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Everything posted by YoMan

  1. YoMan

    pistons put dagger in bulls heart

    Hey swamp mutt you'd better check that dagger.
  2. City or Suburbs? My wife paid $3.49 yesterday in the burbs.
  3. I really liked it and found it thoroughly entertaining.
  4. YoMan

    How many Geeks joined the Sanctuary

    I didn't apply because in the immortal words of Marty McFly "I just couldn't handle that type of rejection." As I mentioned in the other thread, I applied several months ago out of curiosity and never heard back. Besides, I doubt any of the sanctuary members would know who I am anyways because I did not post here when the split occurred many moons ago.
  5. YoMan

    pistons put dagger in bulls heart

    I know but I wanted to bring him back down to earth because we are talking about NBA basketball
  6. YoMan

    pistons put dagger in bulls heart

    I am not an NBA fan so I could care less but if you need somebody to rag on from Chicago I will volunteer myself. I have only been to about a 1/2 dozen games or so since Jordan retired. I actually have seen > 10 minutes of playoff basketball this year and never caught Bull's fever. If you want to talk about a real sport than lets begin by talking about the great job Matt Millen is doing as GM.
  7. I thought you were referring to the new method that they are trying to teach in schools to replace the failed abstinence movement. The thought is that humping legs lowers the risk of getting VDs and becoming pregnant. I think that depends on how nice your boobies are.
  8. I think you have way too much time on your hands.
  9. Thanks for answering my question. If it's invite only how do you get new members? Do many of the members still post at FFT so you know who the so-called "acceptable posters" are who are worthy of membership in the sanctuary? Also what do you mean by political leg-humpers?
  10. Can somebody please tell me exactly what the sanctuary is? Is it a fantasy football site? Is it like the geek club? I have read bits and pieces here and there about the site but it all has seemed a little cryptic. I actually tried to sign up for a membership because I was curious . I didn''t realize it is an "exclusive" club and they don't want my kind.
  11. YoMan

    At work today, I was thinking about this

    That is a bunch of BS when it comes to the poor. I am against the death penalty until they come up with a better system that will provide better for them. Every person should be entitled to something between what a rich person like OJ was able to buy and what the state appointed attorneys provide. I have read about some of the state appointed attorneys in Texas who have defended some of the criminals on death row since been disbarred. Until the system is improved I am for doing away with the death penalty.
  12. YoMan

    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

    Breaking KSM was the second shooter on the grassy knoll
  13. YoMan

    London calling to the faraway towns

    Take one hour and do your thaanng! Cheeeeseboyger! To one of my favorite groups in high school/college.
  14. YoMan

    who likes choclate cake?

    Budget? Interests besides Dora (ie music, arts & crafts, etc)? There are a million things you can get for little girls and some of the suggestions above are really good. My daughter loved her leap pad at that time and we bought her a Dora cartridge for it. As for books, the Angelina Ballerina series, My little Pony, The Frances series books, Madeline, etc are great for little girls. There are also really cool arts and craft projects that you can buy from Toys R Us, etc. There are make your own necklaces kits and cool painting kits.
  15. YoMan

    They've found Jeebus' bones

    Lloyd: Hit me with it! I've come a long way to see you, Mary. The least you can do is level with me. What are my chances? Mary: Not good. Lloyd: You mean, not good like one out of a hundred? Mary: I'd say more like one out of a million. Lloyd: So you're telling me there's a chance.
  16. YoMan

    Guess what I got in the mail

    So did you purchase the Viagra?
  17. YoMan

    Federer > Woods

    If Roger wins the French he will be considered the greatest tennis player of all time. That being said, you can't really easily compare eras in tennis because the rackets have evolved so much over the years. The same is true about golf. I plan to sit back and enjoy watching Tiger and Roger continue their amazing careers before making any final judgments as to who is/was more dominant in their sport. Even though I feel like I have been defending Woods I am actually a tennis player and love Federer.
  18. YoMan

    Federer > Woods

    As I said before, I have never seen anyone dominate golf like Tiger has. If Federer keeps playing at this level the same will be said about him.
  19. YoMan

    Federer > Woods

    Jr. are you a tennis player?
  20. YoMan

    Federer > Woods

    I am not trying to take anything away from Federer because he is awesome! When all is said and done Federer might go down as the best tennis player in history but that has yet to be seen. Name me any other golfer besides Jack Nicklaus that has been as successful as Tiger. Tiger would already be the greatest or second greatest golfer of all time if he retired today.
  21. YoMan

    Moose banned me from his site

    If you are trying to be funny with some of your comments you will find that sarcasm does not come across well on message boardsl. Also, what you and your friends find funny others might find offensive. Click on the link to learn of the origins of that saying. I understand why it can be misconstrued as racist and, in this politically correct world, people should probably look for an alternative just to be safe. http://www.randomhouse.com/wotd/index.pperl?date=19970115
  22. YoMan

    Federer > Woods

    There have been many dominant tennis players throughout the years but what Tiger has done has been pretty much unequaled throughout the history of golf.
  23. YoMan

    Moose banned me from his site

    Doesn't Moose post over there too?
  24. YoMan

    Moose banned me from his site

    Were you really banned from the site and or just suspended? If so, what was the reason?
  25. YoMan

    Eddie Murphy: RAW

    I think that was from Eddie Murphy Delirious