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cmh6476 last won the day on April 27 2021

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812 Excellent

About cmh6476

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 11/12/1978

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  • Location
    St. Joe MO
  • Interests
    Chiefs, Royals, Jayhawks...

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  1. cmh6476

    MLB 2024

    Royals have eclipsed last years win total
  2. cmh6476

    2024 MLB Trade Deadline Talk

    And they didn't seem to give up much
  3. cmh6476

    2024 MLB Trade Deadline Talk

  4. cmh6476

    Greetings from Hot Springs!

    Your mom does
  5. cmh6476

    Greetings from Hot Springs!

    Came here on your suggestion and the menu gave some history about the owner and two locations. I really liked the gumbo.
  6. cmh6476

    Ever Been Busted Having Da Sex In Public Or By Family

    When I was in HS I was banging my girlfriend and my mom walked in as she was doing my laundry. She sat it on the chair and left and we kept fockin
  7. cmh6476

    Ever Been Busted Having Da Sex In Public Or By Family

    Yes son, don't you remember walking in on me and your mom?
  8. cmh6476

    Greetings from Hot Springs!

    Got my first facial
  9. cmh6476

    Greetings from Hot Springs!

    This has been a rather nice getaway. Had one of the best meals I ever ate yesterday in little rock at a place called cypress social. Hot Springs is fascinating. Going to a bath house today to see if it can cleanse my body of all it's impurities. Wish it luck.
  10. cmh6476

    Think there's a finite number of spirits?

    Do you in guys not think you might not have existed in a different circumstance in the past?
  11. cmh6476

    Think there's a finite number of spirits?

    I've lived through enough death of family, at a young age, essentially. I fully believe people who pass aren't just gone. I don't necessarily know what the next phase of life is, but I'm certain it's not just nonexistence.
  12. cmh6476

    Think there's a finite number of spirits?

    You know what I mean. But I'm glad there's not an infinite amount of alcohol spirit experimentation.
  13. cmh6476

    Greetings from Hot Springs!

    It's on the list, especially after visiting the mobster museum. Bath and massage on the list for tomorrow and probably end up there tomorrow for live music later. I've really enjoyed this trip.
  14. And we just regurgitate into different celestial beings in different eras? Or do you think we just continue to populate new spirits by banging sh1t out?
  15. cmh6476

    Greetings from Scotland!

    sounds like you'll be set for awhile