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Everything posted by spydergs1

  1. spydergs1

    RB Help for Championship Game!

    I have to start two running backs out of Addai/Rhodes D Williams J Lewis Sammy Morris I am leaning towards Williams and Morris.
  2. spydergs1

    Brady Quinn, Shaun Hill, or Favre

    I'd go with Quinn. He has the best matchup. Tennessee is tough and you can't predict what the Nner's offense is going to do from one week to the next.
  3. spydergs1

    Which Two RBs to Start

    I am trying to decide on which two running backs to start between J. Lewis, D. Williams, or Addai. Please Help!!!!
  4. spydergs1

    Start Brees or Cutler

    Who should I start Brees vs Oakland or Cutler vs Jacksonville I am leaning towards Cutler cause of the receiver situation for the Saints.
  5. spydergs1

    Ryan Grant vs DeSean Jackson

    I take the trade. You can take the chance. Plus now that Rudi is the starter he gives you that much more cushion to take a chance on Grant. Your WRs are plenty stacked.
  6. spydergs1

    Trade help

    If your going to take either trade I would take the first one. The second trade you are giving up way to much.
  7. spydergs1

    Who to start: Cutler or Brees?

    Who should I start: Cutler vs Tampa Bay Or Brees vs Minnesota
  8. spydergs1

    Trade Cutler for Edge James. Good or bad trade?

    QB McNabb, Cutler (Start 1) RB Addai, Maroney, J Stewart, Chester Taylor (Start 2) (1 Flex WR/RB) WR Wayne, Boldin, Galloway, Bryant Johnson, Coles (Start 2) TE Cooley K Dawson D/ST Cowboys, Bucs 6 pts TD, 1 pt 30 yards pass, 1 pt 10 yds run/receive
  9. Is this a good trade with my starting QB being McNabb. I know he is injury prone so that is why I am hesitant. If you need help post a link.
  10. spydergs1

    Trade Advice

    With the Marion Barber instead of Addia I would probably do the trade. I think you will come out on top with Harrison cause the other two are probably a wash.
  11. spydergs1

    Derek Anderson trade involving Hines/LenDale

    You are giving up a lot for some question marks. I think Anderson is a mirage and Roddy White goes as that terrible Falcons team goes.
  12. spydergs1

    Too many average WR's help pick two pls!

    I would go with Chambers and Welker cause Indy is going to try and stop Moss and Stallworth leaving Welker open.
  13. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. If you need help I would be glad to, please leave a link.
  14. spydergs1

    Should I trade Tom Brady for Romo and Reggie Bush?

    I have Rudi Johnson, Larry Johnson and Selvin Young.
  15. spydergs1

    Pick up DeAngelo Williams?

    I am planning on picking up DeAngelo in a 10 man league. Who should I drop? Tatum Bell R. Droughns L. Coles or D. Stallworth If you need help leave link. Thanks.
  16. spydergs1

    Pick up DWills, who to drop?

    I am planning on picking up DWills in a 10 man league. Who should I drop? Tatum Bell R. Droughns L. Coles or D. Stallworth If you need help leave link. Thanks.