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About Lickproof

  • Rank
    FF Rookie
  1. Lickproof

    I am starting Darius Walker over ........

    I'm glad you had one other junk play and still did it because I forgot to mention that I also was forced to start Javon Walker last second. Ouch. I have Brady at least but I'm not too confident he'll be enough with hwo stacked my opponent is.
  2. Lickproof

    I am starting Darius Walker over ........

    Leach gets a rushing TD over Walker?!?! OK, check please. Goodbye any chance of winning that I had.
  3. Lickproof

    Javon Walker starting

    As well as Vonta Leach oh $%^!
  4. Lickproof

    Javon Walker starting

    Sweet ! Glenn Martinez has more yards than him : )
  5. Lickproof

    Javon Walker starting

    I tried chickening out last second to pick up and start Patten but I was too late. Damn, I hope I pull a Homer.
  6. Lickproof

    Javon Walker starting

    I want to take a chance and join you on startinghim, but my brain is telling me it's a ridiculous move... he hasn't done ^#%t yet and my starting roster already has too many question marks due to injureis (S. Holmes, and D Walker). Do you think any of the others I listed are better bets? Save me Jebus!!!
  7. Lickproof

    Javon Walker starting

    Damn, I already have to start D. Walker and now might have to start Javon Walker as well. Sorry to bother, but would anyone start Cotchery, Kevin Walter, David Patten, Nate Burleson, or Michael Jenkinsover Javon?
  8. Lickproof

    OMG this is brutal way to lose a playoff spot!

    I have a brutal one about a championship that I've always wondered how Yahoo f-ed me over, I;ve yet to figure it out. In 2003 I won the championship game in a Yahoo league and 2 days later Yahoo changed the score and I lost. In one game, Eddide George fumbled right as he was scoring a TD - the ball was knocked loose before the goal line (not according to NFL I believe though)and he recovered his own fumble for a TD. Two days later Yahoo decides it is a defensive TD for the Titans rather than an offensive TD for Eddie George DESPITE the fact that the ball was not recovered by the other team at any point. My opponent had the Titans DEF and won on this "Rescoring" although the NFL did not rule it a DEF fumble recovery. That one still hurts. But that some of these other ones up there really hurt. I can't get over needing anything but a Tie, by two teams playing each other,to make the playoffs and then having a tie. Ouch.
  9. Lickproof

    Roddy White

    Why?!!? There's nothing wrong with supporting a friend and teammate and I think that's important, BUT there is a difference between implying he did nothing wrong and stating you think he should suffer no consequences for committing a crime. It's not abandoning him if his teammates choose not to wear a shirt declaring he should be set free for a crime he confessed to. There's also the argument that his teammates should abandon him for doing something so asinine and cruel. I'm not sure how I'd feel about a friend of mine who I found out was doing what he did.
  10. I was hoping someone could tell me how long Yahoo has to correct stats for a Sunday game. I was also wondering if anyone thought I should bench Drew Brees tonight in my playoff game with my team up one and a half points and my opponent has none. As always I appreciate the advice - thanks!
  11. Lickproof

    Have you lost any respect for Rolle?

    Although, as some say, the players deal with getting called all sorts of thinsg, they should not have to deal with the people in charge talking disrespectfully. It's one thing for an opposing player to say somethin, but when someone who controls the fate of the game says it, that's not right. It can imply being biased and just isn't professional. That said I am so tired of any word that has any slight relation to a past racist tone is automatically a racist comment. "Boy" can be used in so many contexts and had been before being used in a racist manner, and since then as well. It's derogatory to anyone. This may be a stretch, but wouldn't the ending of racism include calling someone "boy" equally or any insult? Boy is too vague to say it's racist. If he used soemthing more specific OK. This is in addiciton to the fact thet the ref that called Rolle that is black, which in this country, for some reason, makes even more specific racial slurs OK as long as both people are of the same race or religion or whatever.
  12. Lickproof

    Sweet ban...

    I still remember long ago about a year after AOL first came out, my younger brother opened an account under my father's credit card. For some discusion forum he had to list his hobbies and being an idiotic teenager he wrote he was a child molester. AOL banned my father for life despite his arguments. To this day he uses my credit card for his account and I laugh every time the charge shows up on my bill.
  13. Lickproof

    Fred Jackson

    I can't believe that people don;t think this will make a difference in the way the 'Skins play. They may play worse or better but it WILL affect their play. It's adrenaline and hormones. You can up your game sometimes based on circumstances. I don;t know about you but I sure take notice when I read stats such as a certain player in baseball having a MUCH better batting average with the bases loaded than normally and vice versa. Or how would you feel if you were a professional playing in the town you grew up in and had all your friends and family there? I think I'd have a bit more oomph and it doesn't mean that player is slacking all the other times - it's adrenaline and what not. You ever feel more alert after getting some great news or falling in love or down after being out of work or as in this case the death of a close friend? It's hormones. They could come out too amped or too drained and make dumb mistakes, or they may come out amped just enough and their offensive line may give enough extra push to dominate - who knows. All I know is that this will have an impact. I do agree the media is and will be exploiting this, but apparently enough idiots in this country like that ###### to keep it going.
  14. I haven't done it, but was wondering what people on this board thought of the following trade scenario.... Through good luck (err I mean FF drafting brilliance) my team began the season with Brady and Roethlisberger in a fairly standard scoring (except 6 points for passing TDs) 12 team league. Early in the year I grabbed D. Anderson and hoped to package him to upgrade another position. For whatever lame reason, I could not get any deal for any of them (and they are all top 6 overall scorers in the league) even for far inferior players. WIth the trade deadline looming next week, I'm thinking about trading one of the QBs for complete junk to a team out of the running (only if I still can't make a better trade) BUT to help my team hear me out. The only team I feel could beat me (and is the highest scoring team) can make the plaoffs if it wins out. However, it is playing a team out of the running (the team I'm considering making the trade with) that has great matchups and could pull it out - especially with one of these QBs on its roster. If the highest scoring team does not lose that game it will almost certainly win the rest of its games this season. Is this completely unethical; has the day of beer, nachos, wings and college football eroded my morals or is it ok? Just wondering if anyone has ever been in a similar situation and what they think of it. TIA