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Everything posted by DonS

  1. DonS


    Those CH-47s have been around forever it seems.
  2. DonS


    Yep, I feel the same way. Proudest point of my career was showing the data we collected to the team and the Intel guy recognizing one of the black Toyota hilux's from the imagery. The Scan Eagle team on base were surveilling the town where the truck was sighted that very night so we hurried over with our laptops to help compare the daytime imagery to the live night feed. The Scan Eagle guys had built a nice little compound with couches, a bar, and barbeque. Those goat fockers are probably going to have a nice rape party there if they haven't already.
  3. DonS

    Shows/Events you regret passing on?

    That would be a fun time for sure. It's this philosophy that helped me discover Ghost. I hadn't heard a single song of theirs but knew of their shtick. When I saw they were coming to town I thought why not? Bought a ticket and THEN starting listening to them. Turned out that I really like their (well his) entire discography. Show was a blast. Lots of good people watching as well. Can't go wrong with sluts dressed up like naughty nuns.
  4. Agreed. Those gigantic ear gauges fall into an entirely different category.
  5. DonS


    11 years ago I spent 5 months at Firebase Thomas in Herat province. I was there as a contractor supporting our sensor platform which collects high resolution imagery and terrain data for mission planning. The place was originally built by the Soviets. It's the circle of life when I realize that some Taliban muthafocka is now jerking off in the same small room that I bunked (and jerked off) in. Just like the Ivan that had the room before me. When we first got there we had to try and get rid of a horrendous stench from the room we used for processing. The source of the stench was from some POS Afghani that had locked a dog in the room and let it starve on purpose. This behavior tells me all I need to know about those focking savages.
  6. DonS

    Shows/Events you regret passing on?

    I can only imagine. A band that you're only meh about seeing that puts on a great show >>> a big artist that sucks live. Hmmm... I sense a spermoff thread coming (no pun intended)....
  7. 18+. Legally an adult so she can decide (and pay for it) herself. Same goes for tattoos. Not a fan of either, but at some point you don't have a say. If you did your job as a father properly then piercing/tats will not equal ending up on the pole.
  8. DonS

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Oopsie. That quote aged well. Is this his "you can keep your doctor" moment?
  9. Cool story! I found your use of blackface in your pic very raciss though!
  10. Here's how the manager at a Baltimore Chipotle handles customer feedback: https://www.foxnews.com/us/chipotle-chipotle-employee-scissors-customer
  11. DonS

    Girls Gone Wild. SFW

    Wow. Am I ever embarrassed.
  12. JustinInCharge's mom says you have a huge c0ck and made her cvm 5 times. Wanna come over after school?
  13. DonS

    Tool/Rush appreciation thread

    Learn to swim learn to swim learn to swim
  14. DonS

    Girls Gone Wild. SFW

    Was it Ike this? Great. Now I have KUMITE! KUMITE! KUMITE! stuck in my head. Methinks the fighting style of the black guy from Africa is just a wee bit raciss.
  15. DonS

    Is a mother daughter dude three way gross ?

    Your MIL and wife seemed OK with it.
  16. https://babylonbee.com/news/people-hang-happy-birthday-obama-banners-over-front-door-to-ward-off-covid
  17. In other words, her hot sister shows off her t1ts and is getting all the attention. Suddenly TA DA!!!! Look at me!!!!!
  18. DonS

    Paige Spiranic SI swimsuit first look

    Don't forget the other woke swimsuit stars like Rapinoe.
  19. DonS

    Paige Spiranic SI swimsuit first look

    SI is definitely sending mixed messages when they include her while at the same time they put a tranny on the cover.
  20. Would ovens at least kill the Covid?
  21. Do Oregon state residents still need to pay school taxes now that getting an education isn't a graduation requirement?