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Everything posted by CookieG

  1. CookieG

    Week 12 Defenses

    Some good suggestions guys. Just added CAR in my 14 teamer, though it feels weird popping them in there for SF. The Niners can bludgeon a bad offense, but they're pretty pedestrian versus a productive one for fantasy.. and Brees gets rid of the ball pretty quickly. I preferred the Rams but they got snagged already. Currently holding onto the CIN D v. OAK so far in my other league. I can pop in ARI again, but i'm that their woeful QB sitch may trickle down and screw up their DST's bottom line. They did go interception berserko on Matty Ice last week.. Hmmmmmm.. It's not like the Bungles are going to shut down Palmer & Co. Actually CAR is available in this one too. Got some decisions I have to make..
  2. CookieG

    Next Year's Demaryius Thomas...

    I like this call. Reggie.. God bless him is getting long in the tooth.. and Avery is always hurt. This kid is explosive.. wait until he really learns his craft. His young QB ain't so bad either. I also really like D. Richardson. Fisher knows how to get a running game going, SJax will be gone.. and this dude looks electric to me.
  3. CookieG

    Detroit suspends Titus Young for Week 12

    I have to decide what to do with this nimrod as well. Tempted to purge him along with Celek this week.. just to deodorize off some stink he puts on my roster. We have to start 3 WRs every week in the league where i have him.. so he was a depth grab to begin with. Think I played him once over the bye weeks. I also may grab someone like T.Y. Hilton.. someone who doesn't p*ss off his QB, coach(es), whole city, etc.
  4. CookieG

    Should this be allowed?

    Isn't the whole point of a keeper league to make it more like real sports? The NFL's strange salary cap rules make it a lot trickier to make trades like this.. but in baseball, it happens every second half. Sorry man.. IMO, there's not only nothing wrong with the deal.. it should be expected in a league set up like yours. Guy's even taking a chance and the loss of that pick may bite him in the future. Cheer up.. it's not like he got Brees for a 6th rounder.
  5. CookieG

    Marcel Reece

    Big lug is my focking hero tonight. Helped me flip a team that pounded me with RG3 and Andre Johnson.. while much of my team soiled itself. Bummed for when he may turn back into a pumpkin.. but man has he already paid for himself many times over. God bless the car wreck Raiders.
  6. CookieG

    Aaron Rodgers sucks

    Jennings absence hurts the way the team's passing game functions as a whole. They do lack the deep outs, a great HR threat and he and AR were like PBJ for years. That said.. overall, they're still making it work with Cobb & Co. And the main issue is AR's protection. They iron that out a bit.. he should be locked and loaded through all the important FF weeks coming our way. Homeboy has been sacked more than any other QB in the league.. so here's hoping he stays healthy of course.
  7. CookieG

    If only I'd started ________ instead of ________ !

    Indoor Lance Moore (outdoors) over Steve "OPI" Smith
  8. CookieG

    Who do I bench for Reese?

    I like Decker more than Amendola. Jets will throw Cromartie on him (who's actually been very good lately) and at least.. try to take Danny Boy out of the plan a bit. He'll get his.. but I think Decker bounces back in a nice way today. Reece offers pretty guaranteed touches though. So play Decker, sit Danny, Flex in Reece.
  9. CookieG

    Doug Martin trade

    I'd hold on Martin in a keeper. Could be a RB1 for 3-4 years to come. Maybe a bit longer. He seems like Ray Rice Jr. to me.
  10. CookieG

    just traded away luck, leshoure and welker for

    I like it. Always wise to have a couple of stud RBs come playoff time and Welker's been inconsistent.
  11. CookieG

    Suspicious trade...commissioner involved

    Do we give it the old FF Today main board rubber stamp "Totally sucks, but have to let it go through" bit again? As long as no one's got wiretaps and video of nasty, cheating owners colluding? I just don't agree with watching one like this go by either. Especially not when it goes from a 3-7 to a 5-5 team. Guy is essentially getting the #2 WR in all of FF and the #1a TE. Clearly pulling studs off of a sinking ship. I'd tell him "thanks for playing, but maybe if you tried to snag the #4 players at each position for spare parts.. it may have gotten through". Anyone here that tells you that this trade would be cool in their league is full of sh*t. Period.
  12. CookieG

    FF Etiquette: Bye Week Players

    Hey now.. Engrish may not be this dude's first language. I was rather impressed with his use and proper spelling of the word Etiquette in his subject line.
  13. CookieG

    Week 11 Bold Predictions

    Jermichael Finley has 3 catches and no drops.
  14. CookieG

    ced benson returns when?

    He'd return Week 14 as per a best case scenario. Keep monitoring his progress and possibly stash him Week 13 or even earlier if you have the need and room on your bench. That said, a Lisfranc sprain is obviously no joke. There is a very real chance that he either can't return as anything even useful for GB in NFL playoffs, let alone useful to any of us FF folks by Weeks 15-16 if your in your playoffs. On that team, in that offense, he'd be no more than a bit of desperation RB3/Flex use anyway. A decent flier for depth add late if you have the room. Not much more I think.
  15. CookieG

    Leagues that don't vote on trades.

    There are other advantages to having a committee. You can groom a replacement commish from it, someone or the committee as a whole can deal with something if the commish is unavailable, out of town, etc. The commish doesn't have to bear the brunt of decisions alone, committee can rule or decide on things that the commish is directly involved with as an owner. Zero downside to it IMO.
  16. CookieG

    Best sleeper pick predictions ive ever seen

    15-2 maybe.. Gabbert & Sanchez are el stinkeroo. But otherwise, pretty impressive.
  17. CookieG

    Sigh...accusation of collusion in the league

    I'd be a little bent were I in there league.. but you can't really legislate stupid, or over cautious, etc. in FF. Look at it this way.. Brother #1 should really be shopping McGahee and players like AJ or Wallace for a better WR. He very well may wind up screwing himself in the long run. I think the fact that they're related makes it smell a little more than it normally would.. and of course, that it doesn't appear to do anything to add pop to his starting roster. The "helps me decide who to start" thing is not exactly a benefit, is it? I'd be unthrilled if I were in their league, but if this guy looks like a shoo-in for a #1 or #2 seed and he can have Romo instead of someone like Tannehill at backup QB, you can't exactly fault his logic. Romo does have a nice late schedule and Willis has been fumbling lately. Agree with you Riceman: irritating for the league (and the brothers may feel the wrath a bit in seasons to come), but IMO, you can't knock this trade down.
  18. CookieG

    Leagues that don't vote on trades.

    Best way IMO is to not only have a commish in place.. but an "executive committee" of 3-4 other trusted owners. That way, any tricker deals or league controversies can be discussed, ruled upon with more fairness and interpreted by more than one set of eyes. Keeps the league out of 99% of the trouble that arises from both a league vote "peanut gallery" thing or the "Il Duce" setup with only one guy at the top.
  19. CookieG

    Kansas City Chiefs at Pittsburgh Steelers

    Probably went home for the video equipment so they can resume cruising for threesomes. He still has one good arm anyway.
  20. CookieG

    Kansas City Chiefs at Pittsburgh Steelers

    Beyond brutal. I'd be happy if you got that much more cuz. I'm catching up on Dexters, Sons, Homelands and all other manner of Sandy induced TV interuptus. Not looking like the big man is coming back out eh?
  21. CookieG

    Kansas City Chiefs at Pittsburgh Steelers

    Had a lead that i was sure was going to be swallowed up by Turdlisburglar and the PIT D.. I can't believe the way this is playing out. Any given Monday baby
  22. CookieG


    I would say that in about 80% of veto instances, there really needs to be some semblance of collusion or shadiness afoot. There are times when trades fall into categories of either being too late in the season, where one team is mathematically eliminated, and a contender would gain a huge personnel boost In these cases, where i'm comfortable with some review and analysis and depending on the particulars. If there is even a glimmer of a chance that both teams can advance to the postseason, it would make a veto that much more difficult to sign off on. What I like to see in the leagues i'm in, is some type of committee that stands in place to adjudicate league rules and review trades as they happen. The committee should ideally rotate league members to be inclusive and to insure partiality.. but sometimes certain owners are just sage, experienced, "been around the block" types and have a good head for the job. What's gained by this, is it mitigates any emotional, knee-jerk rejection of what should be a great and fun thing in all fantasy sports.. trades. The committees should ideally be of an odd number, so that no ties take place.. but that's not always possible, if one or both committee members are one of the trading partners. Having a judging body like this, IMO, eliminates 98% of all the BS that can arise with any league controversies. Trades can be ratified just by the commish in leagues with a committee in place, if it's a typically simple, no brainer deal. An example this year, is we had a couple of owners swap Aaron Rodgers for Payton Manning several weeks ago. There was a bit of an outcry and b*tch-fest after the committee let this one go through (i'm on the committee in this league). It was before Payton really started to look good and everyone attached so much cache to Rodger's lofty, stud status. But in the end, their stats were quite even.. it was really a QB1 for a QB1 and it went through unanimously. I personally thought the Rodgers guy got more stability and upside out of the deal, but there was no way in clear conscience, any of us could say it was a bogus trade. Last thing: you need to have some "vision" when looking at FF deals. Most of the time, it's need based. e.g. A team that's a win or two under .500 around this time of year, may get leveraged a bit or have an immediate need for wins, whereby they seem to give up the fatter end of the value. I'm also in a Yahoo run league this year, it is a money league, but low stakes. The setting is that if 4/12 teams reject a deal, it gets shot down. Bit of a peanut gallery thing and it makes me uncomfortable. The one big deal that went through this year, contained a lot of big names, but it was pretty even and it went through with out much drama. Albeit, after the dopey 48 hour plus, Yahoo waiting period. In the case of your deal, Wayne for RG3: No one with any sense would think there's anything wrong with that one. Especially at this stage of the season and RG3's star diminished a good bit. Especially with needs on both sides like you've described. Sorry, but that lame veto screams "join a better league" to me. Good luck going forward.. I hope you whip some azz now!
  23. His specialty was sniffing out early scoops on injuries. Before guys like Schefter, Glazer, twitter feeds, etc. I alays though his news was right on the money.
  24. Moose was the man. And yes, the site would lock up every Sunday afternoon.. and yeah, in my one Yahoo based league, i got locked out when i wanted to make a last second swap and am paying for it.
  25. CookieG

    Rudolph explosion today?

    Anything can happen when these two mediocre, Black n' Blue teams hook up on the fast track. I do think purple and Hawaiian blue combine for a lighter purple.. but if it comes at poopy colored, i wouldn't be surprised. Big test day for Ponder anyway. Even without Harvin.. if he can't throw on the Cats today.. he has truly hit the big sucktastic.