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Everything posted by Beaker101

  1. I'll top that. I was the #1 seed in both of my leagues in both points and record....by far. Playing the lowest seeds in both playoffs where this week was supposed to be automatic wins until the big game next week, and my teams scored the lowest points they've scored all year so now I'm out of the playoffs in both leagues TEAM 1 Romo Westbrook Gore Fitzgerald Hines Ward Gates Gostkowski Steelers TEAM 2 Hasselbeck Addai K Jones (in place of Ronnie Brown) B Edwards R Wayne Gonzo Vinaterri Steelers
  2. Beaker101


    I'm going through the same type of thing trying to decide between Jacobs and Kevin Jones. I think yours is a bit easier since Gore is just about the only thing SF has to offer, so they have no choice but to give him the ball.
  3. Of the 3, Steve Smith, Reggie Wayne and Braylon Edwards.... Beginning of Season Steve Smith Reggie Wayne A bunch of others Braylon Edwards This week Reggie Wayne Braylon Edwards Steve Smith Braylon Edwards has not only made the top 10 WR list, but has surpassed a stud like Steve Smith in most rankings for this week (thanks to the return of Carr). So my question is, how would you rank them for the rest of the season? I'm actually thinking that a Cleveland WR might outperform Steve Smith the rest of the way ... I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! Someone please set me straight here.
  4. Beaker101

    Kevin Jones Det rb

    Since Ronnie Brown went down, I'm hoping K Jones can fill that void in my lineup the rest of the year. I trying for a couple of trades to acquire Brandon Jacobs, but I really don't think Jacobs would be a big upgrade over K Jones if he's back to his pre-injury form. So I'm kinda in the same boat hoping K Jones pays off from here on out.
  5. Beaker101

    Would you make this trade?

    I've been offered Brandon Jacobs and Calvin Johnson (filler) for Reggie Wayne. I was thinking of countering with Wayne straight up for Steven Jackson. What do you think of either of these trades? Any input is appreciated, and willing to answer your questions too. Thanks. Standard scoring without PPR, start 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 DEF, 1 K HIS TEAM D McNabb L Jordan B Jacobs L Tomlinson E James Steven Jackson A Davis Calvin Johnson L Coles J Walker H Miller J Elam D Jaguars D Saints MY TEAM E Manning M Hasselbeck M Bulger K Jones J Addai K Watson B Edwards R Wayne S Smith R White G Olsen T Gonzalez A Vinatieri D Steelers
  6. Of the 3, I'd go with Chambers. The only gamble with him is that he's new on that team, but I think they'll be eager to use him. Hilliard has a pretty tough matchup in Jax and Walter will lose looks to A Davis. Please take a look at mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298106
  7. Beaker101

    Drop V. Davis for K. Brady?

    V Davis is all potential, but we don't know if he'll come through. Even then, he has tremendous upside, and at worst, he'll probably still outperform Kyle Brady. I'd stick with V Davis a bit longer since you've waited this long since now would be his time to shine. By the way, I know what you mean about nobody helping back...I've helped at least 2-3 times as many times as I've gotten help. Hope you'll be different .... Mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298106
  8. Beaker101

    Which WR From Houston?

    With Andre Johnson still out, Andre Davis looks like he'll keep being the primary target, so I'd favor him. Please take a look at mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298106
  9. Beaker101

    Who to drop?

    I wouldn't drop anyone for the SEA D right now. Wait and see if available when you need it, especially since Ten looks pretty good for this week. I don't think others will be picking SEA D up on their bye. Thanks for answering mine.
  10. Beaker101

    Would you make this trade?

    Jeez, I answered at least 10 different posts while requesting that they answer mine in return, and I only got 5 replies so far. What happened to the others I helped?? I thought it was a give and take deal in this forum?? Come on guys, some help please, I'll answer yours in return. p.s. Thanks to those who kept your side of the bargain by providing input
  11. Beaker101

    K. Curtis, R. Williams and H. Ward start 2

    Yep, no doubt, sit Ward of the 3 ... you're lucky to have such options Please see mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298106
  12. Beaker101

    Bye week QB fill in (leave link)

    With SJax back in the lineup, that should take some pressure off bulger and the passing game. I'd take a chance with Bulger this week, but not by much, over Pennington. Please help with mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298106
  13. Beaker101

    Watson for Santonio Holmes

    watson isn't a sure thing down the road depending on R Johnson. S Holmes value drops a bit with Ward, but there will be plenty to share in Pitts. I'd pull the trigger. Good luck! Mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298106
  14. Beaker101

    Gunning for Tony Gonzalez, what do I give up?

    Gonzo is on a bye and the other player is in a bind anyways. So maybe just offer chatman straight up for Gonzo and see if he goes for it. If not, you can think about throwing Stallworth in. Good luck! Mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298106
  15. Beaker101

    HELP: Evaluate Trade...

    If you can get Jacobs straight up for Boldin, I'd go for it. That way you can still have Holmes in your starting lineup. Otherwise, not so sure I'd pull the trigger. Mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298106
  16. Beaker101

    Trade Help

    Well, your making his team better for the remainder of the season, but not improving yours by much except maybe during your QB bye week next week. Yes its a great trade offer, but I'd be thinking long term about making your opponent better. If anything, maybe try a similar offer to another team that isn't such a threat. Good luck! Mine is at http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298106
  17. Beaker101

    potential trade

    M Harrison has lost some value lately with Manning favoring Wayne. But there's plenty to share around Indi. On the other hand, it's just a matter of time before Henry is gone because of his situation. He looks good short term (week to week at best), but will be gone eventually. I'd hold on to Harrison. Mine is at http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298106
  18. Beaker101


    I agree that if foster is out, go with williams. But if it's questionable or splitting carries, I'd go with Chatman. Chatman has been on Cam Cameron's radar since day 1... he loves him for whatever reason. If he performs even close to Ronnie Brown has this year, he's golden. I wouldn't be afraid to start Chatman. Good luck! Here is mine: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=298106
  19. Beaker101

    Should I trade Lendale White for Santonio Holmes?

    Lendale White has a favorable matchup this week and will gain value if you hold onto him until next week. Santonio Holmes will likely drop a bit in value with Hines Ward back in the mix, so he'll be worth less next week. You're buying high and selling low, which is opposite of what you want to do. I realize that you're hurtin' at WR, but not enough to make a bad trade in my opinion. I'd be hesitant to pull the trigger.
  20. Beaker101

    1st post! Trade help..

    It's basically D. Ward/J. Walker for C Palmer at the end. If so, that's a good trade in my opinion. Although I'd be hesitant to trade Curtis straight up for Gonzo since I think you might be able to get more for him. But if Palmer is the end product, it might be worth it for you because you need to upgrade your QB. Good luck!
  21. Beaker101

    The best update by Rotoworld ever!

    They forgot to include the last part of the quote which said, "Did I just say that out loud??" Let's use his logic to figure out your question about the capital of Bulgaria. Well, I know a Marc Bulger, and that sounds like Bulgaria, so it must be "Marc"...am I right? This kinda helps my theory about college players getting pushed through the system without actually earning their degrees.
  22. Beaker101

    Brandon Jacobs Value

    We start 2 RBs and 2 WRs in standard scoring (no PPR). I've got Addai and Kevin Jones, so not sure if Jacobs will beat out K. Jones each week. Thanks for the input. As for the trade of Williams and Shockey, it's not a bad deal, but I still think you could have done better. But what's done is done, so I hope it works out for ya!
  23. Beaker101

    Brandon Jacobs Value

    I'm on the other end of a similar trade offer. I've been offered Jacobs and Calvin Johnson (filler) for Reggie Wayne. The guy is loaded at RBs with Steven Jackson, LT, and Edge, and I'm loaded at WR with Wayne, S Smith, and B Edwards, so it makes sense to trade, but not sure Jacobs is worth it to give up Wayne. Is he worth a top 10 receiver? Probably. Is he worth an awesome top 5 receiver like Wayne...not so sure. But I think you can do better than Roy Williams and Shockey.
  24. Beaker101

    Traded TO today!

    Yes, there is a fantasy football god. In this case, the person on the other end of this trade relentlessly prayed to the ff god to have someone save his season by offering him TO for Colston. After laughing hysterically, the ff god realized he was serious and took this as a challenge to his ability to perform miracles of such magnitude. Who would have guessed his powers would be questioned after he made L. Johnson suck the year after being one of the top rushers, go figure . Low and behold, not only did he find someone willing to trade TO for Colston, but the ff god actually made him rationalize his decision so that he BELIEVES he made a good trade .... All hail the ff god
  25. Beaker101

    Hines Ward

    I agree that he'll likely return in week 7 (after his bye in week 6). I have the same question about picking him up or not since I also have Santonio Holmes, so one of the 2 would make my roster, but which one. I'm leaning towards Ward because I think he'll produce more long term. Where do you think Ward ranks among other WRs?