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DonS last won the day on July 7 2022

DonS had the most liked content!

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3,158 Excellent

About DonS

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    FF Geek

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  1. DonS

    Venezuela gangs take over parts of Aurora

    So an editorial in Denver Post is proof that it's no big deal? I'm sure they are 100% un-biased so it MUST be true!
  2. DonS

    Venezuela gangs take over parts of Aurora

    GTFO with your hateful and bigoted gendered speech!
  3. DonS

    The Bad Hombres thread

    I was always partial to Krapernick
  4. DonS

    The Bad Hombres thread

    Coont they/them #1
  5. DonS

    Illegals try boarding school buses in CA

    Bad hombres on the moon!
  6. DonS

    The Bad Hombres thread

    Squissy is El loco coontzo
  7. DonS

    Horror films superthread

    Caught a couple of "horror" movies while on a biz trip. Had seen previews for them and wanted to see them before any spoilers came out. "Strange Darling" - go in as blind as possible. I liked it though it does start kinda slow. "Blink Twice" - decent enough but they basically spoiled their own damn movie by including a TRIGGER WARNING at the start. So basically they gave a heads up about something that would happen. Story was still interesting but entire time I was just waiting for how the triggering content would come into play.
  8. DonS

    Ignore List

    Or the person doing the ignoring has to be one of the biggest coonts of all time
  9. Hopefully even coonts like Squissy can at least admit that WEARING A FOCKING SKI MASK during summer can't possibly be construed as "immune compromised" right?
  10. DonS

    Big Brother Has Gone Full-on Racist

    Amazing Race is great Plus you never know when someone will end up taking a watermelon to the face.
  11. DonS


    This bit is so spot on: https://youtube.com/shorts/tjZNRp4jF0Y?feature=shared
  12. DonS

    Good times at SeaTac

    Clearly. "Your honor, she was giving me all the signs."
  13. DonS

    Good times at SeaTac

    Speaking of smallish tittays, this Banshee show is kinda refreshing in that the plethora of boobage appears to all be natural (albeit on smaller size) vs big old fakies.