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Posts posted by mobb_deep

  1. I don't know about the validity of this kids claim but a PCL could be a pretty nagging injury. the problem is even though the swelling goes down the strength of the joint is compromised. The good news is surgery is rarely needed for this injury so Holt should be back after the bye. From what I know Holt only has a grade 1 strain but who knows. I would not be the least bit surprised if this turned into a nagging thing for the remainder of the season.


    Here's a pretty good read on the injury if anyone is interested



  2. is engram going to play flanker and jurevicious in the slot? which WR will get the deep balls? i might drop jurevicious to pick up engram if engram will move into what was djax position. mkb4?

    Engram will likely go back to split end withh JJ playing flanker.

    Actually I have that backwards, Engram will play flanker with JJ playing split end until DJax returns.

    Well with Engram playing the flank he should have more value over Joe Jur once he returns after the buy imo. What do I know though.

  3. No mention of Michael Clayton?


    He showed alot of promise coming into the year. At least with Andre Johnson you can say the O-Line and QB play has been terrible...there is a reason he isn't getting any passes...plus he's been hurt.


    Clayton is in an offense that has been posting good passing games, they are winning and they have a good rb....there is no excuse for Clayton to be putting up the terrible numbers that he has!

    I think anyone who drafted Clayton or Johnson paid no attention to logic and deserve the fate they got. Johnson had all the markings of a bust for obvious reasons. We don't need to go into all them again but we know we're talking about o-line, carr on his back 10 times a game etc. Clayton did very little when Galloway was in and has very little value unless Galloway is injured. Although Galloway is oft injured I can't see the reasoning behind using a 4th-5th round pick on a player who has no value unless another player gets hurt.


    That's why Lewis is the real bust of 2005. I like most expected the possibility of a slight decrease due to conditioning and time a way from the game etc. but he has just been pathetic. Nobody could of predicted the complete bust this guy has turned into.


    So I vote Lewis.

  4. They will be behind all the time so the running game will never be that great.  Although a starter  is a starter :cheers:

    Atleast Fisher can catch so in games of that nature he would still be somewhat involved. The problem is Fisher can't run between the tackles so I see Rashard Lee alot more involved in the offense. This has the makings of another RBBC if you ask me.

  5. I am sure he isn't doing as well as these 2 studs you have (probably taken before fwp) - A.Smith, Drougahns. I don't know who Drougahns is but he doesn't seem to be doing too well.



    Not a single TD all year. Hrmmm 6th rounder on Droughn's or 14th-WW on Parker. Tough choice



    Who took Droughans in the 6th? I picked him up week 4. Another nice try though.

    Congrats on playing with idiots. In standard 12 team leagues Droughn's was drafted right around the backs like Barlow and Chris Brown (5th-7th round). Try again douche.

  6. I am sure he isn't doing as well as these 2 studs you have (probably taken before fwp) - A.Smith, Drougahns. I don't know who Drougahns is but he doesn't seem to be doing too well.



    Not a single TD all year. Hrmmm 6th rounder on Droughn's or 14th-WW on Parker. Tough choice



  7. All that says is you have a lot of stupid people in your league.  Congrats.


    usually I'd agree but that looks like a solid draft to me. all of the players that he has on his team had ADP's relative to where he drafted them. Now if he had got Steve Smith in the 7th and Fitz in the 9th with Palmer in the 11th I'd be a bit quicker to call names.


    I can however add this... NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR DUMB TEAM! :ph34r:

  8. I just traded SJax away to get him. I was fortunate enough to use my middle rounders on people like Tjones, Cadi, SDavis so I figured it was worth the gamble to get McNabb instead of putting all my faith in Bledsoe, and Brooks. Still got really good RB depth and TJones will be fine as a #2 for me.
