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About Montezuma

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  1. Montezuma

    Confrederate Flags At Public High Schools

    Good idea, and in 50 years we can start hanging swastikas too and just take them down when holocaust survivors show up. Whats the big deal?
  2. Montezuma

    Study finds Cons more generous than Libs

    How is this suprising? People on the left and right just have different ideas about how to help people. Some people think that its the goverments obligation, others think it should be up to individuals to distribute their money to charity how they see fit. This isn't exactly shocking news to anyone is it? They're both trying to achieve the same end leftists just try to do it through the government.
  3. Montezuma

    Here's why minimum wage sucks

    This is somewhat questionable reasoning. Admittedly a 16 to 18 year olds with no training should not have access to particularly high paying jobs, nor do they. But to say that they don't need a living wage assumes that someone else (presumably parents) is providing a reasonable standard of living for them, which simply isn't always the case. What about teenagers who have deadbeat/drug addicted/imprisoned parents? They clearly need a job for more than extra spending money to go on dates on the weekends, for some it's a matter of survival, if teenagers are going to be allowed to work they should be treated like any other worker and be given a living wage. Simply turning 19 shouldn't suddenly entitle a laborer to more money. Also, on a slightly different note, how do those of you that support letting the market determine wages respond to claims that doing so simply triggers a race to the bottom. Free market principles allow for slave wages to be paid to workers in the third world, should they simply find a better job? I know that it's somewhat different since they're not American workers, but isn't that the same idea? The market has determined that these workers are worth 1.50 a day should that simply be accepted?
  4. Montezuma


    No, but you're poor reasoning most definitely does make them poor.
  5. Montezuma


    Wouldn't it make some sense to have an idea what you're talking about before you start posting poorly reasoned 'points'?
  6. Montezuma


    Wow, what in incredibly poorly reasoned argument. First of all, the assumption that not being circumcised will inevitable lead to ridicule and exclusion is completely faulty. I think you are vastly overestimating the potential for emotional abuse that results from not being circumcised. Is there any particular reason that you feel that being uncircumcised is an obvious forerunner to mockery? Second, even if we do take it as true that is a truly bad reason to have your child circumcised. I mean should we be advocating nose jobs for infants if their huge noses are going to leade to ridicule? Maybe black parents should have their children undergo skin pigmentation changes so they don't feel different for being black while were at it? I don't know what sort of social circles you run in, or were raised in, where this was as big an issue as it seems to be for you, but I think that's what's at fault, not whether or not a chile is circumcised. I know when I have children I'm going to try and avoid unneccesary surgical procedures being performed on them, but I guess to each their own.
  7. Montezuma

    Bill Clinton is a little defensive about Bin laden.

    I usually try to stay out of the political discussions here. But what is the transcript that people are talking about but no one will link? Was OBL actually offered to Clinton, if so how do we know? I'm not trying to argue one way or another, this is the first I've heard of this, can anyone run through this from the beginning (with links)?
  8. Montezuma


    http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/09/22/school.plot.ap/index.html Shocking that the ladies weren't all over these guys, with a neck beard of that magnitude and coverage I'm having a hard time believing this. As someone who posts on this board I think it goes without saying that I know what women want, and let me tell you 99.9 percent of the time it's a rockin' neckbeard...
  9. Montezuma

    The OFFICE

    Straight outta season one of the English version.
  10. Montezuma

    yet another computer question, geek help needed!

    No, this is on my home laptop
  11. Montezuma

    yet another computer question, geek help needed!

    Answer me you twats
  12. Montezuma


    Entertaining stuff, too bad Aerosmith sucks donkey scrote
  13. Montezuma

    yet another computer question, geek help needed!

    None that I can remember, any other suggestions?
  14. Anyone know why I wouldn't be able to connect to things like the iTunes music store or Napster? or watch streaming videos? I disabled the windows firewall, I haven't switched ISPs recently and I don't think I'm behind a router that blocks stuff like that. Suggestions?
  15. Montezuma


    Ridiculous, this would have been just as inappropriate if the question were: "If you have never slept with someone of the opposite gender, then how do you know you wouldn't prefer it?" What a totally inappropriate question to ask students, those teachers should absolutely be disciplined.