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Everything posted by nobody

  1. nobody

    Bill Walton died

    Lol, this is an awesome microcosm of the victim mentality. Run around being annoying constantly and then when someone says you're annoying, claim it's because you're whatever class you want to claim is being discriminated against.
  2. nobody

    Furiosa flops at the box office

    Were there any non-straight-white-males in it? If so, it was probably too woke.
  3. nobody


    The guy who can barely form a coherent thought is apparently an expert in Egyptian law. Who knew.
  4. nobody

    Funeral for a person who committed suicide

    Thou shall not bear false witness either. You ever going to tell us about the multiple times you physically removed men from women's bathrooms?
  5. nobody

    AB files for bankruptcy

    It's difficult to explain the relevance to someone with limited comprehension.
  6. This clown thinks getting fined for choking people is the NBA not being set up to make players wealthy.
  7. nobody

    AB files for bankruptcy

    You can't expect to get wealthy on only 80 million.
  8. Yeah, so anyway. That Draymond is a real dummy, huh?
  9. The statement is ridiculous and I posted it here so we can all laugh at him and make jokes instead of posting about trannies, trump, and Biden for a minute.
  10. nobody

    Trump to ban contraception?

    The border is more important because no one is trying to take your contraceptives away.
  11. nobody

    Trump to ban contraception?

    He appears to believe Biden is capable of critical thought. I guess this topic is so obvious, maybe even Biden could get it? I suppose that's possible.
  12. nobody

    Trump to ban contraception?

    Well trump is like Biden in this case in that they both had some policy written up by their handlers. I don't know why anyone would want to restrict birth control. Abortions are so inconvenient.
  13. nobody

    Trump to ban contraception?

    He clearly has no idea what contraception is.
  14. nobody

    Caitlin Clark debut

    Pretty privilege is definitely a thing. Us uglies aren't afforded the same opportunities as the pretties.
  15. nobody

    Stock Market bubble - will crash

    I know the split means nothing, but I always like when they do that since there is a population of investors that just prefer buying stock at a lower price point.
  16. nobody

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    Of course he thinks his opinion is superior. If he thought someone else had a superior opinion, he'd adopt that opinion. I think his opinion sucks, but in the end he's not blocking traffic, rioting, or trying to force me to do anything, so I'm not really concerned about it.
  17. How much does it cost to print a ballot? 10 cents? $51 million puts Biden on track for 510 million votes this time around.
  18. nobody

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    I suppose I'd try to hide the fact that I helped cause a pandemic too.
  19. nobody

    Another Win Against DEI

    I'm pretty good friends with the manager of HR at a large hotel conglomerate. She confirms your perspective that at her place hiring is all about gender and race these days.
  20. nobody

    Another Win Against DEI

    You still doing recruiting? Tell me he wouldn't be a great middle manager. Except for the whole white male part, of course.
  21. nobody


    Okay now that we picked up 10% in a week, we watch CPI like a god damned hawk. The second it shows inflation surging again (if it surges), we get out of our crypto as fast as possible.
  22. nobody

    Harrison Butker, geek club hero

    I think Butker is wrong, but my vagina remains sand free over it for now. Unlike the wokies, he's harmless.
  23. nobody

    Another Win Against DEI

    I think what people don't quite get is that the DEI and woke agendas kind of told on themselves. They regularly say that straight white men (and usually white people in general) suck. And then that's not racist because white people have power and minorities don't. But think about that. Your team has open disdain for me because I'm a straight white male. You clearly are going to be biased against me when you have power. Why would I be motivated to support your bid for power? And this bears out over and over again. If your crew is going to be biased, why is that better than straight white male bias? By the way, I'm ugly and the bias against ugly people is universal from every group so maybe we should only put ugly people in positions of power?
  24. nobody

    Another Win Against DEI

    Affirmative action? The Rooney Rule? The sponsorship of minority based networking groups. At my company, there has been a rotation program that trained young engineers for management. They didn't say they were excluding white males, but when they post the group photo every year, it's clear they're excluding white males... Unless we think there isn't a single white male in a yearly class of 50 that is qualified for the program. I've been on recruiting trips for 20 years where we were given clear direction to seek out minority candidates. They even counted up the groups in the car leaving. "Ok, there were 8 hispanic males, 4 Hispanic women. 6 African American males...."
  25. nobody

    Another Win Against DEI

    You're right that the c-suite is a good ole boys club, but all dei does is replace one bias with another.