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Posts posted by mobb_deep

  1. Given that you obviously did a cut-and-paste, do you want to provide your source? My guess is that they mixed up Iraq and Iran.

    They're claiming Obama gave Iran 150 bil, by releasing previously frozen funds as part of the Iran nuclear deal. Aka, he gave them 150 bil by lifting sanctions.

  2. :huh:


    Will there be a way to see somewhat important things like what players each team started and the score? Or will we just let each other know how our own teams did come Tuesday? :music_guitarred:

    No idea man. Open a support ticket if you want.


    ETA: Looks like it's fixed now. :shrug:

    • Like 1

  3. While I cant get on board with YouTube et al haphazardly banning conservatives for quote/unquote hate speech, I do get a laugh out of the free marketeers now whining that a corporation isnt treating their side fairly. :thumbsup:

    It's really weird how they're not able to reconcile the two... Ok not to serve to gays. Not ok to refuse to serve whoever this Gavin guy is. Both are totally fine with me. Don't make gay cakes. Fock if I care.

  4. It's the free market? So you are telling me there is a larger market for Queer Kid Stuff than the massive following Gavin had? Also the free market is the price of goods and services and how unrestricted that market is not who you let or don't let use your service or product. What YT is doing is an agenda.

    I'm telling you it doesn't matter, because they can do whatever the fock they want. It's their company. You, me, the pope can go somewhere else if we don't like their product or agree with their practices.


    I'm sure you've seen the signs "we have the right to refuse service to anyone"? This is no different.

  5. Surprised you are okay with this. YouTube has grown to such a size it is kind of an impossible task to just "create another one" and you know that.

    That's not really a valid reason to be against it though. They can do whatever they want with their platform. Serve whatever customer base they think brings them the most revenue.


    If people are ok with a bakery not baking cakes for jomos, I don't see why they would have a problem with this?

  6. It's a fair assessment. But I only have 1 team, so along with trying to be good. I also try to have guys I like. Right or wrong, I usually end up using the dirtbag theory as a tie breaker for same tiered players.

    It's why I have guys like DeAndre Hopkins and Mike Thomas instead of OBJ and Tyreke Hill for example.

    I'm sure it has costed me titles over the years.

    Agree 100%. Obviously I want to win money, but Im not going to root for dudes I hate. If a guy falls to where the value is too good, Id draft him... but if Im deciding between a guy like ODB and Hopkins, Hopkins wins every time. Same goes for guys on teams I hate. I dont want to root for anyone on Dallas or Green Bay if at all possible. Id take an evenly ranked guy from another team 9/10 times.
