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Everything posted by JREarly

  1. JREarly

    Week 1 Matchup Help

    this is what i would go with as your starting lineup for week 1: qb - brady (not sure who NE plays but i know dallas plays a tough jacksonville D and TO might not play) rb - LJ rb - portis (if he is not ready to go just start mcgahee) wr - wayne wr - chambers te - shockey def - redskins (i know they play MIN but i am not sure who bucs play, if they are weaker than MIN play bucs) k - kaeding pretty solid team.
  2. thanks guys keep them coming
  3. JREarly

    Trading for #1 leave link.

    i wouldnt do this trade. only because i feel you are going to need all of your picks. it looks nice cause you get that top RB but then you dont have a 2nd round pick. way too risky. please see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=224593
  4. JREarly

    Alexander or Tomlinson?

    LT don't forget the Madden Jinx . . . . . . .
  5. Alright my real draft is tomorrow evening and I decided to do a mock draft tonight while trying something a little different, just to see how it would turn out. I decided to draft WRs with my first two picks. I would only even consider this if I was drafting late in the draft and would not be able to get a top RB. Most of the 2nd tier RBs are all the same to me. At least thats how it seems to me at this point. Its a 10 team league and is not a PPR league. Am I crazy for considering this? If so TELL ME. This is how my team turned out and this is what my starters and bench players would look like. Let me know what you guys think ... ... ... Starters: QB - DELHOMME RB - K. JONES RB - J. LEWIS WR - C. JOHNSON WR - S. SMITH TE - R. MCMICHAEL RB/WR - T. JONES DEF - GIANTS/RAVENS K - J. REED Bench: QB - WARNER RB - GORE RB - DUCKETT WR - BURLESON WR - K. ROBINSON WR - MUHAMMAD DEF - GIANTS/RAVENS I was surprised at my RBs for not taking any in the first two rounds. I know they aren't really that good but they have good potential. I like K. Jones and J. Lewis this year. Think they are both going to put up some solid solid numbers. I don't know, like I said this was just a mock draft I did to see what it would turn out like. Let me know what you guys think. Should I draft like this on draft day or stick with drafting RBs with my first two picks?? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. JREarly

    Calling All Geeks ... How Bad Is This Team?

    yea, i dunno. i like it but i dont. i just dont have great strength at RB, obviously. i just dont know if this team would be good enough. if lewis and jones step up like they can this could be a huge team, otherwise just average.
  7. JREarly

    What to do you think of this team

    good overall draft. i like rbs very much as well as qbs. try to get another wr if you can. i would keep wilford and maybe look to get curtis if possible. please see mine http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=224275
  8. JREarly

    Keeper Help Two Out/Of THree

    this is tough but i would drop jordan as well. other two are solid. please see mine
  9. JREarly

    Calling All Geeks ... How Bad Is This Team?

    no, this is not a points per reception league.
  10. JREarly

    Need some experts help on keepers

    i am no expert but found this interesting. seems to be a very tough choice. i would go with brady for one reason - you know what you are going to get out of him. he is the start obviously in NE and will always be and hasnt had a big problem with injuries. i like jones, however he will probably eventually share time and he has been having trouble with injuries lately. your team is already descent. i see you making your team better by keeping brady.
  11. yeah i love driver this year. but you guys should try to keep this quiet. my draft is tomorrow and i am looking to get him late as a GREAT value pick.
  12. JREarly

    The Reggie Bush Argument

    i dont have to justify my reasons because you guys are not in my league. my thoughts on bush are this. i will in no way shape or form take him as my #1 RB or my #2. if he happens to fall in the 4th round and be there as my #3 RB on my team, then i would consider taking him. i will let someone else have the rookie, way too high in the draft.
  13. JREarly

    Would a bye week change your pick?

    if ronnie brown is available for your first pick then take him. worry about your 2nd round pick when it comes. yes it is nice to plan ahead, however you can't be exactly sure who is going to be there for you to take. many strange things happen on draft day. just plan on who you want to take and if he is there then take him. just give yourself a good idea going into the draft, but dont just take that guy because he is there. look at your other options to give you the best possible team. if you are looking at your 2 starting RBs then dont worry about bye weeks. they will win you the other 13 weeks. maybe you will play a week team in your league that week and squeeze by with your backups. good luck.
  14. JREarly

    Ronnie Brown or Edge

    i will take Edge slightly over Brown. just because he is proven ...... i just hope i dont have this scenerio come draft day ......
  15. JREarly

    Anyone Think B.Engram Could get 1000/8

    well i figured burleson would be the #2 if hes healthy. i might take engram as my #4 WR but nothing higher.
  16. JREarly

    Who would you rather have?

    ummm i will take ................. neither. bell has not produced anything, even when he was "supposed" to. rhodes has never got a great deal of playing time and who knows what he can really do. this is too hard for me to pick one.
  17. JREarly

    Brian Westbrook

    Westbrook i guess you are in a situation where you have to take him, although you can't pass him up, it is hard to pull the trigger as well. . . sucks to worry about your top pick REinjuring himself/
  18. JREarly

    Edge or Portis

    all of this is up in the air with me also. i dont know where i will be drafting yet but if i was in your position i would go with the edge. only because portis' shoulder scares me to death (i dont want to have to worry about my top guy REinjuring himself all year) and because they just got duckett. portis has great potential and before he got hurt i would have taken him 4th, but injuries are injuries and i will let someone else worry about it. i would go with the edge, just make sure you grab another RB with your next pick. rushing attempts are so low probably because of their very good passing offense. this is just a guess, but thats all i can see it being. he should get used nicely in the passing game as well. just hope that terrible O-line will be good enough. hope this helps.
  19. JREarly

    Drafting 12th in a 12 man league

    if two of those RBs fall to you then i would go that route. i think it is essential to get two RBs your first two picks. however, the 2nd tier RBs this year are all mixed together. no one seperates themselves from the rest of the pack. so, if only one of these RBs fall to you then you could get Caddy and C. Johnson and then your 3rd pick get a guy like J. Lewis or C. Taylor. or W. Dunn. and with the 4th pick i would probably also take another RB since you have a stud at WR. that means you would draft RB WR RB RB. your 5th pick of course would be a WR. i just like to draft 3 RBs in the first 4 picks because in my leagues we can start 3 RBs. usually i draft RB RB WR RB but at the end of a 12 team draft your a lot of your RBs will be too close to call as far as performance prediction this season. so as an overview this is what i would do with the pick. i would grab the best possible RB with ur #1 then a stud WR with ur #2 and then make sure you grab the top two RBs left on the board with your 3rd and 4th picks. i would look for a guy like Gore with your 4th pick. hope this helps. good luck.
  20. JREarly

    Where do you have Portis Ranked?

    it will be a very good pick if you manage to get duckett as well and if jordan produces good numbers this year. of course it is risky but could pay off very nicely in the end.
  21. JREarly

    LaMont Jordan - really?

    Ronnie Ronnie Ronnie ! ! !
  22. JREarly


    i would dump pope, bennett and boston. looks like a solid all around team. nice draft.
  23. i just went through a 10 team mock draft in which i was practicing for my real draft that takes place on friday. i am just looking for comments on my team and if/how i should have drafted differently. in our league we are starting two QB's so i went through this draft having a different perspective than someone would starting just 1 QB. i realize that the others drafting in this draft were not drafting based on starting 2 QB's, so therefore my QB situation will probably not turn out this nice in my real draft. let me know what you guys think and give me some advice, i know i need it. i drafted from the 8th position. listed below are my WOULD BE starters and bench in my real league based upon my mock draft results...... starters QB - HASSELBECK QB - CULPEPPER RB - S. JACKSON RB - R. BROWN RB/WR - MCALLISTER WR - WARD WR - CHAMBERS TE - POLLARD K - VANDERJAGT DEF - EAGLES bench WR - MUHAMMAD WR - BURLESON WR - KEYSHAWN QB - VICK RB - HENRY RB - BARLOW i know i dont have great depth at RB on the bench but i am pretty happy with my WRs and QB situation. let me know what you guys think. is this team that bad for a 10 team league? trying to get a good idea before my draft on friday. thanks.