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Everything posted by fatneck13

  1. Hi All, Would drop Felix Jones for Michael Bush in a league that gives points both for receptions and carries? Yardage and touchdowns standard. Thanks!
  2. fatneck13

    HELP with Trade Offer!

    I don't make this trade. I still think Schaub could blow up this year & McNabb should be back. Ryant Grant and Julius Jones are solid primary backs IMO and while Bell may have a good year i am still leery of him with Thomas and Bush in the mix. I agree that Rivers is a big upgrade over Wrongwich but I think you are still giving up too much. Mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=350553
  3. fatneck13

    Who would you start as your 3rd WR in WEEK #2

    If it is a PPR league I would probably go with Mason. Otherwise it would be a toss up of Burleson and Mason for me and I would probably still go with Mason until Burleson shows he is a weeks to week guy. Same for Edwards. At this point for me he has to prove he has still got the goods. Ironically I think both Burleson and Edwards have the greater potential to blow up, but I tend to lean towards the unspectacular but steady guys who I trust to get me points week in and week out. Mine: Visit My Website
  4. fatneck13

    Indy Homers...any word on the RB situation?

    Ugh ... HELP! ... any opinions RHODES or L. JOHNSON or McCLAIN???
  5. fatneck13

    Which 2 WRs to start?

    I would go with Bess & Breaston as well. I am in the same type scoring league and they are top 25 over the last 4 games whereas the other are not. My third pick would be Jackson, but even though KC is horribleriffic I still think the first two are a better option.
  6. fatneck13

    My back is pressed hard against the wall...

    Wow, can you say cluster*$#!. After reading your post and the responses I am confused for you. Not sure I can be of any help at this point, but hey you answered mine (thanks!) so I will give it a shot. Personally I would go with Hightower. I know that Minny is tough and Hightower has been suckin it, but he does have 10 TD's on the season, I just think he gives you the best shot of getting in the endzone plus some yards. While decent, none of the receivers are studs, so in that scenario I tend to always start a RB. Cadillac has just been too limited yet. I would love to pretend to feel confident about this ... but i don't ... sorry. Good luck!
  7. Howdy! In an unusual fit of indecision I have now swapped them 3 times in my lineup. Please help the madness end! Thanks
  8. fatneck13

    Week 15 QB's: Warner or Brees

    Both please! ... Wow the misery of having to decide between Warner and Brees, I feel soooooooo sorry for you Regardless, I would agree and give the nod to Warner, though definitely a tough choice. Somewhat related to mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=335941
  9. fatneck13

    (Improved) Biggest FF Bust...

    Good Poll Like so many things in football these arguments are tough because they are very semantical and players performances are based on so many variables, many often not in their control. For example who is the better player, the one that plays on the better team and finishes their career with the best numbers, or the player that plays on a s@#t team their whole career yet still puts up great numbers. Play of the individual is extremely dependent of the system they are in (even lowly kickers). For every argument their is a valid counter point. Injuries are so difficult to factor in, since they are always part of the game. What is the cut off? Players with season ending injuries? What what about ones that are actively playing with injuries and to what severity? It is impossible to to determine how much it affects their play. Most of these players have injuries to some degree or another. Ignoring injuries, to me Brady is the obvious biggest bust. However ultimately for me and my extremely limited opinion, the spirit of this poll is based on the Tony Mandarich's of the world. Players who simply don't live up to the hype, and/or perennial great performers who for whatever reason decide to take a nap. Ryan Grant for me has little history under his belt to deserve the hype (or the bashing). Would you typically draft the player who has had multiple great years, or just part of one? Braylon Edwards is definitely a tough call, he has come crashing to earth after a stellar junior year in 2007 and his current receiver #'s are atrocious. Worse than both Moss & Johnson, while ranking significantly higher in Total Targets. But again limited history ... and a bust Quarterback. For me it came down to Rosey Palmer & Ocho Stinko then I read this (compliments of CBSSportsline): "When it comes to Fantasy Football quarterbacks, very few rank higher than Carson Palmer. The strong-armed veteran has delivered back-to-back 4,000-yard seasons with at least 26 scores in his last three years. But he's played this well because he's had the luxury of throwing to one of the most talented receiving corps, something that's not a lock anymore. Chad Johnson will enter the regular season hurting after separating his shoulder and T.J. Houshmandzadeh didn't play much preseason ball after suffering a mild hamstring injury. And Chris Henry is back after being released but will be suspended for the first four games. After them, Palmer has little else to throw to (TE Ben Utecht could be a nice surprise), and he suffered a broken nose in the third preseason game. Palmer remains a No. 1 Fantasy QB worth a pick between Rounds 5 and 6, but try to draft a good backup for him just in case his 2008 goes awry." So I revisited Grant & Edwards ... and decided to vote for ... RYAN LEAF O.K., O.K. he was the biggest draft bust ever. Ummm (flip a coin) ... Ala Peanut Butter Sandwiches!!! ... POOF .... Carson Palmer! (Yes I know, even in spite of what it says above) I apologize for my overly verbose nature and my thanks to those of who had the patience, persistence, and/or phenomenal pain tolerance to read the whole thing.
  10. fatneck13

    The Annoying trade guy!

    Back on topic ... I find trading frustrating in many leagues. Too many people approach trades with a "I win, you lose" mentality. I can't tell you how many ridiculously lopsided trades I have been offered over the years. I wish more people would realize that trades are meant to be a win-win situation and that you should seek out opponents who are deep at your needed position and vice versa, or take a gamble for future value. When it is approached right I love the trading action that can occur in a league, it really makes it a lot more fun, but unfortunately I have found those instances to be far and few between. Sigh. I guess I will just have to continue to entertain the idea of trading my #1 RB for a two #3 WR's and a kicker.
  11. fatneck13

    Le’Ron McClain

    I am interested in this as well. I am in a PPC league and I have McGahee & I am thinking about dropping him for McClain. My concern is that IF McGaheel manages to get healthy who do you think will get more touches down the stretch?
  12. Hi All, PPR league. Who would you choose? Sucks, I am a Steelers fan but I am leaning towards McNabb. Please help. Thanks!
  13. fatneck13

    Royal and S. Morris for Reggie Bush?!

    Yep I agree. With those WR's I would definitely go for it. Good luck with that other deal, he must be really desperate for a WR! Wish he was in my league
  14. fatneck13

    Trade Help

    As always a large issue is how desperate for a TE are those you want to trade with. Having said that based strictly on value I am in a PPR league and with our numbers winslow right now in points is on par with the #14 wide receiver. Which puts him around some big names. However like above I think his position until he proves he is a TE stud drops his value somewhat. I think you could get Cotchery straight up, but so far I still think he is a question mark. I doubt given how they are playing right now the other would go in straight up trade unless they are desperate for a TE, or are deep at WR and need a TE. Honestly even the package deal might be tough. Again Bryant is unproven with an unproven QB. If I had Plaxico I doubt I would take it, though again I would definitely think about it if I was weak at TE. But hey that's me! I have seen lots of trades go that I didn't think would & I don't think what you are offering is way off base so someone might go for it.
  15. fatneck13

    Royal and S. Morris for Reggie Bush?!

    How deep you are at wide receiver? I am assuming you are ok there since you didn't mention it. If it is not an issue then yes I would take Bush. If you also get return yards then its a no brainer. I think it is still too soon with Sammy Morris, though if Maroney's injury lingers then it could make things interesting.
  16. fatneck13

    Earnest Graham or Marion Barber ?

    Agreed, real tough decision. Actually I have the same exact dilemma. I went for Graham, but I am in a PPC league so I figure Graham will bet more touches. Though I might still lean towards Graham in a yardage, TD league. New England is such a tough D (though Tennessee is no slouch either) and I have RBBC phobia, though these days that is par for the course. Tough call either way.
  17. fatneck13

    Was Trent Green's block a cheap shot?

    Having been a defensive lineman from Pop Warner all the way through college I whole heartedly agree that the rules should be changed and it should be considered an illegal block. Having said that by the current rules of the game it is completely legal and therefore clean. You can argue that it was a wuss block but I don't see how you can argue that it is dirty when it is within the rules of the game. Furthermore football players are often taught to go low when the opponent is significantly larger than you (i.e. 305 vs. 217, oh yeah and when your old as dirt for football). It is very effective AND IT IS PERFECTLY LEGAL. If you were a 190 pound corner and you had a back like Jerome Bettis bearing down on you even without being taught otherwise where do you think your first instinct would be to tackle him? Quarterbacks cut block all the time, and frankly even though I detested being cut block, I probably would too if I were in their shoes and it was within the rules of the game. There was a time leg whipping, head slaps, spearing, chop blocks, etc. were all legal, and until the rules were changed players used those techniques all the time. On a final note, I have never heard of Trent Green described as anything other than a class act. again argue all you want about whether it was a sissy block, but you can't argue that a legal block is dirty. Lastly, taunting a player that is lying unconscious on the field is about as despicable as it gets and any athlete the has an ounce of class should tell you the same.
  18. fatneck13

    Should I pick up Warner? And who to drop for him

    I agree. Even splitting time Warner is doing better than Cutler (I know I have him ), and ultimately Brees does have more upside and is surrounded by a better team. Good luck getting Warner and I hope he kicks ass for you. I really think he has gotten a bad rap ever since getting hurt and Bulger stepped in. He seems to be one of the rare genuinely good guys in the league.
  19. fatneck13

    Minnesota D or New England D?

    Self explanatory. Actually playing each other so should make it a fun (or hair pulling ) game to watch. Thanks!
  20. fatneck13

    Minnesota D or New England D?

    Thanks. I think its really close (guess that's obvious or I wouldn't be on the forum ). Its a Yahoo league if that makes a difference. Any other opinions ... helP!
  21. fatneck13

    Fred Taylor or Maurice Jones-Drew

    I think you pretty much provided all the argument you needed. I think its just hard (for me too) to start a previously no name backup over a fairly big name starter (minus "Fragile Freddy time). You keep telling yourself "what if this is the week, he's gotta produce eventually." Meanwhile how many weeks go by while they are consistently outscored by the guys on your bench. I fell into the same trap with Chad Johnson and Joe Horn, every week so far but one (ironically it was Joe Horn who busted out not Chad) they were outscored by the no names on my bench. Not to mention Fred isn't exactly a stud back so its not like sticking by L.T. or L.J. because you know they are going to light it up eventually. If yardage doesn't matter (I am in Yahoo which is also heavy TD favored) then until Freddy starts getting in the endzone Maurice is the favorite in my book.
  22. fatneck13

    Starting M. Colston at TE

    Not in the slightest. I am in a public Yahoo league. Everyone had equal access to him. I will continue to use him until Yahoo no longer considers him as a TE, and if/when they do that's fine too.
  23. fatneck13

    Gore, Parker, Lewis?

    In Yahoo default scoring league:1 for 20 rushing, 6 for TD's. So weighted towards TD's. Thanks for any help! Leave your link. P.S. Completely unrelated, unnecessary comment: I hate Yahoo default scoring
  24. fatneck13

    Which 3 WR's?

    Harrison, Coles, Walker. Mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=232150
  25. fatneck13


    Heid Klum without question. Defenses will be immoblized staring at her ... O.K., O.K. ... Plummer