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About McRones

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    FF Rookie
  1. McRones

    Make the trade?

    I've been offered Steven Jackson and Berrian for Randy Moss and Marion Barber. Is it worth it? Standard scoring. My Team: QB McNabb, Garrard, Bulger RB Barber, Ryan Grant Moreno, Jamal Lewis WR Randy Moss, Andre Johnson, DeSean Jackson, Cotchery, Burleson TE Olsen, Cooley D Ravens, Panthers K Kaeding, Brown
  2. McRones

    M. Harrison for R. Moss

    Moss should continue to have the better year than Harrison. Going into the playoffs, you have to figure the Pats will still be trying to prove a point to the league and continue playing - especially if they are still undefeated late.
  3. McRones

    roy williams trade

    I was offered Earnest Graham and Shaun Mcdonald for Roy Williams. I thought I could get more for williams and countered with Williams for Larry Johnson. Didn't think I'd get this... and I didn't. Next offer was Thomas Jones for Williams. My RB situation is bleak - Fred Taylor, Maroney, Morencey and Musa Smith. WRs are Williams, Berrian, Bowe, Roddy White, Reggie Brown, Bruce, James Jones. I still think I could get more for Williams, but this guy is probably my only real taker. What would be a good move or counter offer?
  4. McRones

    Drop Graham Pick up Norwood

    Looking for some better value at RB My current RBs are Steven Jackson, White, Ronnie Brown and Graham. Norwoods available on the WW. He should be a better option than Graham in the long run right?
  5. I'd do it also. McGahee is starting to get more comfortable in Bal, Plaxico will definitely miss games in the future, and Romo is a huge upgrade at QB. You may try to squeeze a better wr option, but do the deal either way.
  6. McRones

    Maroney for Big Ben?

    I guess I'm really wondering if Maroney is worth holding onto even if he gets healthy. With Brady spreading the ball around so much and Morris probably going to continue to get the ball at the goal line. Could it be a good time to cut bait on Maroney if someone's interested?
  7. McRones

    Best WR free agent pick-up?

    I think Jennings it the pick. He probably has more TD upside than the others and is the 2nd option with Farve throwing. I don't like White as much with their QB sitution. Crayton would be my second choice - getting more consistent looks, but still a third option.
  8. McRones

    Maroney for Big Ben?

    I was offered Big Ben for Maroney and one of my WRs. Is this a descent deal considering my problems at QB?
  9. McRones

    Just Finished a Trade Opinions please

    Good move to improve at WR. You could always pick up a better Defense off the WW
  10. McRones

    Who to get at QB......

    I like Warner for the short term - but teams are going to blitz him a lot more now that they're preparing for him the entire game. Long term Manning may be the pick otherwise. Campbell next - I just don't trust Gibbs play calling Carr doesn't look good. Huards hurt and Croyle will eventually take over.
  11. McRones

    Which Combination Gives Me 2 TDs?

    I like Witten and Crayton - the RB situation is always up in the air, if TO and Witten are doubled Crayton could see a lot of action.
  12. McRones

    trade for McNabb?

    With Delhomme out for the year I'm left with Griese and Carr. Is it worth trading Gates, Griese or Carr and a WR for McNabb, Shockey, and Marion Barber? The only QBs left on WW are Garcia, Culpepper, Warner
  13. McRones

    QB trouble

    Have Delhomme, Carr and Griese WRs Roy Williams, Berrian, roddy White, dwayne Bowe, Brandon Jones Was offerred trade of Derek anderson for Roy williams. I Just can't see making the trade for anderson even though I'm struggling at QB. Am I right? What about Giving up Berrian for Brees?