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Everything posted by WhiteWonder

  1. WhiteWonder

    Went to the local Injun casino last night

    haha nice. im a blackjack fan. in AC, ceasars, its any 20 pays off 5-1, suited is 9-1, matched (Jc,Jc) is like 15-1 and if you get matching queens of hearts and the dealer has 21 you get paid off BIG. a year ago around new years time i was up about a grand. went to take some shots, came back and lost it all. i dont play big. 10 or 15 dollar tables. although i often make 20-30 dollar bets. i just dont feel lik being forced into a 25 dollar bet so i stick to the lower minimum tables. So i can ramp it down to 10 a hand if the dealer is cold.
  2. WhiteWonder

    Saw Hobo with a Shotgun

    my best bum story is from a few years back. i was going to a yankee oriole game at camden yards and on our way there we were stuck in traffic right outside the stadium. We saw a guy (possibly another bum) rifling thru the pockets of a passed out bum on the sidewalk. As people would walk past, the looter would act like he was trying to wake the other guy up or help him up, and when they passed... he would go right back to robbing him.
  3. WhiteWonder

    NBA Prayoff Discussions

    holy fuck, you fucking suck dallas. nice shot Kidd, you old piece of crap. what a horrific meltdown.
  4. WhiteWonder

    NBA Prayoff Discussions

    holy crap. i took the over (187) in this game. oh well, i also took Dallas moneyline at +160
  5. WhiteWonder

    Holy carp check this out ! !

    i know this is supposed to be funny because its a fat kid pretending a metal pole is a light saber and hes making the sound effects and all... i wanted to laugh, but it just didnt happen.
  6. WhiteWonder

    NBA Prayoff Discussions

    As good as he is now? No Average at best? Get real
  7. WhiteWonder

    NBA Prayoff Discussions

    And the h is silent!
  8. WhiteWonder

    NBA Prayoff Discussions

    i had a feeling the Knicks would no show for this game. Already without Billups and Amare's back spasms, the Knicks were deflated having lost both those close ones in Boston. While this series as a whole has not been great for Boston, it has proved they can win the close games at home and play well on the road and they are not being worn out with a long series. They will be tough for Miami to beat, especially if Shaq can give them some quality minutes in the paint by then.
  9. WhiteWonder

    Best Case Scenario for your team

    i would like to see the Jets trade back with a team that wants back into round 1 for a QB. pick up and extra draft choice along the way and have a wilkerson/taylor/houston/reed/ayers/austin type player last until early round 2. Jets need to draft front 7 help. if no trade, any of those mentioned players will do at 30
  10. WhiteWonder

    please VOTE for me!

    i meant while touching myself. driving off a cliff wasnt my comment. i didnt feel like signing up in order to vote/comment
  11. WhiteWonder

    NBA Prayoff Discussions

    ghey the line moved an extra .5 in bostons favor and moneyline odds are up to +140... i made the wager this morning.
  12. WhiteWonder

    please VOTE for me!

    i clicked on a few ranom people and i found the winner if this guy doesnt win, i call shenanigans. http://neilgaiman.bookperk.com/engine/Details.aspx?p=V&c=29933&s=7892285&i=1#SD
  13. WhiteWonder

    please VOTE for me!

    im going to play your clip on repeat as i fall asleep tonight.
  14. WhiteWonder

    Craigslist - Am I gonna get keeled?

    awwww he sounds adorable. deliver it for him. and take him out to lunch or something
  15. WhiteWonder

    Craigslist - Am I gonna get keeled?

    A. nothing too weird about that message B. do you really need 100 dollars that badly? if you have a bad feeling i'd think 100 dollars is not worth it. just invest in silver!
  16. WhiteWonder

    NBA Prayoff Discussions

    taking boston, moneyline at +125 Billups looks unlikely to play again and the Knicks are hopeful Amare Cutler will be back but still dealing with back issues. might be at MSG but i think Boston wins another close one.
  17. WhiteWonder

    How many phone numbers do you have memorized...

    which service?
  18. WhiteWonder

    Is Jerry Seinfeld is a dooshebag for this move?

    hes kind of a doooosh anyway, so yes.
  19. WhiteWonder

    Terrence Jones chooses UK

    right, i mean i dont really want to point at 1 game and the stats of the freshman. We all know they are great players. my main point throughout this whole thread is that these guys come for one year, are inexperienced, and if they can't gel and make something magical happen... its over. They don't come back the following year where they could be a year wiser and with more time to develope together. I don't think its all that great to get super excited about having the number 1, 3, 5 ranked HS players coming in. Because in the end, what does it really mean? Those ranking are often wayyyy off once a player fully matures but because they are ranked so high, they bolt for the $ ASAP.
  20. WhiteWonder

    Terrence Jones chooses UK

    I agree with u. But maybe you don't need to get so many one and done guys every year. And like you said, get a nice mix. To me the one and done guys are good for like usc when they had oj mayo. The programs that really do need to infuse extra excitement Didn't melo also have hakeem warrick and gerry macnamara as key leaders? Were they freshman, I think warrick was a soph and mac was Jr or Sr maybe. I don't remember
  21. WhiteWonder

    Terrence Jones chooses UK

    I still see no valid argument for why a one and don't program is in the best interest of a title hopeful school I have seen reasons why it is exciting to keep bringing in those types of players. It builds offseason buzz and gets u in the dance year after year but the program builds no continuity When in recent history has a freshman led team won it all?
  22. WhiteWonder

    How many phone numbers do you have memorized...

    867 5309... yeah someone beat me to it my cell, my home my mothers cell (used to be my number), parents home grandparents home and the home numbers of a few aunts/uncles not even GF's cells have i remembered. the only numbers i remember are ones i was forced to remember, when i was young, before cell phones were our lives.
  23. WhiteWonder

    Terrence Jones chooses UK

    i still completely disagree with the notion of recruiting more 1 and done players. It has nothing to do with my view of Cal. I couldn't care less, i know he coaches but my point is that if i were a big time UK fan, I would much rather see my team land some 2nd level prospects who have a chance to stick around until their junior or senior years are over and develope together and win a title. especially considering alot of the times, top consensus rankings coming out of HS don't even really reflect how they end up once they hit their 20's. Yes, the incoming recruit class is even better but that only further illustrates my point. You really want to go year after year saying, well those guys left but now we have even better 1 and dones coming in! I think it only serves to drive pre season excitement for the program but less real hope of the ultimate goal.
  24. WhiteWonder

    *** OFFICIAL FFToday NFL Mock Draft ***

    wow... i totally thought Justin Houston was gone in the early twenties. he would have been my selection for the Jets had i realized he was there. no way he makes it past New York who really wants a rush linebacker.