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Posts posted by DonS

  1. Anybody remember that great movie with the Dice Man...The Adventures of Ford Fairlene the Rock and Roll Detective


    Great bunch of one liners in there.


    That was a funny movie.


    I loved the cop played by Ed O'Neill (Al Bundy): Boogie Time! Boogie Time! Across the USA!


    dunn may be older, but he is still very productive and reliable (48 gms and 1100, 1400, and 1100 yds the past 3 seasons). granted, he is not catching 40-60 passes as he did 4-6 yrs ago (he has caught right at under 30 the past 3 yrs),



    As a Dunn owner this past year I can't begin to tell you how often I screamed at the TV for Vick to dump the ball off to Dunn when plays inevitably broke down with Vick scrambling around behind the line of scrimmage. Of course when Vick finally pulled his head out of his @ss to attempt such a pass it was usually delivered at about a million MPH right at his head/feet! ;)


    So I'm not sure how much the decline in receiving stats has been due to issues with Dunn himself, or rather changes in play-calling / inability to throw the ball.

  3. Actually Bulger and Holt may have good games. The Bears secondary is hurting right now. Cicago, I think, is looking at starting a couple of second-stringers tomorrow night.


    Then I can just as easily scream at the TV as Bulger and Holt connects on big pass play after big pass play! :blink:


    It's all good.

  4. this theory cost me the playoffs this week. started browns DST over jags cause i wanted to watch the game thurs.....


    If Holt didn't have such a tough matchup on MNF -- coupled with the fact that Holt has only had 1 good game out of the last 4-5 or so (against lesser defenses) -- I probably wouldn't have made the switch.


    I might be kicking myself tomorrow, but I can just as easily picture myself screaming at the TV as Bulger constantly has to check down to SJax instead of throwing down field.

  5. I was in the same boat and just made the decision to start Colston over Holt.


    With Holt only have one good game in the past 5 or so, and going against Chicago's defense, I decided it was worth the risk.

  6. I've had both Dunn and Norwood since our draft. Now that it's the first week of the playoffs I've decided to roll the dice and start Norwood. Dunn's steady, but un-impressive, 7-13 pts a week just isn't cutting it so I'm hoping for another homerun performance by Norwood.


    Of course I probably just guaranteed a breakout game by Dunn! :dunno:

  7. Yep, In Seattle it rains about 38 inches per year, about 1/2 of what it rains in New York City. Well the difference is that in New York it rains hard for an hour and then stops and the weather clears, well more or less. In Seattle it usually drizzles for long periods of time or it rains light.Summers are great though.Almost ZERO rain.


    Another thing to consider is that during the winter it usually remains well above freezing, so that when other parts of the U.S. gets snow we end up with rain.

  8. "If our fathers are our basis for God, and our fathers abandoned us, what does that tell us about God?"


    "You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake, you are the same organic decaying matter as everything else."

    Both from the same movie..which has a million great lines...one of the best writers out there


    Fight Club


    Here's mine (like my sig): "37?"
