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Everything posted by Dongholster

  1. What's wrong with a smegma laden shemale? You close-minded bigots.
  2. Dongholster

    Epic Beard Man: Approve Alias?

    Duly noted. Thanks for the tip
  3. Dongholster

    Side boob .... down blouse .... or up shirt?

    Let me count the reasons . . . .
  4. Dongholster

    Anybody here ever had a gun waved in their face

    I love having a gun waved in my face. It's even better when there is more than one gun being waved in your face. I recommend the experience to everyone
  5. Dongholster

    Epic Beard Man: Approve Alias?

    I love the sensation of an unshaven face as it rubs against the inside of my thighs
  6. I can fathom few things more insulting than being accused of being an alias. Numerous posters here have accused me of that very thing. I've done my best to debunk this myth and have gone so far as to post my picture in the current pinned thread and the earlier geek pic post thread (before the Latin Pimp crash). Assuming arguendo that I am indeed alias, just who do you think I am an alias of? Taking it one step further, if I truly am an alias, and anyone here is able to successfully identify me, I will reveal myself. Seriously. So, guess away, and good luck!
  7. So far, no one has guessed correctly. My offer still stands. Good luck :banana:
  8. I will give a few hints to help narrow it down: -my real username does not begin with a vowel -I live in the continental US -occasionally, I will use the internet to view pornography -my taste in music is vastly superior to yours -all 12 of my big $$$ fantasy teams won their leagues -I have unusually large genitals -men want to be me, women want to be with me -my annual salary is in the high six figures
  9. Alright. I will admit this is an alias - I concede that is not much of a revelation. But I will out myself if someone guesses correctly!
  10. Wow! Nothing gets by you. And no, I am not Tom Brady, although if I was, I would fock the sh!t out of myself
  11. Good guesses, but none would be correct, if I was actually an alias.
  12. Dongholster

    Best songs from movies

    Winner: "Wind Beneath My Wings", performed by the divine Better Midler, from the 1988 film "Beaches" First Runner-up: "The Touch", performed by the stupendous Stan Bush, from the 1986 film "The Transformers: The Movie" Honorable Mention: "A Love That Will Never Grow Old", performed by the incomparable Emmylou Harris, from the 2005 film "Brokeback Mountain"
  13. Dongholster

    What do you guys do for a living?

    Middle school guidance counselor. I also give piano and voice lessons in my home.
  14. Dongholster

    Looks like the Dems may lose Teddy's Mass seat.

    I'm not a Republican, but that gets me excited
  15. Dongholster

    my gay uncle's facebook.

    Yes please
  16. Dongholster

    Have you guys seen this thread yet?

    "Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken." Some fockwad deleted my thread. Focking jocksniffing homophobes I hope whomever is responsible for this cowardly act of censorship dies slowly from blood loss caused by partially severed genitals.
  17. Dongholster

    Help BLS decide his fate

    Only slightly. Those stripes are horrendous
  18. Dongholster

    song you are listening to right now...

    Samwell - "What, What (In the Butt)"
  19. Dongholster

    Have you guys seen this thread yet?

  20. If you were the Commissioner of the NFL, what uniform rule changes would you impose? I have three that I would love to see implemented immediately: 1) Players do not have to wear socks all the way up to their knees. This is one of the reasons I love college ball so much, as there aren't many things more beautiful than a well-muscled calf. 2) Players (except for fatass linemen) can wear half-shirt jerseys much in the same way many college players did in the 80s and into the early 90s. For example: http://media.scout.com/Media/Image/50/503070.jpg (image is SFW) 3) If the forecast calls for rain, all players must wear white pants, undergarments are optional. This rule should be self-explanatory. What uniform rule changes would you fellas impose if given the chance?
  21. Dongholster

    Uniform Rules Changes your would like to see

    This bored is described as: "The place for fantasy football and nfl discussion, breaking news, etc... fantasy football talk at it's best!" Obviously, I have posted this thread in the correct forum. Perhaps you should start your own msg. bored so you can administer and monitor it in whatever whimsical fashion you choose. Don't rain on my parade, Sally
  22. Dongholster

    Help BLS decide his fate

    This hideous sweater ( http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x199/fr...Xmas2009011.jpg ) is reason enough to never have anything to with her ever again.
  23. Dongholster

    Uniform Rules Changes your would like to see

    It's obvious league fashion is not one of your priorities. Please reconsider the question and report back with your opinion. TIA.
  24. Dongholster

    Tuck Rule?

    Ask and you shall receive: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2362/179628..._009c032b70.jpg
  25. Dongholster

    Police Hunt for Supermarket Bum Sniffer

    Some of us do. Personally, I do not. But much like you hetero guys will stick a finger in a pusssy and take whiff before going down, I like to get a whiff of a guy's asscrack before tounging it. Just like food, if it smells good it probably tastes good too