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nobody last won the day on November 8 2024

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  1. nobody

    Trump looking for DEI snitches

    Oh it's trump. Got it.
  2. nobody

    Trump looking for DEI snitches

    Is there really a dude out there named Don Snoreleone?
  3. nobody

    Did Lamar Jackson graduate kindergarten?

    If Todd Monken was smart, he'd have benched Mark Andrews for Isaiah Likely 18 weeks ago.
  4. nobody

    Dress warm at NFL playoff games

    You should be proud to lose a toe for your team. Like Jameis said, they are putting their body and life on the line every single day! When they're not out stealing crab legs and sexually assaulting massage therapists of course.
  5. nobody

    Did Lamar Jackson graduate kindergarten?

    So you "don't know a damn thing about LJ," but you know for a fact he's not dumb and he speaks the way he does because of where he was born... right next to Fort Lauderdale. And if someone thinks he's stupid, it can only be because they're racist. So to reiterate, you have no idea what's going on beyond someone called a black guy dumb, but you just know it's because it's racist after making up that he has a "regional dialect." Ok, cool. Glad to know you're completely full of BS. To be clear Fort Lauderdale isn't in the swamps. It's a huge city, and 99.999999% of the people from that area don't talk like Lamar Jackson.
  6. nobody

    Did Lamar Jackson graduate kindergarten?

    Dude went to the richest schools in the area and then went to Louisville. Peenie talking about how if he gets exposure to the general public way of speaking, he'll pick up proper grammar. Dude has been going to suburban schools and working with the Ravens for what? 15 years? That whole line of reasoning is ridiculous.
  7. nobody

    Did Lamar Jackson graduate kindergarten?

    Agreed, but the whole, "he can't speak properly because he and his family grew up segregated and therefore developed a regional dialect" is absolute horseshìt since he was clearly integrated into other communities.
  8. nobody

    Did Lamar Jackson graduate kindergarten?

    Maybe if Lamar had better grammar, mark Andrews would've caught that 2pt conversion
  9. nobody


    If any digital coin replaced fiat currency, the inevitable outcome would be the collapse of the economy. Imagine the inevitable situation where we see a recession where we start seeing deflation. Why would anyone buy anything when you could buy it the next day for cheaper? Why would anyone invest or loan money, when the value of the money itself will rise in value with less risk? Credit markets will seize up which means property values will plummet, and people's entire net worth will be wiped out. And I know what you're thinking. You don't think it will happen. You think I'm dumb. You think I don't understand crypto. Guess what? it already happened in the great depression when we were on the gold standard.
  10. nobody

    Did Lamar Jackson graduate kindergarten?

    He may or may not be dumb, but I don't think this is true. I had family who lives in that area and spent a lot of time in that area and no one talks like that. Unless you want to say it's a small neighborhood or something, but either way it's pretty bunk. It's not like he isn't exposed to the outside world. He went to nicer schools than most people here due to his football prowess.
  11. nobody

    Did Lamar Jackson graduate kindergarten?

    And since when does the Ft Lauderdale area where Lamar grew have a "regional dialect?" I had family in that area for decades. Also here is the very poor area Lamar played high school football and as such couldn't be expected to learn grammar. Amazing he survived. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=567ab18d067741e3&rlz=1C1GCGB_enUS1141US1141&sxsrf=ADLYWIL1sDLOv7FgSB8bghj69XP0Xecd-Q:1737158841694&q=boynton+beach+fl&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkW1DRbm01j6DCVS0r1sTxn7h_rt6mVhwDmwtd3hPZjM8xOYJM4hmmrxWbUY3sD5VWIMokj2y_vGi8fBpFPuBNa8hz4Li0jj_jR95F_P7TRXoz1_1czWVCK2r7AVMe-2AJv68T3e8ks-FkqvSCyKg_VRMpSDaAtUyNGf11siL50Sb-jeqHuPOTj28B3ejbm7-I1baovHQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjx0LX9_P2KAxWHGDQIHUQ7BGwQtKgLegQICRAB&biw=1920&bih=1031&dpr=1&safe=active&ssui=on
  12. nobody

    Did Lamar Jackson graduate kindergarten?

    They are inevitable until the sh¡t hits the fan and we find ourselves in a fight with China or some other future power. All our lives have been lived a million times before. History repeats. The Romans were disciplined, strong, and smart and built an empire. Then they got complacent and distracted and assimilated cultures not loyal to Rome and their empire fell just like what's happening now. We have another century at least though, I'd say. You'll scoff, of course, but while you're scoffing, remember your team's track record on covid, inflation, the border, etc. Your team sucks.
  13. nobody

    Did Lamar Jackson graduate kindergarten?

    Dude. Do you realize that you are the one being racist here? You're basically saying you aren't allowed to call a black person dumb unless you also call a white person dumb first. That is extremely biased. You are being the prime example of a racist person trying not to be racist, but you just don't know how.
  14. nobody

    Did Lamar Jackson graduate kindergarten?

    racist until proven innocent... man that guy is virtuous!