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About artista928

  • Rank
    FF Rookie
  • Birthday September 28

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  • Location
    Lost in the Bay Area madness

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  1. artista928

    Can't get in LinkedIn account!

    Can't remember the email used from 100 years ago & can't contact customer support without logging in! Anyone....halpppp?
  2. artista928

    I have Cancer :/ -- still doing well

    Oh nooo, so sorry to hear! Prayers that all will come together by September and you and your family are back here in the US. Xx
  3. artista928

    I have Cancer :/ -- still doing well

    Thank you Bill! My shark tooth is my good luck charm! Hope all's well with you!
  4. artista928

    I have Cancer :/ -- still doing well

    Thank you Voltaire! Hope all's well with you and your family!
  5. artista928

    I have Cancer :/ -- still doing well

    Glad to hear all is well! I'm 8 years out from diagnosis. I don't do scans anymore unless I complain of something that should be double checked. Labs are 3 x a year, onc 1 x a year, surgeon 1 x year since the bilateral implants has a recall on them for 3 years so making sure all's well & he's my mammogram, PCP 3 x yr... I still have a lung nodule now for 7 years. I don't do a chest x-ray anymore after 2 years as it would have shown up as malignant by then, according to my onc. Hopefully eventually cancer will take up less space in your mind as you go forth cancer free. Stay blessed. The experience has impacted me positively as well. I'm a better person from it, so for that I feel grateful. xx
  6. artista928

    Father in ICU

  7. artista928

    Father in ICU

  8. artista928

    Good Morning

    That too!
  9. artista928

    Good Morning

    Check to see if their profile pics or marital status has changed on FB. Better than a soap at the moment. Sorry. Hope things work out.
  10. artista928

    Who do you like that posts here?

    I do pick up my phone several times a day.........to text and the internet..
  11. artista928

    Who do you like that posts here?

    I am still around, and occasionally, here.
  12. artista928

    Who do you like that posts here?

    CurlyNight checking in. Hope all's well with you!
  13. artista928

    Who do you like that posts here?

    I'm 7 years out now and still get labs drawn every 4 months because something is off, and occasional scans for when there is discomfort or pain. Sending you ts n ps and positive vibes for good results.