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Everything posted by Dragan187

  1. Dragan187

    Landry - Serbian Assassin

    Hmmm, thats funny, my email is straight. Wonder why you couldn't get it? Anyway, check out the counter offer I gave you.
  2. Dragan187

    Shopping for a QB.

    Landry Leaguer here. My team name is Serbian Assassin. Entertaining any and all offers for a starting QB this year. Goin for my second ring, and the "Bling" "Bling." Get with me if you wanna deal.
  3. Dragan187

    I made another trade!!

    You go, Boy!
  4. I'd kind of like to know the "goings on" about the rookie draft. Are we drafting in reverse order, drawing names out of a hat or what? I would like to get some kind of strategy going on, on this end. If I'm jumping ahead of myself than I guess I'm sorry, but we are taking waaaaay too long getting these rules and regulations official. I'm ready to start making moves!
  5. Dragan187

    Landry League & the rest of Lombardi League -- VOTE!!

    I'm down with Jetdoc on this one. Copying his was easier than typin this chit. Landry League voter here... 1. Zero points. 2. Two points. 3. Kill the return yardage. 4. Use the entire score, not just that scored against a defense/ST. 5. Kill the IR. 6. 24 - should go up to 24 when the rookie draft starts. 7. Define a rookie as anyone not on a team. 8. Closed from end of season until draft. 9. $50. 10. Dragan187 is staying. 11. myfantasyleague is fine if we go with my suggestions on #3 and 4 and eliminate all ranges (simply round down). 12. I think we should still get points for a special team returning for a touchdown (6 points only). Just no yardage.
  6. Dragan187

    Landry League & the rest of Lombardi League -- VOTE!!

    I'm down with Jetdoc on this one. Copying his was easier than typin this chit. Landry League voter here... 1. Zero points. 2. Two points. 3. Kill the return yardage. 4. Use the entire score, not just that scored against a defense/ST. 5. Kill the IR. 6. 24 - should go up to 24 when the rookie draft starts. 7. Define a rookie as anyone not on a team. 8. Closed from end of season until draft. 9. $50. 10. Dragan187 is staying. 11. myfantasyleague is fine if we go with my suggestions on #3 and 4 and eliminate all ranges (simply round down). 12. I think we should still get points for a special team returning for a touchdown (6 points only). Just no yardage.
  7. Dragan187


    Just an FYI, I'll be out of town on business the week of March 3rd, should the Landry league mysteriously have a vote or something. By the way, I'm flying to Springdale, Arkansas. Anybody been there before or got any nite life info out there?
  8. Dragan187

    Anybody Play Fantasy Baseball???

    I'd like to. Hook it up!
  9. Dragan187

    Are trades allowed in the offseason?

    Hey LOTF, I might have an interested owner for one of the abandoned teams. Would you consider him or do you have the openings filled?
  10. Dragan187

    Are trades allowed in the offseason?

    Any updates on who is not returning?
  11. Dragan187

    Does the 2nd League have a Learning Disability?

    Actually April 5, 2005. This is gonna be some REALLY good wine man.
  12. Dragan187

    Does the 2nd League have a Learning Disability?

    Being Fat Drunk and Stupid, let me break it down for you that even YOU can understand. You see stupid, every team in the second league is slowly churning out the best team they possibly can, to create that perfect team. Kind of like a Good Wine. The longer it takes, the better it is. YOU, on the other hand are tryin to produce that Mad Dog 20/20 wine. You know, the faster you go, the more your team gves you the head aches and the squirts. My advice to you is mind your own damn business, and change your name to Fat, Drunk, HIGH, and stupid. I believe I speak for the rest of the 2nd leaguers when I say, Shut your pie hole when grown folks are draftin.
  13. Dragan187

    BOTH leagues (lombardi and landry)

  14. Dragan187


  15. In constant efforts of trying to get rid of pre draft boredom. Thought I would hit everyone up on this question...Who was a steal for you in the draft? Maybe the person that wasn't suppose to be there, but fell in your lap anyway? In my case it was the Reverend Isaac Bruce. Thought he was a good steal in the 4th Rd. C'mon Guys! Let's wake up out there. Whose next?
  16. Dragan187

    Landry League free agency

    I vote for First come First serve. To make it less tense, we could also limit the transactions to 1 or 2 a week.
  17. Dragan187

    Hey 2nd League...

    I know it's still early, but who do you think has the nicest team so far? I know it's hard, but try not to nominate yourselves when you post. My vote goes to the Chupacabra boy wonder. I think he's had a good SOLID draft. Whattya guys think?
  18. Dragan187

    2nd league - draft lottery system

    I'm for it too!
  19. Dragan187


    Kansas. Nema nista ovde. Samo Krave!
  20. Dragan187


    Znam dobro Miro, Hvala.
  21. Dragan187

    2nd league - draft lottery system

    Indi500 ^NDI
  22. Dragan187


    Serbian Assassins
  23. Dragan187

    Hmmm...just wondering...

    Just wondering when the deadline for cash on the other league will take effect. I've paid all ready and am in total envy that you other gents are ready to rock. My suggestion would be March 31st as the deadline. If we still have any openings, I say let's start recruiting others that might want to get in. Whattya think Lord? Any other comments from the panel would be nice.
  24. Dragan187

    Time to form divisions

    Now the question is...who were the first 12? Drum roll please...