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Everything posted by WhiteWonder

  1. WhiteWonder

    the greatest play in baseball history

    best play imo
  2. WhiteWonder

    2011 NFL Draft Weekend Division Thread: AFC East

  3. WhiteWonder

    2011 NFL Draft Weekend Division Thread: AFC East

    The Jets biggest draft day need is front 7 help. Kris Jenkins was cut and it doesn't look like he will be back. Shame, dude is a beast at NT. Sione Pouha has become a very good player but needs help. Mike DeVito is decent but Shaun Ellis is aging and not signed as of now. I don't expect Trevor Pryce back. Additionally, the Jets lack an elite, feared pass rusher. Jason Taylor contributed but the team needs 1 player capable of double digit sacks on his own. Luckily, this draft is deep in the front 7. Which is why my wish is for the Jets to trade their 1st round pick to a QB needy team for their 2nd and extra picks. Wilkerson, Austin and Taylor are all DT's I am interested in. Austin has really gained my attention this past week after I saw some more of his tape and also an ESPN thing regarding his suspension at UNC. He really does seem like a good kid who knows he made a mistake. At rush LB I wouldn't mind seeing Brooks Reed or Akeem Ayers. In round 3, I would be ok with any of the following.... Justin Houston DE/OLB, who would be a first rounder but failed a drug test Kenrick Ellis NT Chris Carter DE/OLB Marcus Gilbert OT Sione Fua NT.... Sione Pouha and Sione Fua as a tandem?
  4. WhiteWonder

    4 round Actor/Actress draft anybody?

    I thought u people would forget about ed Norton. He was going to he my villain
  5. WhiteWonder

    NBA Prayoff Discussions

    wish it was better quality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3xoDBiEHeY
  6. WhiteWonder

    4 round Actor/Actress draft anybody?

    i think at the end we should make a post with our reasoning behind assembling our cast and let non participants vote for who they think assembled the best cast or whose cast they would most like to see in a movie or show or whatever.
  7. WhiteWonder

    So where is Steve Smith (car) going to land

    maybe. although im not sure they want to replace Rice with an older, slower Percy Harvin
  8. WhiteWonder

    So where is Steve Smith (car) going to land

    actually, didn't the bengals let Housh walk? seems like a good call. Ocho was always a Bengal T.O. was not really overpaid. and as for past his prime, well he disappeared late but was pretty damn good early.
  9. WhiteWonder

    Jimmy Smith

    and darrelle revis recorded 0 last year. but after his initial holdout and hamstring injury, he was still a top corner. Offenses simply threw elsewhere. i can't comment exactly on jimmy smith. don't know a ton about him, just pointing out that int totals, especially in college, don't really tell the whole story.
  10. WhiteWonder

    4 round Actor/Actress draft anybody?

    i feel like most of the consensus big time current actors are still there
  11. WhiteWonder

    4 round Actor/Actress draft anybody?

    I'm going at this draft as if im building a cast for a kick ass movie. When I select a female, it will mainly be for eye candy... she won't be carrying the movie. YES im taking this seriously!
  12. WhiteWonder

    4 round Actor/Actress draft anybody?

    Except my pick was Morgan freeman. But I agree with your analysis Walken sucks
  13. WhiteWonder

    4 round Actor/Actress draft anybody?

    He gains value in flex leagues where I can also play him at narrator
  14. WhiteWonder

    4 round Actor/Actress draft anybody?

    1.4 Morgan Freeman Game over Little reach but couldn't miss out on my boy. He's a versatile pick.
  15. WhiteWonder

    4 round Actor/Actress draft anybody?

    Cmmmmmooooonnnnn the wait is killing me.
  16. WhiteWonder

    Free Taylor Made Penta TP Golf Balls 6-Pack

    I guess we disagree. We agree that the top guys have come back to the pack, and I think we agree competition is up but I happen to think there are a ton of guys good enough to win at any given major. And not just because the golf is poor. Take this years masters as a microcosm of the game I could name a ton of golfer with games for a major. I'll do that later, gotta get back to work hahaha
  17. WhiteWonder

    Best Case Scenario for your team

    i think the chances they take Peterson are slim. I happen to think its a fine idea but there is alot of common thinking that you don't use the first overall (or a top 3 pick) on a Corner because they can simply be thrown away from. i understand that logic in the sense that a team bad enough to own the number 1 probably needs help either A. At a premium offensive position that has the ball in its hands alot - QB or B. At the point of attack - OL, DL yet i don't understand the logic because even if a Corner is thrown away from, it means you've basically shut down half the field. you can roll safety coverage to the other side and most importantly, it frees up your defensive scheme to try more exotic blitzes and get after the opposing QB. so personally, i have no issue with a team taking Peterson number 1 overall. Especially since he adds in the return game. Trade downs from number 1 are so unlikely. I know we face a slightly different set of circumstances this offseason, but the cost still deters teams. Cost deters teams from trading up and the fact that its the top pick deters the team that holds it from trading down because they expect the moon and stars in return. i think its much more likely Carolina keeps the pick. I'd just be hoping they select DL or Peterson.
  18. WhiteWonder

    John Gruden's QB Clinic

    completely agreed. Mallet sounded like a moron. i actually thought Newton spoke very well, answered questions pretty clearly and quickly. Honestly i have a much better feeling about him after watching this.
  19. WhiteWonder

    NBA Prayoff Discussions

    and to think, RJ used to be an intregal part of one of the most exciting offenses in recent basketball history. Kidd-Martin-Jefferson
  20. WhiteWonder

    Free Taylor Made Penta TP Golf Balls 6-Pack

    which speaks to my point. you're basically saying what im saying. we lack the true elite guys right now but fields as a whole are deeper. Many more "really good" golfers. The elite guys have come back the "pack" is much larger imo.
  21. WhiteWonder


    sux summed it up pretty well... the items are sold by beezid. beezid makes money because customers have to purchase "bid packs" maybe 30 bids for 10 dollars or something. Each bid you make uses one of your purchased bids and it might take 100 bids to finally win the item. You then have to pay the amount of the item you won. So when you win an auction, you are really only winning the right to purchase that item for the amount the auction ended at. you may be winning the item at 30% of face value but it also cost you X amount of dollars in bids as well as anyone else who was also bidding.
  22. WhiteWonder

    Free Taylor Made Penta TP Golf Balls 6-Pack

    when i said the state of golf was strong, i was refering to the amount of very good players we have now both in the states and overseas. Golbal golf is strong and so many players are capable of winning majors. And its not because fields are watered down. Part of it is the lack of dominance of a Tiger or Phil but i think its more that so many players are so good. I completely agree with you that the economic state of golf is down. Sponsors are lacking. And ofcourse, ratings will be down with Tiger struggling because ratings include all of the casual fans who couldn't care less if they can't watch eldick