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nobody last won the day on October 20 2023

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About nobody

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    FF Geek
  • Birthday 05/15/1977

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  1. nobody

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    Maybe a bullet went through someone else and the blood on Trump was that person's?
  2. nobody

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    "Driscoll described himself as “the Johnny Appleseed of White Guilt” What a weird thing to be proud of.
  3. nobody

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    That would too the scales in Kamala's favor for me. Trump's policies just don't seem as good if he wasn't nicked by a bullet.
  4. nobody

    A Different Topic: Nostalgia

    1999. Peyton Manning, Antonio Freeman, and Marshall Faulk were my first three picks.
  5. nobody

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    So Palestine is a geographic region in the middle east. It exists next to a country called Israel. Israel is bigger country. Israel is a powerful country. Palestine decided to invade a powerful country called Israel. So basically that's wrong
  6. nobody

    Rookie ONLY draft

    This one is a couple of months old, but it's rookie only https://fftoday.com/rankings/rookie.php
  7. nobody

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    The same exact group of people that were defending Biden's age and competency a week ago are now concerned about age. They just repeat whatever their told like a cult.
  8. nobody

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    Gutter thinks you just wake up with dementia one day, and there's no way to see it ahead of time without a clinical diagnosis that The Party would've whitewashed anyway. This guy was going to vote for Biden because The Party said he was "sharp as a tack." Imagine being this naive. Good times. Good times.
  9. nobody

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    Now we're just making up opinions again. Leaders need to have instincts to make the right decision with incomplete information. The left seems to have none of that. That's why we get a 2 year economy shutdown for minimal benefit, and doctors pushing hormone therapy on teenagers. And we fall for things like "Biden is sharp as a tack!"
  10. nobody

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    The left. "I need a doctor to tell me someone has dementia when it's obvious" "I need a doctor to tell me covid isn't worth shutting the economy down for 2 years." "I need a doctor to tell me pumping kids full of hormones isn't a good idea" If you guys are that clueless, just sit down and stop offering up your wrong opinions. You'd think you'd realize you're not smart enough for this by now. I'm sure we'll get another, "she'll we tried our best" though once you catch up to people with common sense. Oh and then he relates life ruining policies to a fantasy football opinion I didn't even have. These people get votes.
  11. This reminds me of where I work. Screw everything up. Waste a bunch of time and money "fixing" it and people give you flowers. Good times. Good times.
  12. nobody

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    Anyone remember when they tried to explain away his mental decline because of a stutter. And the same folks lining up behind Kamala bought it. Shameless automatons
  13. LOL at that sham organization calling anything sketch
  14. When you're as ugly as I am, you can't afford to be picky.
  15. nobody

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    I saw it. If you couldn't see what was obvious back then, why should we trust your opinions now?