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Posts posted by mobb_deep

  1. Just wanted to pop in and acknowledge that you seem to have one of the more accurate projections out of the weekly projection crew.


    Last week I thought you were wrong about Rod Smith and Brunnell. You ended up being spot on with Brunnell and pretty far off with Rod Smith.


    This week however I think Rod Smith will have a good day against the Igg's and I really like your Jimmy Smith projection. He should have a huge day.

  2. Newport Beach representing here (Newport Harbor HS class of 93)! Used to live off El Camino Real in SC for a bit. Lovely city with houses worth more then texasmouth's whole block. Poor us indeed.

    First off, I doubt it. The truth is your parents lived there. Second, I don't live in Texas. I live in Las Vegas and I doubt houses there are that much more than this God foresaken place.



    And before you even say it.... I am in the military, that is why I live here. I am trying my best to get back to Texas.


    Oh yeah, and Texas Still wins. This time






    to 20.

    Are you kidding? I could buy a 4000 sq. ft. estate home in Vegas for what I'd pay for a condo here in San Clemente, CA.


    This personal stuff is crap..........back to football.


    USC 38

    Texas 20



    all in good fun man. texasmouth and I never get personal. he's just a homer wishing with all his little heart that his horns will pull out a miracle against the best college football team of all time. can't hate the guy for having a dream.

  3. I do find it amusing that we are trashing Texans and Californians, yet you are married to a Texan and I am married to a Californian. Now if that isn't irony, I don't know what is!



    Texas still wins 32-28.

    Haha. Yah that is bizarre. USC 35 TEXAS 17.


    We might have to create a paypal account and put a little money on this if the two teams end up playing for it all.


    Is your wife rooting for USC or TEXAS? Mine has the nerve to be rooting for Texas! I cut her a little slack since she's an alum though.

  4. I like to watch kids fight just as much as the next guy...but do you guys have to quote each time....takes to long to scroll through the whole thing!


    Okay..commence fighting!!!

    nothing to fight about. USC is better and has done more to prove they're better then Texas this year and decade. California has this thing called a beach while Texas has a polluted gulf littered with offshore oil riggs. California and New York combine to represent over 75% of the USA's GNP.


    this is like Oprah Winfrey making fun of Jessica Alba's looks. it's pure insanity. :blink:

  5. Hey bro, im benching McNabb this week in favor of Brunell, the dude im playing this week has Santana Moss so im trying to negate his stats,and the fact that he's ballin out of control!

    lol. here we go with the cancel out theory again.


    my opponent last week tried this with Ferguson to counter Fave. we all know how that turned out.

  6. Who really cares. USC would absolutely crush UT or any other team from the queer state of Texas in the national championship.

    Wow, great post with good info. Everyone who knows anything knows California is the promise land for homo's.





    Ass clown. :o

    We do have our share of "homo's". In fact, one famous one played QB at ucla and later for the Dallas Cowgirls. Need a hint.......her initials are T.A.

    No her initials are 3SB as in



    3 super bowls you jealous California homo.


    PS Aikman wasn't FROM cali.

    zzzzz. you live in Texas man. Nothing you can say can hurt because you live in the hottest, stickiest, and most completely ignorant state in the USA. I don't even wish my worst enemies live in such a pissy state. I seriously feel sorry for you and everyone in Texas.


    ps. Be carefull crossing the street on a red light. I hear they give you the death penalty for that in Texas.


    The Longhorns suck. USC will absolutely destroy them if Texas is lucky enough to make the national championship. You losers haven't won one since the 70's and won't win another until the 2070's.




    btw. In cali we have a couple teams called The Raiders (2) and 49er's (4) who have won superbowls. I'm sure even a texan can add 2+4 and it doesn't equal less then 3.

    Uhhh, yeah and The Cowboys have won 5 on their own. ######.



    I am sure you have never even been to Texas to start with.


    I at least lived in California for 3 years. It was horrible. The smog was horrible, the people are either liberal homo loving granola eating sissies or gangbanging douchebags shooting each other and rapping. Stay in Cali with the horrible taxes, over priced everything and plenty of liberal homos to support each other. We don't want anymore of you in Texas anyway.


    You are a complete idiot if you think USC would just destroy Texas. There is nothing to support that. You are just babbling stupidity. Again, don't let your moronic homerism cloud your judgement. I swear I say that once a day.




    Douche. :blink:

    My fiance is from Kingwood Texas (suburb of houston) and graduated from UT. I've been there several times with her for family fun times. We were actually thinking of moving back to Texas where we could buy a 5 bedroom 2500 sq. ft. house for around 300k compared to 1,000,000+ here in Orange County, CA. She finally pursuaded me that no amount of money was worth moving back to such a pisshole state. Thank god she talked some sense into me.


    We're talking about Texas vs. USC anyways. USC = 7 Time National Champion (8 after this year) compared to 3 for UT. You have no arguement because Texas has accomplished nothing yet. Get back to me in 2 months when/if UT is playing USC for the title.


    Until then continue making your laser guided bombs to blow up 3rd world countries so you and all your fat buddies in Texas can get their oil money. Us liberal morons in California will continue our agenda of taxing all those old conservative fat oil tycoons for revenue instead of bombing innocent people (which you seem so blatantly proud to be a part of)

    mobb deep.......OC in the house baby! San Clemente here!! :huh:


    Not too many "homo's", "shootings" or "rappers" out here in San Clemente. As for smog...I'm 2 minutes from the ocean.....so.....forget about it. Although, we do have the best climate in the nation! :thumbsup:


    Go easy on Texasmouth........he's not quite as fortunate as we are. :cheers:

    haha true.


    Newport Beach representing here (Newport Harbor HS class of 93)! Used to live off El Camino Real in SC for a bit. Lovely city with houses worth more then texasmouth's whole block. Poor us indeed.

    I bet you have long blonde hair and suck cack about as good as sunshine from remember the titans also surfer boy.








    I'd be the first black guy in the history of the world to have long blond hair. Try again with more creative bait fisherman.


    don't hate on me because you wish you lived a block from the beach surrounded by the most beautiful women in the world. boohoo


    edit: oh you're a dallas homer. no need to explain.




  7. Who really cares. USC would absolutely crush UT or any other team from the queer state of Texas in the national championship.

    Wow, great post with good info. Everyone who knows anything knows California is the promise land for homo's.





    Ass clown. :wall:

    We do have our share of "homo's". In fact, one famous one played QB at ucla and later for the Dallas Cowgirls. Need a hint.......her initials are T.A.

    No her initials are 3SB as in



    3 super bowls you jealous California homo.


    PS Aikman wasn't FROM cali.

    zzzzz. you live in Texas man. Nothing you can say can hurt because you live in the hottest, stickiest, and most completely ignorant state in the USA. I don't even wish my worst enemies live in such a pissy state. I seriously feel sorry for you and everyone in Texas.


    ps. Be carefull crossing the street on a red light. I hear they give you the death penalty for that in Texas.


    The Longhorns suck. USC will absolutely destroy them if Texas is lucky enough to make the national championship. You losers haven't won one since the 70's and won't win another until the 2070's.




    btw. In cali we have a couple teams called The Raiders (2) and 49er's (4) who have won superbowls. I'm sure even a texan can add 2+4 and it doesn't equal less then 3.

    Uhhh, yeah and The Cowboys have won 5 on their own. ######.



    I am sure you have never even been to Texas to start with.


    I at least lived in California for 3 years. It was horrible. The smog was horrible, the people are either liberal homo loving granola eating sissies or gangbanging douchebags shooting each other and rapping. Stay in Cali with the horrible taxes, over priced everything and plenty of liberal homos to support each other. We don't want anymore of you in Texas anyway.


    You are a complete idiot if you think USC would just destroy Texas. There is nothing to support that. You are just babbling stupidity. Again, don't let your moronic homerism cloud your judgement. I swear I say that once a day.




    Douche. :rolleyes:

    My fiance is from Kingwood Texas (suburb of houston) and graduated from UT. I've been there several times with her for family fun times. We were actually thinking of moving back to Texas where we could buy a 5 bedroom 2500 sq. ft. house for around 300k compared to 1,000,000+ here in Orange County, CA. She finally pursuaded me that no amount of money was worth moving back to such a pisshole state. Thank god she talked some sense into me.


    We're talking about Texas vs. USC anyways. USC = 7 Time National Champion (8 after this year) compared to 3 for UT. You have no arguement because Texas has accomplished nothing yet. Get back to me in 2 months when/if UT is playing USC for the title.


    Until then continue making your laser guided bombs to blow up 3rd world countries so you and all your fat buddies in Texas can get their oil money. Us liberal morons in California will continue our agenda of taxing all those old conservative fat oil tycoons for revenue instead of bombing innocent people (which you seem so blatantly proud to be a part of)

    Let's not label all people in Texas as right wing and let's not label all people in California as homosexual. Deal? Deal.


    There are good parts to Texas (Austin) and good parts to California (San Diego and San Fran). There are also bad parts to both states. Seems Texas is the butt of quite a few jokes due to GW and I don't blame anyone for that.


    Let's just hope we can settle this on the field in January. It will not be a route. USC has not played a decent defense yet. Fact.

    fact. our D leaves much to be desired (until the second half of games atleast). also a fact that Austin is a awesome town and when the lady was at UT I loved to visit her up there. that little strip with all the bars and local bands was very cool. It's also quite a bit more liberal then all the rest of texas. point taken


    btw... one of my favorite bands is also from Texas (Explosions In The Sky)

  8. Who really cares. USC would absolutely crush UT or any other team from the queer state of Texas in the national championship.

    Wow, great post with good info. Everyone who knows anything knows California is the promise land for homo's.





    Ass clown. :rolleyes:

    We do have our share of "homo's". In fact, one famous one played QB at ucla and later for the Dallas Cowgirls. Need a hint.......her initials are T.A.

    No her initials are 3SB as in



    3 super bowls you jealous California homo.


    PS Aikman wasn't FROM cali.

    zzzzz. you live in Texas man. Nothing you can say can hurt because you live in the hottest, stickiest, and most completely ignorant state in the USA. I don't even wish my worst enemies live in such a pissy state. I seriously feel sorry for you and everyone in Texas.


    ps. Be carefull crossing the street on a red light. I hear they give you the death penalty for that in Texas.


    The Longhorns suck. USC will absolutely destroy them if Texas is lucky enough to make the national championship. You losers haven't won one since the 70's and won't win another until the 2070's.




    btw. In cali we have a couple teams called The Raiders (2) and 49er's (4) who have won superbowls. I'm sure even a texan can add 2+4 and it doesn't equal less then 3.

    Uhhh, yeah and The Cowboys have won 5 on their own. ######.



    I am sure you have never even been to Texas to start with.


    I at least lived in California for 3 years. It was horrible. The smog was horrible, the people are either liberal homo loving granola eating sissies or gangbanging douchebags shooting each other and rapping. Stay in Cali with the horrible taxes, over priced everything and plenty of liberal homos to support each other. We don't want anymore of you in Texas anyway.


    You are a complete idiot if you think USC would just destroy Texas. There is nothing to support that. You are just babbling stupidity. Again, don't let your moronic homerism cloud your judgement. I swear I say that once a day.




    Douche. :rolleyes:

    My fiance is from Kingwood Texas (suburb of houston) and graduated from UT. I've been there several times with her for family fun times. We were actually thinking of moving back to Texas where we could buy a 5 bedroom 2500 sq. ft. house for around 300k compared to 1,000,000+ here in Orange County, CA. She finally pursuaded me that no amount of money was worth moving back to such a pisshole state. Thank god she talked some sense into me.


    We're talking about Texas vs. USC anyways. USC = 7 Time National Champion (8 after this year) compared to 3 for UT. You have no arguement because Texas has accomplished nothing yet. Get back to me in 2 months when/if UT is playing USC for the title.


    Until then continue making your laser guided bombs to blow up 3rd world countries so you and all your fat buddies in Texas can get their oil money. Us liberal morons in California will continue our agenda of taxing all those old conservative fat oil tycoons for revenue instead of bombing innocent people (which you seem so blatantly proud to be a part of)

    mobb deep.......OC in the house baby! San Clemente here!! :wall:


    Not too many "homo's", "shootings" or "rappers" out here in San Clemente. As for smog...I'm 2 minutes from the ocean.....so.....forget about it. Although, we do have the best climate in the nation! :thumbsup:


    Go easy on Texasmouth........he's not quite as fortunate as we are. :cheers:

    haha true.


    Newport Beach representing here (Newport Harbor HS class of 93)! Used to live off El Camino Real in SC for a bit. Lovely city with houses worth more then texasmouth's whole block. Poor us indeed.

  9. Who really cares. USC would absolutely crush UT or any other team from the queer state of Texas in the national championship.

    Wow, great post with good info. Everyone who knows anything knows California is the promise land for homo's.





    Ass clown. ;)

    We do have our share of "homo's". In fact, one famous one played QB at ucla and later for the Dallas Cowgirls. Need a hint.......her initials are T.A.

    No her initials are 3SB as in



    3 super bowls you jealous California homo.


    PS Aikman wasn't FROM cali.

    zzzzz. you live in Texas man. Nothing you can say can hurt because you live in the hottest, stickiest, and most completely ignorant state in the USA. I don't even wish my worst enemies live in such a pissy state. I seriously feel sorry for you and everyone in Texas.


    ps. Be carefull crossing the street on a red light. I hear they give you the death penalty for that in Texas.


    The Longhorns suck. USC will absolutely destroy them if Texas is lucky enough to make the national championship. You losers haven't won one since the 70's and won't win another until the 2070's.




    btw. In cali we have a couple teams called The Raiders (2) and 49er's (4) who have won superbowls. I'm sure even a texan can add 2+4 and it doesn't equal less then 3.

    Uhhh, yeah and The Cowboys have won 5 on their own. ######.



    I am sure you have never even been to Texas to start with.


    I at least lived in California for 3 years. It was horrible. The smog was horrible, the people are either liberal homo loving granola eating sissies or gangbanging douchebags shooting each other and rapping. Stay in Cali with the horrible taxes, over priced everything and plenty of liberal homos to support each other. We don't want anymore of you in Texas anyway.


    You are a complete idiot if you think USC would just destroy Texas. There is nothing to support that. You are just babbling stupidity. Again, don't let your moronic homerism cloud your judgement. I swear I say that once a day.




    Douche. :o

    My fiance is from Kingwood Texas (suburb of houston) and graduated from UT. I've been there several times with her for family fun times. We were actually thinking of moving back to Texas where we could buy a 5 bedroom 2500 sq. ft. house for around 300k compared to 1,000,000+ here in Orange County, CA. She finally pursuaded me that no amount of money was worth moving back to such a pisshole state. Thank god she talked some sense into me.


    We're talking about Texas vs. USC anyways. USC = 7 Time National Champion (8 after this year) compared to 3 for UT. You have no arguement because Texas has accomplished nothing yet. Get back to me in 2 months when/if UT is playing USC for the title.


    Until then continue making your laser guided bombs to blow up 3rd world countries so you and all your fat buddies in Texas can get their oil money. Us liberal morons in California will continue our agenda of taxing all those old conservative fat oil tycoons for revenue instead of bombing innocent people (which you seem so blatantly proud to be a part of)

  10. Who really cares. USC would absolutely crush UT or any other team from the queer state of Texas in the national championship.

    Wow, great post with good info. Everyone who knows anything knows California is the promise land for homo's.





    Ass clown. :shocking:

    We do have our share of "homo's". In fact, one famous one played QB at ucla and later for the Dallas Cowgirls. Need a hint.......her initials are T.A.

    No her initials are 3SB as in



    3 super bowls you jealous California homo.


    PS Aikman wasn't FROM cali.

    zzzzz. you live in Texas man. Nothing you can say can hurt because you live in the hottest, stickiest, and most completely ignorant state in the USA. I don't even wish my worst enemies live in such a pissy state. I seriously feel sorry for you and everyone in Texas.


    ps. Be carefull crossing the street on a red light. I hear they give you the death penalty for that in Texas.


    The Longhorns suck. USC will absolutely destroy them if Texas is lucky enough to make the national championship. You losers haven't won one since the 70's and won't win another until the 2070's.




    btw. In cali we have a couple teams called The Raiders (2) and 49er's (4) who have won superbowls. I'm sure even a texan can add 2+4 and it doesn't equal less then 3.

  11. Why do so many people think Fisher is going to be worth starting? The Packers running game stunk with solid RBs like Green and Davenport, why do you think it will improve under T. Fisher? Not to mention the Packer defense STINKS, leaving them to play from behind and have to throw a lot! Fisher's teammate, A. Chapman will out score him! Please, get off Fisher's di@k already!  :wall:

    I think you mean A.Chatman

    And you have a secret man crush on Fisher :o

    "And you have a secret man crush on Fisher" - One word: Projection! Please keep me out of your gay fantasies! There are other message boards available for that kind of thing.


    I just do get all of the buzz about a 3rd string bum on a 1-5 team. Oh by the way please show me one game this year where any Green Bay RB got 20-25 touches per game? It's not going to happen. Farve will throw 30+ passes to his WRs and TEs!

    But your third string (actually 4th string if Walker wasn't out) WR is gonna tear it up. Why don't you go back to the little help board nub. We don't need you tools around here with your stupid predictions and small penises.


    Like everyone has said Fisher will get 20 touches a game and in a league where you only have a limited amount of players at a key position with 10-12 FF teams that need to start atleast 2 weekly the math is pretty simple.


    Now plepase go jump off a bridge ffs. You've got to be the most annoying nub we've had around here in a LONG time.



  12. I have to agree that the "help board" is a joke! Don't listen to the message board nazis and internet school crossing guards that tell you to "take it to the help board"! If you have a question, ask it.....the real football fans here will answer you!


    That said, get Chatman, drop Engram....




    respect the rules or get the fock out.



    really, its that simple.

    1) douche? What are you 12? What's your next insult, "I know you are but what am I"?


    2) Based on the number of answers to the question, the number of threads asking line up/player questions and the majority of people on this thread agreeing that message board nazis like yourself are losers to be ignored, maybe you should "get the fock out"!


    3) You may be the most simple son of a b!tch I have run across in some time! Now hurry up and put on your orange crossing guard sash! You have 10 year old jay walkers to catch!


    What happened to your thread ######?

    I think he deleted it himself. If it was locked it would still be their.

    mods will flat out delete threads too.


    My petition too have the YTP moniker banned from the site suffered such a fate

    on the real though. the people posting on the wrong forum are just as big of tools as the nazi's. if you nubs followed the rules people like him would have no use. you instead choose to pay no attention to the rules then call the nazi's who call you up on it names. although they are a bit annoying they're just a product of you're own ignorance. don't blame mcdonalds for making you fat. blame your complete lack of discipline and craving for big-mac's.


    ps. nub who asked question to "MBK4". Engram will have far more value then Chatman after the bye week. Don't drop Engram

    Maybe its your lack of discipline that keeps it going?



    If they didn't get answers to their questions, why would they keep posting them?

    It's no different then being a nazi on the thread. Being a nazi just brings the post back to the top of the page where it will get more views. Obviously it would be nice if everyone would follow the rules but that's not how life is. If not for idiots we wouldn't have a use for states like Texas or Arkansas. The best way to deal with these guys is either to 1) completely ignore them all together, or 2) go over to the help board and give these nubs a little advice every now and then.


    It's really a bad idea for these moron's to be giving one another advice anyways. I could give you all advice on how to repair your car but i'd be much more usefull explaining how the OSI model breaks down packets moving ccross an ethernet LAN.

  13. I have to agree that the "help board" is a joke! Don't listen to the message board nazis and internet school crossing guards that tell you to "take it to the help board"! If you have a question, ask it.....the real football fans here will answer you!


    That said, get Chatman, drop Engram....




    respect the rules or get the fock out.



    really, its that simple.

    1) douche? What are you 12? What's your next insult, "I know you are but what am I"?


    2) Based on the number of answers to the question, the number of threads asking line up/player questions and the majority of people on this thread agreeing that message board nazis like yourself are losers to be ignored, maybe you should "get the fock out"!


    3) You may be the most simple son of a b!tch I have run across in some time! Now hurry up and put on your orange crossing guard sash! You have 10 year old jay walkers to catch!


    What happened to your thread ######?

    I think he deleted it himself. If it was locked it would still be their.

    mods will flat out delete threads too.


    My petition too have the YTP moniker banned from the site suffered such a fate

    on the real though. the people posting on the wrong forum are just as big of tools as the nazi's. if you nubs followed the rules people like him would have no use. you instead choose to pay no attention to the rules then call the nazi's who call you up on it names. although they are a bit annoying they're just a product of you're own ignorance. don't blame mcdonalds for making you fat. blame your complete lack of discipline and craving for big-mac's.


    ps. nub who asked question to "MBK4". Engram will have far more value then Chatman after the bye week. Don't drop Engram

  14. I have to agree that the "help board" is a joke! Don't listen to the message board nazis and internet school crossing guards that tell you to "take it to the help board"! If you have a question, ask it.....the real football fans here will answer you!


    That said, get Chatman, drop Engram....




    respect the rules or get the fock out.



    really, its that simple.

    1) douche? What are you 12? What's your next insult, "I know you are but what am I"?


    2) Based on the number of answers to the question, the number of threads asking line up/player questions and the majority of people on this thread agreeing that message board nazis like yourself are losers to be ignored, maybe you should "get the fock out"!


    3) You may be the most simple son of a b!tch I have run across in some time! Now hurry up and put on your orange crossing guard sash! You have 10 year old jay walkers to catch!


    What happened to your thread ######?

    I think he deleted it himself. If it was locked it would still be their.

  15. It's not that difficult to be helpful, as opposed to giving stupid responses.  Some of you have serious issues if you have the time to sit around all day making stupid responses to posts.  Congratulations, you're a loser.


    Does anyone know of one? Thanks.

    Chill out bro!!!...If you read my first post I said " I do not know, Sorry."


    Try a yahoo search or something. If you don't want stupid responses then don't post any crap that deals with basketball on here. HTH

    "Chill out bro" I wasn't responding to your post.


    But congratulations, you're still a loser. Do you really have the time to go to every message on this board that you don't have a response to and say "I don't know."? There's no point to saying "I don't know."

    In Jedi's defense, you don't get to 2,000 posts in 7 month's by posting anything even remotely usefull.



    on the topic of fantasy basketball sites there aren't really any i've found that have a real big community like the bigger ff sites. the only one i've really found even remotely usefull is http://www.fantasybasketballcafe.com/. If you find something better please let me know as my draft for basketball is this weekend also.



  16. A.Smith is a great start for me considering I lost A.Green, Deuce, Blaylock, and Suggs!  :rolleyes:


    I am curious about Steckers status though, I'm pretty sure he returned during the game, so probably going to split carries again with Smith.

    You're correct. He did come back last week. Here's what I found even more disturbing though...


    1-7-STL7 (15:00) A.Stecker right guard to SL 3 for 4 yards (M.Furrey).

    2-3-STL3 (14:21) A.Brooks pass incomplete to D.Henderson.

    3-3-STL3 (14:17) A.Stecker up the middle to SL 4 for -1 yards (A.Hargrove).

    4-4-STL4 (13:36) J.Carney 22 yard field goal is GOOD, Center-K.Houser, Holder-T.Bouman.


    now ofcourse Stecker didn't get in and they ended up kicking an FG but this proves that A. Smith isn't getting ALL the GL love. Even at the GL they're giving Stecker some carries. Add that to the fact Stecker is getting close to 65% of the actual carries and I'm starting to wonder if Stecker isn't the better Nola RB (if you're that desperate to need either)

  17. looks like Minny found their coach for next year.  :blink:

    That would be great, if there was a way to step backward, hiring Matrz would be the way.... :lol:

    Minny has never really been known for stepping forward. It's hard to make any sense when you live in a place where the most exciting thing to do is The Mall of America or your first cousin.

  18. Had a post out for last hour and received 1 reply while i answered about 8. I need help, you stated Roy is possibly back this weekend, but what I saw, he was stating he has a level 3 strain ??? whatever that entails, but I need advise before WW opens in an hour for my league. It's first come. And Gabriel, Chatman, Coles and Lelie are available


    I have Engram, Roy Williams, Brandon Jones, and Moulds. I need to start 2 Wrs. Do I need to drop one of these that are hurt this weekend?

    why don't you answer another 8 or give it a day nub. follow the stupid rules or smoke a pole. die2uplz. :ph34r:





















    fftoday poepoe
