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Everything posted by santa*69

  1. santa*69

    Antonio Pittman claimed by the Rams

    Man this is just dumb. He got beat out in New Orleans by a Free Agent Rookie. It was not a numbers thing. New Orleans moved up into the 4th round of the draft trading two picks to take him. He lost his position to Pierre Thomas who had a fantastic camp and preseason. I would not count on him displacing anyone. He was picked to be the 3rd or 4th running back on the Saints. Deuce, Bush. He could not displace Aaron Stecker veteran who also does special teams. Free agent rookie Pierre Thomas. He was just bad! Again bad draft move but hats off to a coach that sees his mistakes and gets them out the door.
  2. santa*69

    If Michigan loses? How far do they fall?

    Don't you mean there is a very good chance Oregon beat them and they start 0-2 and then they get to start playing that weak ass Big 10 Schedule and beat those teams handily because they suck.
  3. santa*69

    Ohio State could get exposed this year.

    Antonio Pittman. Saints moved up to 4th round to draft him cut yesterday by Saints beat out by Free Agent Rookie Pierre Thomas. Just a little more to show you the lack of talent on that team from last year. Just playing a bunch of bad teams.
  4. santa*69

    Ohio State could get exposed this year.

    Again who is on the schedule??? It looked like the Big 10 all scheduled lower Div teams yesterday. Is this the plan for the future? Pump how good they are play each other and say the winner deserves the title. Or like last year play each other and say they should play again for the title. I really hope they run the table. I want them to be there again. The Big 10 can always hold out that they play Notre Dame another quality win. As for the Sec they will have some good teams. I also have to take my hat off to Pac 10 Cal is stepping up out of conference. You also can't question USC.
  5. I say 4-8. Notre Dame and the Fat Man are going in the wrong direction. Date Opponent / Event Location Time 09/01/07 vs. Georgia Tech Notre Dame, Ind. L, 33-3 09/08/07 at Penn State State College, Pa. 6:00 p.m. ET 09/15/07 at Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich. 3:30 p.m. ET 09/22/07 vs. Michigan State Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET 09/29/07 at Purdue West Lafayette, Ind. TBA 10/06/07 at UCLA Pasadena, Calif. 5:00 p.m. PT 10/13/07 vs. Boston College Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET 10/20/07 vs. USC Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET 11/03/07 vs. Navy Notre Dame, Ind. 2:30 p.m. ET 11/10/07 vs. Air Force Notre Dame, Ind. 2:30 p.m. ET 11/17/07 vs. Duke Notre Dame, Ind. 2:30 p.m. ET 11/24/07 at Stanford Palo Alto, Calif.
  6. santa*69

    Ohio State could get exposed this year.

    Chronic I knew I could get you out where is Buckeye. You know this is true. I do not think you guys would want anything to do with BCS champ game this year. It would be a smack down. Oklahoma has not recovered yet. I hope you guys win out.
  7. santa*69

    If Michigan loses? How far do they fall?

    One of my friends little brother plays offensive line for Michigan. Had a chance to speak with my buddy last night who had a chance to speak with his brother. SHOCK is the word. Strangest locker room he has ever been in. They had guys crying after the first game of the season. It does not sound like the prepared at all for this team. Hard to believe considering they are two time defending champs in the division and run the spread. Not much to play for now. I still go back to this team was wanted by the media to play Ohio State again for the title. Just think if that had happened. We would hear all these media types talking about how great this conference is. Nobody in this conference except maybe Wisc can beat anybody at the top of any major conf in the country right now. Thank God they got exposed in the bowl games last year.
  8. santa*69

    If Michigan loses? How far do they fall?

    I take my hat off to you Sir. I also dig how long you have been a member and the number of post.
  9. santa*69

    If Michigan loses? How far do they fall?

    I agree I am not a big fan of the conference to think they almost played Ohio St and Michigan again for the Nat Title???? They both just got kicked in the Bowl Games. One of the big games Notre Dame obvious horrible team. Now they both open with lower division teams and this. Man the polls are BS.
  10. Essentially we are talking about 1.8 Trillion worth of loans that are either Subprime or ARM loans. I dont think the Homeowner or the Mortgage company should be bailed out of this. That is how we get in this mess. You have a bunch of people financing 100% of the loan or taking 2yr teaser rate like 2% then jumping up to 9 or 10%.... Buyer beware how stupid can you be. Why not buy something you can afford and or invest your money. The mortgage company is even more at fault. They know these loans are going to fail and they still make them to make the quick buck. Now the Fed starts stepping in and bailing them out. Now I agree you want to avoid the big R but not to the point where you benefit these companies. Penalties need to be leveled against these companies. The houses need to go on the market and the money paid back to the Fed where they step in. Now that said some people turn and flip houses and make money doing that. That is a job and an investment. If you can do this more power to you and great job. But avg idiots should not try this. The market will come back and is already on the comeback but all of these people will get foreclosed on and be financially broken for years to come. This effects not only them but childrens education etc. Lesson. Buy a house you can afford. Invest the rest of your money. You do not need the best car or clothes or watch etc. Invest your money. You should at any point with your investments and your savings account be able to pay off your house. If not you should have at least half of what you owe. Dont put all of your eggs in one basket. This entire mess just pisses me off. Vent over.
  11. Well one less person for the idiot to throw to under 10 yards. What a joke. Bears get Brees last year they are trying to repeat SB champs this year. Go get a damn QB.
  12. santa*69

    Devery Henderson

    PatteRn will catch more balls.
  13. santa*69


    What he is saying is.......We do not have a guy who can throw the ball down field so we are going to be checking all the way down to the RB all year. Which means they are going to be getting stuffed all year. They will pick very high in the draft next year. Way to go Herm. The Jets are really missing this guy. NO!
  14. santa*69

    On The Record For Bragging Rights Later

    David PatteRn will have the most receptions from a WR in New Orleans. Vince Young will be down this year and the Titans record will be worse than last year.
  15. santa*69

    Marques Colston Fantasy File

    I am telling you it is real and so is wrestling. Come on are you real asking this question.
  16. santa*69

    NBC trying to push politics into football

    Olberman just like communism in theory it all sounds great. In practice, well. I have grown to hate his side of the story.
  17. Maybe this is an odd view but could this be exactly what the Dems and Rep want. They cant and never will agree on anything anymore. However, is the message not out there that if you come to America and do some type of terrorist act, we are going to send our military anywhere around the world and be in your country for years and years. We may be in the right country we may get in the wrong country but we are going to get in. I still feel it is not small coincidence that nothing has happened on our soil in the last going on 6 yrs. However it rages in the very countries we have invaded. I think a lot of people in those circles may see this as a win even if you or I do or do not.
  18. santa*69

    Star Wars-themed NFL predictions

    Like it. Loved the Green Bay.
  19. santa*69

    All these Subprime and Arm Loans.

    Swamp you are right on the money with this one. I can't tell you the couples we know. More than 10. About half of them actually make more money that I do. Got upside down on the mortgage. People when it comes to money are idiots. It is like when you go the mechanic and if you know nothing about cars they can tell you anything is broken. 8 of these couples had to sell and buy another house. A few were lucky got to sell before market it the low but man what a waste of time and money.
  20. santa*69

    All these Subprime and Arm Loans.

    Not really trying to argue because I like where your coming from but the lenders are also at fault. They created all these loans and I assure you many of these subprime loans had no savings or anything to back up what they were purchasing. It is both of their faults. If you read my post however I completely agree if you are stupid enough to sign for that loan you deserve the outcome.
  21. santa*69

    Hate to say it but...

    Love to say it. Oakland is still going to suck. You have to love those crazy fans. The freaks come out in Oakland.
  22. santa*69

    Who's moving up your board

    I love the guy on here that had grossman moving up his board. HE was actually serious. That is great. Homer. I also question the Romo moving up the board. I mean I think he has his spot but based on last year no way up or down. He is a wait and see for me. I have him in a slot but I wont move him up.
  23. santa*69

    commish question - do you do a live in person draft?

    Draft is best day of the year for the league. Why limit it. Make fun of etc if somebody is not prepared. Just more time to have fun. No limit. That said usually takes 4 to 5 hours. Great time!
  24. santa*69

    NFL suspends Michael Vick indefinitely

    So how much will those throw back Ron Mexico Jerseys be worth years from now. Will it be like an upside down stamp?
  25. santa*69

    Robert Meachem

    He is doing very bad in the pre season. If he was not 1st round he would get cut. No way he sees the field this year. I think they might try and sneak him on the pup list saying it is his knee etc but he just has been very bad. He will not see the field unless 3 or 4 get hurt.