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Posts posted by DonS

  1. Dude, they called Steven Jackson for a fumble on the 1 yard line, (clearly it wasn't a fumble) Of course all TO's are auto reviewed....except they didn't


    So everyone is waiting for them to review it, and Fisher Throws a challenge flag, SOMETHING HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO DO!!! :unsure: :unsure:


    The penalty for throwing a challenge flag is 15 yards, they never assessed the penalty.


    Yikes! That does sound like quite the clusterfock of officiating!

  2. In one of my drafts I really held out picking a QB for so long. I went and got RB's and WR's even Flex players before I even got my QB in the 11th round ! :o


    I still ended up with Locker and Palmer, so I hope you guys are right .


    I'm in the same boat. Held out just a round too long before grabbing my QB so I'm hoping that Palmer at least doesn't kill me with too many interceptions.

  3. Hell yea man. I love me some zoolander.


    "the derrick zoolander school for kids that don't read very good"


    Zoolander is one of those movies where I think your mood plays a big role in how much you enjoy it. My wife and I borrowed it from our neighbors shortly after it come out on DVD. Our neighbors said it sucked, but the wife and I were stressed out from work and just wanted to watch a movie we could get drunk to and not have to think. Loved it!


    "Obey my dog!"


    "There was a moment last night, when she was sandwiched between the two Finnish dwarves and the Maori tribesmen, where I thought, 'Wow, I could really spend the rest of my life with this woman'."


    "They're break-dance fighting."


    (The fact that Mrs. Ben Stiller / Marcia Brady is pretty damn hot doesn't hurt, either!)

  4. The wide variety of microbrews that are readily available makes choosing 3 difficult, but I would go with:


    Avery Maharaja Imperial IPA

    Stone Ruination IPA

    Great Divide Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout


    Black Raven Brewing in Redmond, WA also have phenomenal beers but I'm not sure how available they are in other parts of the country.


    Damn. Now I'm thirsty.

  5. Every Bills fan I know would agree with this. Flutie was the ultimate "maximize what you have" guy for that team; Johnson was the "minimize what you have" guy. Yet Johnson's pedigree somehow made him better, results be damned.


    For Wade Phillips that "pedigree" must've been Johnson's purty mouth and that dumbass headband he always wore. Crap. Now I'm getting angry all over again. :wall:

  6. God knows the Bills have had a long string of sh1t QBs since the Jim Kelly days, but the one I hated most had to be Rob Johnson. :mad:


    Everyone talked about his "rocket arm", but that arm would never come into play due to him always holding onto the ball way too long. Making matters worse was Wade Phillips' brilliant idea of benching the QB that got them to the playoffs (Flutie) for this ineffective d0uchebag.


    Thanks! I feel better now.
