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Everything posted by DonS

  1. DonS

    What concerts do you have coming up?

    Soen tomorrow night w/ my daughter.
  2. DonS

    Which Geek is this?

    Monica Lewinsky seemed to like them well enough.
  3. DonS

    What Is The Best Newer Movie You Watched ?

    The Sadness was probably one of the best "character driven dramas" you've suggested I watch. Jury is still out on the other ones.
  4. DonS

    What Is The Best Newer Movie You Watched ?

    Wife and I watched it last night. Agreed it was a really good movie. Afterwards I was reading the trivia about it on IMDB..
  5. DonS

    Godzilla minus one

    Downloaded and watched it on plane. Quite good.
  6. DonS

    Best All Time B Rate Horror Movie ?

    Didnt the scene where the reanimated head went down on the chick make your date all hornay???
  7. I've wondered how these folks earned two characters in the alphabet soup. Shouldn't the numeral "2" be enough to represent these folks? Mighty uppity to command "2S" when the mentally ill are running out of letters.
  8. In order to appease a few mentally disturbed and gender confused individuals SeaTac airport is starting to put in unisex bathrooms vs normal men and women bathrooms. Now when I just need to take a piss I need to wait for one of 6 individual stalls to open up when a traditional men's room with urinals can get men in and out quickly. As an added bonus if you do take a dump you get to make uncomfortable eye contact with the person that's waiting to use the one you just finished doing your business in. In a men's room you know it's going to be nasty. "Enjoy smelling what I ate last night lady!"
  9. Robert Pattinson Never saw the Twilight movies (since I'm not a teenage girl) but I knew he gained fame as the pretty boy vampire so I never took him seriously. My opinion has 100% changed now that I'm finally watching "The Lighthouse". He's doing a great job. What actors/actresses ended up impressing you after you initially wrote them off? Edit: Thanks to Worms for pointing out I got his damn name wrong
  10. DonS

    This economy is so bad

    "This one person" was a PSA being played during previews before a major movie in AMC theaters. Maybe you should call and explain to these poor moms that can't afford diapers how it's all in their imagination because the GDP is awesome. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/baby2baby_baby2baby-on-the-big-screen-thank-you-amc-activity-7071887161054162944-Tr16?trk=public_profile_like_view
  11. DonS

    This economy is so bad

    Bidenomics is so awesome that I saw an ad begging for baby formula and diaper donations as a movie preview yesterday. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6pFEh3SUP1/?igsh=eGI1c3phY294Ynk=
  12. Thanks for making me realize I got his name wrong.
  13. Sorry man. Nice to hear she helped watch your kids when they were little. Those bonds run deep. Major downside of moving cross country is we didn't have any family members nearby when the kids were little. My kids know their grandparents, of course, but it was more of a yearly trip back East or them coming out at Christmas kinda thing. This is like how my relationship was w my grandparents as I grew up in NY while they were in KS.
  14. Sorry man. I know how much you wanted to smell Biden's smelly diaper. Seriously though. Were you close w your grandma?
  15. BBC Ass to Mouth Vol 5 was a cinematic masterpiece!
  16. He's one of those actors that I pretty much like in everything. Agreed on Mallory(?) Keaton btw
  17. DonS

    Furiosa flops at the box office

    Love this little jingle
  18. DonS

    Furiosa flops at the box office

    Does she get nekkid? She's definitely my favorite MRF (mentally retarded female) .
  19. DonS


    Edit: never heard of some of those languages. The more you know
  20. DonS

    Furiosa flops at the box office

    Most impressive thing about Fury Road is that vast majority of action shots are performed by stunt people and practical effects. Very limited use of CGI.
  21. DonS

    Furiosa flops at the box office

    This statement sums up my feelings after seeing it yesterday.