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Everything posted by jvirne

  1. jvirne


    Gene Hackman gets underappreciated as Luthor. He was a great Luthor, far better than Kevin Spacey in the new one. Which is surprising because Spacey is the better actor. He just didn't bring much to the role. Also, Superman 2 is one of the very few sequels better than the original. Name another one. It's so hard. The Road Warrior. The Empire Strikes Back. That's all I got.
  2. jvirne

    Metallica fans

  3. jvirne

    Anybody ever driven 1000 miles

    I don't know how people can do this with just coffee and/or cigs. I drove from coast to coast twice by myself, and the most I could manage was 12 hours driving, maybe 14. After that I'd begin seeing things on the road. No joke. I was once 5 hours away from home and I had to stop and get a hotel room. I was pissed about it, but I'd been driving 13 hours and the lines on the road were blurring. I would've killed myself going any further.
  4. jvirne

    30 for 30: June 17th 1994

    It wasn't just his football career. He made a very good name for himself doing comedic acting after the game, and was generally perceived as a "good guy" by the American public. I know it's hard for you to understand, me2006, having grown up with the scumbag OJ, but before the Bronco chase OJ was the complete opposite of what he is now. He was very well liked by everyone, a champion, a funny guy, a respected person, even adorable in his own way. That's why his fall drew so much attention. To the American public, it was a complete 180. It's like the Tiger Woods thing, if he had run over his wife instead of getting beat up by her. That's the only comparison I can make. But OJ went beyond Woods because he was older and had branched out into films and TV, so even people who didn't like football knew and liked OJ.
  5. jvirne

    Facebook question

    I check it frequently. I started using it to keep in contact with old college friends. Now I use it to keep in touch with exstudents, i-friends (some who post here) and use the message feature to bounce thoughts to my wife during the day that I'll know I'll forget later.
  6. jvirne

    Why the F@CK didnt you tell me about this

    If you can read this you haven't done enough vodka eye shots
  7. Well played, my friend, well played.
  8. The Armenian genocide never happened. Just ask Turkey.
  9. You need to teach both together. The history of atrocity gives greater perspective on present day ones.
  10. jvirne

    Holy Crap.

    What's with the line constantly running over the screen?
  11. You must be fishing here. No one is this ignorant.
  12. This is a limit point for a multicultural society. It's when one member of the "multi" insist that everyone bow to their blatant xenophobia. Another is when one member of the "multi" insists on brutally subjugating one half of their own people - the ones with vaginas.
  13. It's unwinnable if it were just Mexico vs. the U.S. It might last a little while, but it's unwinnable for Mexico. However, this the 21st century. At a bare minimum, Canada and Britain and probably Australia would send troops and more importantly, lend their manufacturing power. Realistically speaking, the most powerful EU nations would come the U.S.'s aid as well. If needed, it'd be the G20 vs. Mexico. China might be the only major power to sit out. Maybe Russia too, though I'm sure even they'd lend token economic support, if not troops. It'd be a fast and filthy slaughter and Mexico would be hole in the ground for 100 years, if not an outright colony of the U.S.
  14. jvirne

    Former President George W. Bush

  15. jvirne

    What is the most significant play in NFL history?

    Didn't happen in the NFL.
  16. jvirne

    What is the most significant play in NFL history?

    Norwood Wide Right. I'm positive if would have made that kick the Bills would have won at least 1 more SB, perhaps even cemented themselves as a dynasty.
  17. You'd think the t-shirt would have clued the girls into what was going to happen. "Hi, I'm Satan. You're perfectly safe with me. Especially when I'm so drunk I can't focus my eyes."
  18. jvirne

    Stephen Strasburg or NBA finals tonight

    This is what I missed by not watching the telecast. His 4-seamer moves a lot as it comes to the plate at 98mph? Really? Compare it to Beckett's fastball. Beckett's has to be the prettiest fastball I've ever seen. When he's 'on', his FB comes in at 95-96mph with wicked movement. It's a thing of art. How's Strasburg's compared to that?
  19. jvirne

    Stephen Strasburg or NBA finals tonight

    He was averaging 98-97 on his fastball. He'd hit 100, he'd drop to 96. That 90pmh changeup was a mistake. The other ones he threw were 87-88mph, which is in that -10mph range. Still, the change is his third pitch at best, maybe his fourth. So it's to be expected for now.
  20. jvirne

    Stephen Strasburg or NBA finals tonight

    Didn't see the game, but I was following the live stats on gameday. That changeup Young took deep was 90mph. A 90 mph changeup.
  21. jvirne

    Stephen Strasburg or NBA finals tonight

    Strasburg is on what? One of the national networks?
  22. jvirne

    Whos your guys favorite director?

    The 70s was the golden age of film and it's been a slow downhill slide since. Nowadays we're in a golden age of television, IMO.
  23. jvirne

    Whos your guys favorite director?

    I never knew GettnHuge was capable of this type of wit.
  24. jvirne

    Whos your guys favorite director?

    Slow down there. The Prestige was well done, and it certainly brought some attention to Nolan, but it wasn't all that.