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Everything posted by WhiteWonder

  1. WhiteWonder

    They Sold Millions Of These

    the guy with the small white one was focking hilarious. keeps a straight face the whole time he says it
  2. WhiteWonder

    Anyone ever pick up a chick from Craigslist?

    sounds like a bad idea in general. although if you HAVE to do it, i would find a more legit escort service.
  3. WhiteWonder

    Vince Young to the Redskins?

    man, nfl news is this dead huh
  4. WhiteWonder

    Importance of men's earning potential

    i have to disagree. i think people are more likely to find someone in their own field or circles they run but thats simply because its easy. there is obviously a better chance of you finding someone that you're around all the time. however if you step outsdie the box and put in the effort, you can easily be just as compatible if not moreso with someone in a completely different field what you do for a living and how much you make is just 1 slice of a large pie of social/relationship compatabilities.
  5. WhiteWonder

    Greatest Sports Photo Ever

    best football photo of the last decade
  6. WhiteWonder

    Greatest Sports Photo Ever

    one i always liked but isnt all that iconic Foster SB
  7. WhiteWonder

    Greatest Sports Photo Ever

    My golf epic greatness my golf epic fail and it happens to be my two favorite golfers
  8. WhiteWonder

    Greatest Sports Photo Ever

    i immediately knew epic fail would be jean van de velde
  9. WhiteWonder

    Would you date someone if.........

    i laughed. keep up the good work
  10. WhiteWonder

    Would someone date you if...

  11. WhiteWonder

    Greatest Sports Photo Ever

    easily this classic moment in yankee history
  12. WhiteWonder

    League management problems caused by the lock-out.

    i agree with numbers 1 and 2 but not really number 3. 1. the economy is not great so i do think some people are cutting out a few money leagues that they don't care a whole lot about. They are likely keeping their favorite leagues but elminating the ones they are a part of simply to gamble. 2. the lockout is the number 1 reason IMHO. For instance, in one of my leagues, the commish has started discussing cut down dates and dates for the draft but the NFL hasn't even resolved their issues and we may or may not have free agency? So its hard to get into the swing of things fantasy wise when so much is still up in the air. 3. I don't buy the burnout. I know many owners are cutting back on their leagues but i wonder how much it has to do with the economy versus actual burnout. Its easy to say "oh im just in too many leagues, im tired of all the FF" but in actuality the reason might be saving that extra 500-1000 this year. Or some people may be forced to work longer hours or work side jobs and that cuts into time, time that would have otherwise been devoted to FF.
  13. WhiteWonder

    Draft Strategy

    scoring system and starting lineup requirements are key. I would need to know more than just PPR to make legit decisions. However just going off PPR, my general strategy for any league is to try and draft pass catching, feature backs. In a dynasty format, youth at the position would also be a huge focus of mine. Someone like Ray Rice fits the profile. If i miss out on the RB's I covet, I'm looking stud WR. Fitz and Calvin would probably jump out at me slightly ahead of AJ due to age but as i've mentioned in QB discussions, i think AJ has plenty of high end years left so no reason to shy away from him in a dynasty. --------------------------------------------------------- unlike RLLD, QB is my last priority, unless the league scoring system is done in such a way that the elite QB's have such a large advantage. There are just so many top flight QB's in the game right now and a number of young guys who look like future studs. Manning, Brees, Rodgers, Rivers, Romo, Brady, Schuab, Vick, Ryan, Flacco, Big Ben.... Bradford, Freeman. i just named 13 guys for a 12 team league. And thats not counting guys like Stafford if healthy, Kolb if traded to the right team, all of this years rookies, Mark Sanchez if you share my beliefs. here is a personal story. I joined a dynasty league last year with a number of FFToday members. I finished in 2nd place (12 teamer) with a combination of Vince Young, Kerry Collins, Shuan Hill and Drew Stanton at QB. Before you say the obvious, the QB position is not what cost me in the title game. my point here is that QB seems the easiest to plug and play. When your team is in dire need of a QB, as mine was, you can usually find a decent backup on a potent offense (Shuan Hill) or even just someone with a pulse, throwing passes for a crappy tram that will be behind all game. this is obviously not ideal, im just saying that in a pinch, you can find a QB.
  14. WhiteWonder

    P. Manning in a dynasty

    i preach this over and over, especially with QB's. Don't get suckered into selling a guy like Peyton for too low. I know it isn't a redraft, but Peyton has enough years of elite production left for you to find a contingency plan somewhere else down the road. that said, you need to take everything into consideration such as who your other options are at QB, the scoring system for QB's and what others are willing to give you. If you own Manning and a quality #2, and you have a good offer for Manning, it might be time to strike. Someone said they own Manning and Rodgers.... even if we scale it back a bit and say you own Manning and Matt Ryan then yes, I would be fielding offers for Manning.
  15. WhiteWonder

    NBA Prayoff Discussions

    Bron Bron looked like he was traveling back to Miami on that last play in the lane
  16. WhiteWonder

    Verlander pitches 2nd no hitter

    i own both Verlander and Liriano on both my fantasy teams. needless to say Liriano was benched for his no-no
  17. WhiteWonder

    Who helped who's career more - Dr. Dre or Eminem?

    but the people who call eminem a pop star i bet in the same breath would say snoop wasn't one. they all become pop stars to some extent as their success builds.
  18. WhiteWonder

    Who helped who's career more - Dr. Dre or Eminem?

    he may be trending that way. wasn't always like that and he has had a LONG career. but when i said i viewed him as an actual rapper, it was a direct response to someone saying he had no flow. I always thought he had one of the best flows from a lyrical standpoint. Much better than the new artists that greatly feel like they are just reciting lyrics someone else wrote to appeal to the masses.
  19. WhiteWonder

    Who helped who's career more - Dr. Dre or Eminem?

    its not that i totally disagree with you... just that to say made for MTV, guns gangs and hoes... as opposed to who? exactly. 99% of rap is guns gangs money and hoes.
  20. WhiteWonder

    Who helped who's career more - Dr. Dre or Eminem?

    what does eminem "try to be"? i think the whiteness hindered his initial foray into rap. there definately is a stigma about white rappers however after breaking through i think his color helped his appeal alot with suburban youth. however its not like suburban youth is or was his only market. I think he is well respected by all.
  21. WhiteWonder

    Who helped who's career more - Dr. Dre or Eminem?

    you know who was a god awful rapper? since we are on a topic involving Em and 50 Cent.... the Game.... focking AWFUL. every other word he rhymed was "UH" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH34kMOjmQk
  22. WhiteWonder

    Who helped who's career more - Dr. Dre or Eminem?

    eminem is great. and im not just saying that because im white. he has had moments where he sucked, when his songs were over the top goofy or just plain shitty (just lose it). but Em has plenty of flow. Much more "flow" than alot of current rappers or hip hop arists. then again, i view Eminem as an actual rapper not one of these singy, ultra produced guys like B.o.B. the i need a doctor song is bad though. i think one of em's best songs or verses is something recent... his part in "No Love" with lil wayne (who is not that great i might add). you can skip to 2:42 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV2ssT8lzj8
  23. WhiteWonder

    What's the difference between Mother's Day &

    Mothers want thoughtful gifts from husbands, children and are genuinely upset if they have a bad mother's day. Its like forgetting a birthday or anniversary. Fathers don't really give a ###### what they get and from my experience don't expect anything from their wives (besides sex). A tie, some golf balls, a mug.. whatever from their kids. Probably wuldnt care if the day didn't exist although its nice to know their kids are thinking about them.
  24. WhiteWonder

    Who helped who's career more - Dr. Dre or Eminem?

    i was going to mention that Dre did not discover 50 Cent, Eminem did. which is why i go back to the point that clearly Dre began Em's career by giving him a chance (i still say it would have happened eventually, but its easy to say "oh, no one else would have given a white boy a chance") but Em and 50 Cent were extremely crucial to the success of Aftermath.