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Everything posted by DonS

  1. DonS

    Horror films superthread

    I loved the fake movie trailer Eli Roth made for this as part of Grindhouse.
  2. Guess this means a ban on Coldplay concerts.
  3. DonS

    Antisemites riot for DNC

    I was (bi)curious to see what regions were rated worse since the quote for the link said Palestine was 119 out of 124. Clicking on the "124 region" link shows a table that actually lists Palestine at 122. Apparently Lebanon and Armenia are the regions ranked lower. The more you know Edit: these "Queers for Palestine" should go over there and donate blood for all those poor injured "freedom fighters". Oh wait, they can't since that's illegal.
  4. DonS

    War in Israel

    Has there been any recent proof that they're actually still alive?
  5. If he hadn't been fired he probably would've ended up suffering the same fate.
  6. Interesting choice of words for one of the subheaders in that article: I guess stabbing 4 ppl is considered an oopsie now?
  7. TNG sure has gotten grumpy now that she's old.
  8. It's raciss if a black or brown carjacker ends up having to pay a speeding fine as they attempt to flee from the crime scene.
  9. DonS

    I turned....

    She's got it going on!
  10. GTFO with this crazy MAGA talk!!! Voters in blue cities love the consequences of how they vote. How dare you suggest otherwise.
  11. In addition to palettes I just read an article that said: G0ddamn Chinese were behind this!!! https://ktla.com/10-freeway-fire/10-freeway-fire-may-have-been-intentionally-set-report/
  12. I like how the reporter stated that there WAS a homeless camp under there.
  13. DonS

    I turned....

    I was thinking it would say "tricks for drug money"
  14. DonS

    War in Israel

    Everyone knows Reality is a senior design engineer at a yarmulke manufacturing plant.
  15. Seattle did a great job clearing away the homeless around T-Mobile Park when the MLB All Star Game was coming to town.
  16. DonS

    Liberals Dreams Are Coming To Fruition

    That's a lot of information to decipher but I'll try my best. Let's break it down into the core components: - sex w a turtle: you are the turtle and this indicates feelings of sexual inadequacy in the cack department. (see George Costantza's ground breaking thesis on the effect of cold water on male genitalia) - panda bears: you dig yourself some Asian chicks - eucalyptus: you are correct that this indicates an attempt at deceit. In this instance the pandas (ie Asian chicks) are not what they appear. You desperately tell yourself you like Asian gals but subconsciously you want some Aussie Crocodile Dundee like strange . (that's not a cack. THIS is a cack! )
  17. DonS

    Liberals Dreams Are Coming To Fruition

    Hmmmm.... I'm no psychologist, but your dream suggests you have no interest in women and would prefer head from men you meet in bars. Sounds like a classic case of latent homosexuality manifesting itself via your dreams.
  18. DonS

    Horror films superthread

    Have any of you watched Wolf Creek? https://click.justwatch.com/a?r=https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/wolf-creek-1?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android I saw it several years ago but decided to watch it again after listening to the Serial Killers podcast about the Backpacker Murders in Australia's Belanglo State Forest. While listening I was wondering if Wolf Creek was loosely based on the killer as the description of the killer's crimes reminded me of the movie. Sure enough it was. "Head on a stick" was the only part I really remembered since it's so descriptive and horrible.
  19. DonS

    War in Israel

    Here's the proof: TBH I haven't been able to make it thru to end of this abortion of the iconic song. Cool dog though.
  20. DonS

    Opinion: Bunny Needs an Intervention

    I think TNG is offering up some good old sexual healing!
  21. DonS

    War in Israel

    While I always knew his politics differ from mine I was able to ignore it and enjoy his music. Now, however, I regret having given this POS my hard earned money. What a kvnt. https://www.thedailybeast.com/roger-waters-hamas-oct-7-attack-may-have-been-false-flag Btw, while other bands refunded tickets during COVID cancelations RW just said "postponed" which effectively kept my hundreds of dollars in limbo for over 2 years.
  22. DonS

    War in Israel

    Hopefully these photojournalists can live stream their own execution.
  23. https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-mass-shooting-who-huu-can-tran
  24. DonS

    War in Israel
