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Everything posted by nobody

  1. I know you hate him, but he absolutely would fix it.
  2. That all makes sense, but it will trigger deflation, no? People stop paying debt. Credit seizes up. Demand for everything falls. Prices fall. Homes gets underwater. Return to step 1. Inflation is a not a nefarious evil. It's a necessary evil. Otherwise we'd hit a deflationary feedback loop anytime we had a recession. And this isn't theory. It happened during the great depression.
  3. In my view inflation is good if you have debt like a mortgage. It's going to keep the buyer above water and act as a hedge, but the debt holder essentially used that money ahead of time while the dollars were worth more. Inflation is bad if you have a lot of cash since it erodes your buying power
  4. This seems a bit counter intuitive to me. Are you suggesting that people are paying down credit with credit when you say, "rise.....and available credit will shrink....and more people will start to stop paying" If so, inflation is our friend. It will make costs to borrow to high, but wages will have to rise as well. Those two things will make it less likely for people to live on credit, and it will artificially shrink their existing debt by devaluing the dollar.
  5. nobody

    The white supremacists on my block are upset

    So you want to live around people with different opinions, but you'd prefer they keep them to themselves. Makes sense.
  6. nobody

    Caitlin Clark debut

    Angel knows why we watch the WNBA...
  7. nobody

    Caitlin Clark debut

    Caitlin is a thug!!!
  8. nobody


    You got remarried?
  9. nobody

    The white supremacists on my block are upset

    Maybe they're in distress because one of their neighbors is a moron.
  10. My work had a ceremony for the raising of the pride flag. Too bad there isn't a pride in your work month. Maybe wed actually get something done.
  11. nobody

    Caitlin Clark debut

    Seafoam. He loses at everything.
  12. nobody

    Axe Elf

    Rest In Power, Axe Elf!
  13. nobody


    Man, I got excited there for a second when I saw beernuts. I figured we must've had a huge run up this morning or something.
  14. Torridjoe playing billy badass is adorable.
  15. nobody

    Caitlin Clark debut

    My twitter feed is got a bunch of clips of some chick bodying Clark for no reason in between plays. Question. Back in the 70s and 80s when they used to beat up stars in the NBA, teams would have enforcers on the team. Is that not a thing in the WNBA? I mean just sign some big hoss and tell her that her only job is to clothesline any bìtch that takes a cheap shot on Clark.
  16. Wait... Paying hush money to porn stars is a crime?
  17. You're going to make a fantastic bitter old man
  18. I'm not usually on the side of the wokies, but the city can fly the flag they want to fly.
  19. nobody

    Tell me this guy looks like Loony Rudy G

    That guy looks nothing like Rudy Gobert
  20. Interfering and manipulating science to hit a partisan agenda is inappropriate and is what we’re working to wall against,” So basically they don't want anyone questioning them which is funny because true science invites questions.
  21. I also may or may not have been invited to the White House for the Chiefs visit.
  22. nobody

    Caitlin Clark debut

    People don't like being gaslit. The media keeps telling us that the wnba is awesome. Some of the folks here watched apparently and saw that was a lie. Hell, even in this thread, one of the biggest women's basketball supporters on the board is saying wnba players can't catch passes. So the question isn't "why do you care that people like it?" The question is "why are they bothering to gaslight us about it?"
  23. nobody

    Brandon McManus 'accused of sexually assaulting two women

    Not cool. He should be held accountable if the allegations prove to be true.
  24. nobody

    Suicide Dominoes

    Not very Christ-like. Another day in purgatory for you.