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Posts posted by Justy2

  1. You drafted the wrong one. Norwood seems to be the man and with Dunn out for a few more weeks certainly does not bode well for Dunn. :doublethumbsup:


    Yeah I knew that, unfortunately Norwood was already taken. I just traded a bench warmer for a bench warmer. Eh, evens up I guess.

  2. If you put all the other baseball players during his same career and time period on steroids, Bonds would still be home run king. And if Mark McGuire was chasing Aaron, I really don't think there would be this same outcry. The media has always hated Bonds.


    This has nothing to do with race. A roid head is roid head. McGuire is just as much as a joke.

  3. Considering almost the entire 70's steelers used steroids, and probably 90% of current NFL players cheat, and since i dont really care about baseball, it really doesnt bother me who uses roids or not.

    Go bonds!


    Thing is, this is baseball and not football. I understand that this is a football forum, but we're all sports fans in general. The drug testing rules in baseball changed to be somewhat more professional. Bonds admitted using the crap in a way that said he wasn't at fault. Personally I say its BS. He knew damn well what he was doing. Bonds was a damn good player until he screwed himself up. He doesn't deserve the title. Bud Selig is a weak willed, freakin' pansy. I don't care about what players did in the past. I know there was abuse. Baseball needs to come clean and exorcise their past. This isn't going to do it. I guess that I am more angry at Selig than I am at Bonds. Bonds is a self-centered POS that doesn't care about the game. Selig is a damn disgrace of a commissioner. Baseball needs another Judge Kennisaw Mountain Landis.

  4. With the Atlanta QB situation up in the air is there a greater focus on the running game now? I grabbed Warrick Dunn off of waivers dumping some crappy Oak WR that picked for some stupid reason. I am gambling that Atlanta has to focus on the RBs. Are teams just going to stack the box against them? I have Warrick on my bench. Larry Johnson and Travis Henry are my starters so I'm not worried. I'm just wondering how my Warrick Dunn lottery ticket is going to play out.

  5. I see no reason why Russel would be worth $30 million...


    JaMarcus does. That's why he hasn't signed yet.


    I only threw out two number ones as a raw number. Don't attach any significance to that.


    Atlanta is looking more and more like they have no QB. So my question ultimately is if Oakland just can't come to terms with Russel does Atlanta try to make a play for him. If Vick goes to jail their season is in the toilet. Putting JaMarcus on the field is the same as Harrington with more of a future upside.


    What do you do if you are Atlanta?

  6. I'm just thinking out loud here. Let's say Atlanta can rip up Vick's contract. Atlanta agrees to give Russel the 30 Million deal. Oakland recieves draft pick compensation say Atlanta's next two number ones. Oakland decides to play the year out with Culpepper and more than likely draft high again on their own accord next year. I think that JaMarcus can be seen as a saving angel coming to Atlanta after the Vick fiasco. Oakland management can turn a draft fiasco and a needless signing into the illusion of wheeling and dealing.


    Would Atlanta have the cap room? I don't know. Does Atlanta really want Joey Harrington snapping the ball on day 1? I know the answer to this question. Any thoughts?

  7. 1. They're gonna give me money?... check.


    2. Incompetent coaching staff who I can dazzle with ma skills?... check.


    3. Am I the biggest fish in the smallest pond?... check.


    4. Bad ownership who'll sign a has been over a draft pick?... check.


    5. I get to throw to Jerry Porter in triple coverage?... check.


    6. Are they desperate enough?... check.


    7. Am I desperate enough?... check


    8. Personal parking space?... check


    He's all set. Raiders are going to the Super Bowl.

  8. I was listening to WEEI and BBs interview on Friday. Basically Stallworth is day to day with an unspecified injury. Nobody was really concerned and it wasn't a newsworthy event. If this drags on through training camp into the preseason, then it could be a concern. Until then I'm not worried.


    The big factor is that Randy Moss is in camp and is saying all the right things.

  9. Dogs are ticking time bombs that will turn on it's owner. What about the people who drop dead in their houses, and by the time police find them, the dog has eaten away at the owner. No open casket funeral for that person's loved ones. Dogs should be illegal pets, like alligators, tigers, etc.


    Would we be as outraged if Vick was involved with c0ck fighting? And believe me, dogs kill a hell of a lot more people every year than chickens.


    You may have your personal views about dogs. Maybe a dog bit you when you were a kid or something. That's fine. I won't change your opinion, but I know reality. Humans kill more humans every year than dogs do.


    As for ###### fighting, I think that is idiotic as well. Neither, nor anything like it, have any place in civilized human society.

  10. Pit Bulls are an extreme case of which everyone is fully aware. We're not talking about Coy-dogs either.


    Your typical domesticated breed is not a ticking time-bomb, unless abuse is present or the dog was trained to act that way. Dogs were domesticated over 15,000 years ago, right around Brett Favre's rookie year (and quite possibly 100,000 years ago). That's a long time to breed desired traits and weed out undesirable traits. Your average house cat is more likely to flip out than a dog. Cats were domesticated much later than dogs.


    So these captured dogs were forced to fight each other. They were turned from humane creatures into killers AGAINST their natural inclinations. If Vick is convicted of this then he is a complete scumbag. I'm talking one moral argument here. I'm debating Iraq or any other crap going on in the world. This action is against accepted civilized standards.


    Boxing has rules. Hunting is regulated. Even freaking wars have rules of engagement. What Vick and Company did was pure cruelty for their barbaric entertainment. Back in the days of Rome, sure, this was acceptable behavior along with public flogging and torture. Having lions kill prisoners and gladitorial bloodsports was okay. Until, the people of the day started thinking that public morality should not involve cruelty, bloodsport and death. The Coliseums which once hosted these events were ordered to stop those public spectacles.


    All this junk is fine in the movies or in games because we understand that it is not real. But, if you want to claim that it is culturally acceptable for these events to occur then you need to look yourself in the mirror and ask what kind of a person you are.


    I am in no way a PETA freak either. Those dogs never deserved to be participants in a cruel, bloody spectacle. Vick is scum.

  11. I'm not good at giving numbers so I won't. However I do see Moss as a big question mark. If Moss adapts to the Pats and BB then he will be solid. I think that he will be solid, personally because I think that Moss just gets bored on inferior teams, like the Raiders. In the Pats Moss is joining a team that is professionally managed. He'll be given plenty of shots.


    For Donald Driver, it really depends on Favre. Is Favre going to be a geritol superhero going out in a blaze of glory or will the Pack suck because of an intransigent old-fart cripple living in the past.


    Honestly, I think that Plexico is the safe bet. Eli Manning is maturing and Plex does have decent skills. If the two connect then Plex could be solid.


    Safe Bets

    1.) Burress

    2.) Driver

    3.) Moss


    Higher Potential

    1.) Moss

    2.) Driver

    3.) Burress

  12. The Falcons are toast until the team realizes that the present QB1 wasn't the sole reason for their success. Yes that QB1 probably won a few games for them solely on talent. However, any decent QB1 will give that to a team. Falcons go .500 and miss the playoffs. Falcons need to get this impediment out of their team psyche.

  13. Why are we acting like the dogs were some kind of innocent victims? Dogs are dangerous, evil semi-domesticated wolves. They'll kill you if they get a chance.


    Does this look threatening?


    Umm... no, no they wouldn't. Now step away from the computer before the orderlies realize your off your meds.


    Like any other animal it depends on how you approach the animal and the circumstances surrounding the approach. A human is just as likely to kill as a dog given the right circumstances.
