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Posts posted by DonS

  1. 1 minute ago, Hawkeye21 said:

    Not a smart move by the NFL.  Players like Hopkins are contemplating whether they want to play for the NFL anymore with new regulations like this.  Making players decide between their team and taking a vaccine they don't trust.

    Cole Beasley has already said he'd retire if NFL required vax. This isn't exactly "requiring" it but it's pretty damn close. 

  2. 50 minutes ago, Alias Detective said:

    Read up a little then ask questions.  You look dumb.


    Edit, maybe I shouldn’t be so harsh.  if you normally get your child tax credit back in cash when you file you may not be impacted.  For those of us who use the tax credit to pay less at year end, I’d prefer they keep the money rather than Indian “give” me a tax credit.

    The proper term is now "Indigenous People give" you focking pale face raciss!!!  :nono:


  3. 56 minutes ago, TimmySmith said:

    You have noticed that some colleges require vax, but I know of no local systems that do.  Hmmmmmm...

    Is this an example of that systemic racism we keep hearing about?   Evil white man keeping POC out of college by requiring a vaccine? 

    • Haha 1

  4. The "what are you listening to?" thread has made me go back and listen to songs from my youth. 

    Some of the artwork for past albums I've owned are extremely ghey.  As exhibit A I present to you the album cover for Accept's "Balls to the Wall":

    What gheyer than fock skeletons do you have in your closet? 

    Bummer it's no longer Pride Month as this fits right in. 🌈

  5. 1 hour ago, Utilit99 said:

    Only 5 people killed yesterday? Only 25 or so shot? Slackers.

    Year to Date
    Shot & Killed: 408
    Shot & Wounded: 1963
    Total Shot: 2371
    Total Homicides: 433

    Maybe they received their advanced child tax credit and the need to murder is reduced? 

  6. 11 hours ago, jerryskids said:

    Thanks all. The scan results are… good!  There were 3 nodules back in early April:  11, 4, and 6mm.  The 4 and 6mm are now gone, at least to the extent a CT can see it.  The 11mm was classified as “stable.”  Since the treatments started 6+ weeks after the previous scan, I’m thinking it had gotten larger in that time, so the current “stable” is actually a reduction in size.  Regardless, the doctor was quite happy with the results, which indicate that the treatments are working.

    I need to keep in mind that “working” means somewhere between “managing” and “reducing” but most likely not “completely eliminating.”  I’m not sure they’ll ever give me that status.  And I’ll have fear every time I get a scan.  But for now, I am not on the “6 months to live” list.

    I did have a very low white blood cell count, so they are skipping chemo this round (tomorrow) and just doing the immunotherapy.  In three weeks we’ll go back to both, as it appears to be working.

    It’s typical to remember the bad news and forget the good, and I’ve certainly had small victories in this journey, but I think this is the first major good news I’ve gotten. :cheers: 



  7. 3 hours ago, Frozenbeernuts said:

    The show was decent. It wasn't as amazing as people had proclaimed. I really need to finish Raised by Wolves.

    I just looked up Raised By Wolves.  Ridley Scott and the dude from Vikings?  Sounds interesting.  I'll give it a shot.

    Edit: just watched first episode.  Didn't expect the female android to get naked so quickly.  Nice t1ts! 

  8. 22 minutes ago, Utilit99 said:

    Is crt going to teach this about American indians?

    Scalping is the act of cutting or tearing a part of the human scalp, with hair attached, from the head, and generally occurred in warfare with the scalp being a trophy.[1] Scalp-taking is considered part of the broader cultural practice of the taking and display of human body parts as trophies, and may have developed as an alternative to the taking of human heads, for scalps were easier to take, transport, and preserve for subsequent display

    Interesting.  So folks switched from collecting decapitated heads to just scalps as they're easier to display.  Too bad they didn't have Amazon back then as I'm sure they could've just shopped for "enemy head display cases". 

  9. 29 minutes ago, RLLD said:

    This element is introduced of course, but its not as annoying as you might think.  It's an OK series

    Had you read the original source?  I glanced at the cast listing on IMDB but I didn't recognize very many of the characters. 

  10. The wife and I have finished up our current shows and are deciding what to watch next. 

    I know it's a couple years old and was well received by the critics (for what that's worth..).  I read the graphic novels and saw the so-so movie when it came out so I know what to expect. 

    Has anyone here watched it?  Is it worth the time investment? 

  11. Whew!  Thank God these fine educators don't call what they are pushing "CRT" as that would be terrible.


    At least I learned a new lefty phrase today: "spirit murder" :lol:  (because God forbid trouble makers of color be disciplined for their actions) 

    In addition to finding educators committed to disrupting Whiteness, the guide states that teachers should remove "all punitive or disciplinary practices that spirit murder Black, Brown, and Indigenous children."


