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Everything posted by jvirne

  1. jvirne

    Whos your guys favorite director?

    There's a connection between Dean in Rebel Without a Cause and Holden Caulfield in Catcher in the Rye. I'm not quite sure what it is, maybe Dean is a less realized version of Caulfield, but it's there and both spoke to the time. Perhaps it says something that Caulfield continues to speak to us today while Dean feels somewhat dated. Whether that's about the limits of film and the power of the novel, or Dean's performance and Salinger's writing, I don't know.
  2. jvirne

    Whos your guys favorite director?

    Criss cross!
  3. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    Hey PB, how was the second season of Fringe? The wife and I bought season 1 on DVD and enjoyed it. We're waiting for Season 2 to come out. Was it as decent as the first season? Better (I hope)?
  4. jvirne

    Whos your guys favorite director?

    His first major film was really good - Pi He's a young director who actually lives up to the hype.
  5. jvirne

    Whos your guys favorite director?

    There was a time when I thought this guy was destined to be the next great director, like Scorsee, Coppola, etc. But he's so hit or miss. Se7en and Fight Club were incredible. Zodiac was forgettable but ok. Panic Room was a snore. Never bothered to see Benjamin Button.
  6. jvirne

    Whos your guys favorite director?

    Hitchcock. Almost everything he did was amazing.
  7. When I was in 3rd grade (how old is that?) I clearly remember being a latchkey kid. I wore my housekey around my neck on a chain because I kept losing it. After school, I'd ride home (maybe 2 miles), let myself in, and be alone for 2 hours before my parents made it home from work. I don't remember what I did, but I don't remember watching TV. I think I just played with my toys, which were 90% Legos and Star Wars stuff.
  8. My son is 3. I am not going to do well when he reaches 1st grade and I'm confronted with this. I will likely bulldoze my way past this bureaucratic BS and just get my son. I know it'll cause all kinds of problems, but I've never been one to take the idiocies of the system well.
  9. jvirne

    should NFL players get one free opt out

    I think it'd be a good move for the owners to offer this in exchange for a reasonable rookie cap.
  10. How, exactly, have times changed? Just curious.
  11. jvirne

    chick flixs that are guy friendly

    At least these are all real chick flicks. Too bad they all suck, except maybe A League of Their Own.
  12. jvirne

    Sooo...how young is too young?

    Not sure what you mean, but you caught me editing my post.
  13. jvirne

    Sooo...how young is too young?

    While we're at this, let me pose this to you all - 37 year old guy and a 19 year old girl. The guy acts much younger than his age, is a free spirit, and very amusing. The girl acts far older than her age. She finished high school at 16 (she's hot and smart), traveled the world for two years, and now is going to college. All her friends are either grad students or older. She finds people her own age very trite and boring just as the guy finds people his age boring. The girl only dates older men. Her last boyfriend was 31. Despite all this, it's a pretty big age gap, right?
  14. jvirne

    Sooo...how young is too young?

    Tough call. You are 20 and she's barely 16. I tend to think no. If she was 17 and a high school senior, I could see it. But barely 16 means she probably just finished 10th grade. You're what? A college junior? It's kinda creepy.
  15. jvirne

    Do you sleep with a fan on

    It's funny because you were the one focking my wife, not me.
  16. jvirne

    Attention Single People!

    http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100...XQ.137582203..1 She likes men or women and enjoys movies that make her urinate all over herself. Edjr, this one has "future mother of my abortion" written all over her.
  17. jvirne

    Do you sleep with a fan on

    In high school I had mine play the opening of Time by Pink Floyd - ONCE. While it looked good on paper, turns out a gazillion alarm clocks going off is real annoying to wake up to. Now I wake up to a recording of my wife having an orgasm.
  18. jvirne

    Attention Single People!

    You needed that to figure out it was a shtick FB account?
  19. jvirne

    Attention Single People!

    Activities: sucking c0ck for liquor
  20. jvirne

    Do you have any weird obsesions?

    When I switch to a new window on my computer (say from MS Word to Firefox), I click the new program upwards to 10 times in a row. It makes no sense. I don't know why I do it. I just do.
  21. jvirne

    Attention Single People!

    http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100...108181625889333 This has to be a shtick account. It's too good.
  22. jvirne

    Do you sleep with a fan on

    I voted yes, even though I used a "nature sounds" radio instead. I have rain or ocean waves on all night.
  23. jvirne

    Do you have any weird obsesions?

    I'm afraid of pickles. There, I said it. The pickles are out to get me.