's name at the bottom when he's up, then all of a sudden poof, he's gone?
  21. cmh6476

    tough pick, huh shovel?

    so did we take your pick? Everyone lives another day! I was wonderin how long it was gonna take for someone to pick the bus. Shovel and I already had two RBs, so you had no worries there
  22. cmh6476

    I won't be able to pick until at least noon

    looks like we're about done until lunch or whatever
  23. cmh6476

    Playoff Fraft and Stuff Round 1234567 & 8

    3.whatever Randy Moss