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Everything posted by jvirne

  1. The last thing: "My haids felling off!"
  2. jvirne

    ok seriously

    Married for 11 years now, been together for 16? Something. I have zero desire to stray, though the hot 19 year old girls who flirt with me make it amusing and difficult, as do the women who occasionally want to sleep with my wife. It's tough being me.
  3. This took a strange turn.
  4. I will. Yes, you can come, provided you provide certain sexual favors. Yes, the stadium is amazing. As for Tiki....Outlook Uncertain.
  5. I want to spraypaint Johnny Rotten's bust dayglo orange, and have my BIL take a pic. I'll probably get arrested, but I know Johnny would approve.
  6. IN. I'm going to Cleveland on July 4th to see the Yanks and tour the Rock n Roll and Football Hall of Fames.
  7. Yes, except when it's coming out his ass. This makes him feel like a real man and for years he's been searching for the perfect salsa mix to produce anal flames. I have it on good word that 2 months after his wife left, he found it.
  8. Yes. Definitely yes. The problem isn't the video game, but the shitty connection I have in the hilly hinterland.
  9. "The Sound and The Fury," William Faulkner I'm reading Franzen's "Freedom" and this little twisted gem, written by a fellow CalArts grad. Favorite author = Don Delillo. His early stuff speaks to me unlike anything else.
  10. Chloroform, rohypnol, and a mask molded from my face.
  11. Meh, hasn't China being trying stuff like this for years now? I'm just glad the U.S. finally got involved and seem to be doing a good job of it. I'd be willing to bet they've been at much longer though. Nobody wants to talk about this stuff. The people hit are embarrassed, and the people attacking would rather remain anonymous. I'm surprised it made it to the press.
  12. jvirne

    facebook friends

    Go for it. FB "Addict" is a different (and more boring) creature than messageboard Addict.
  13. 3 guys for 1 cig? Clearly we're taxing the wrong sin.
  14. jvirne

    Lets bring TDZ back to life!

    This is still one of the great internet mysteries for me. What really happened to Gus? The guy just disappeared. He disappeared from a number of messageboards at the same time. I had his phone number. We were supposed to go to a Dodger game. Then he had dinner with Rock Hard and shortly thereafter :POOF: gone...
  15. jvirne

    Sports Urban Legends/Rumors/"News"

    Lou Gehrig really had testicular cancer. He was embarrassed so he lied to have a disease named after him.
  16. Scarlett Johanson Tera Patrick Hally Berry Jen Connelly Natalie Portman
  17. jvirne

    Limewire is dead

    Limewire dead? But where am I going to get more clips of Brazilian women slobbering on horse knobs? Why is the internet constantly taking away my freedom?
  18. jvirne

    AL MVP

    Anyone who doesn't vote "A-Rod" just has a problem with steroids and dooshbag personalities.
  19. jvirne

    Am I a FFT Icon?

    Be honest. I can take it.
  20. jvirne

    Am I a FFT Icon?

    I'm pretty sure aliases are stuffing the ballot.
  21. jvirne

    sawilson turns 35 today!

    Time for a celebration! Pimp that trailer with some hydraulics and turn your living room into a Disney ride!
  22. Looks like he's doing 50 without parole. Nice going, Blake! You weren't kidding about him being smart though - Why did he say he did it?