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About carlsojj

  • Rank
    FF Rookie
  1. carlsojj

    Keeper League Trade Question

    This is a close call. Fred Jackson will have better numbers for the next two maybe three years, but I wouldn't expect too much more after that given his age etc. MJD is younger but has been heavily used and will continue to be used likewise with the young QB in Jax. I think you go Jackson by a hair, so this may actually come down to the other players involved and if you are in a championship window with your team vs. a rebuilding year...
  2. carlsojj

    Please pick 1 Rb.

    I'd say Greene because he is the best bet to get consistent carries. Oak will be running a lot vs. KC but unless Bush get's some goal line carries he's unlikely to get a Td. Close call though between those two. As you have Mcfadden it's probably better to spread your risk between two games cause if KC shows up in a division game vs. a new QB, you'll be twice crushed. I'm in similar boat choosing between decent but not great options (http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=393468). Hightower the biggest gamble.
  3. carlsojj

    Pick 2 of 3

    Bush and Doucet. Oak will be running all day with new Qb. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=393468
  4. carlsojj

    3rd WR spot

    I'd say lloyd as well. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=393468
  5. Need to pick one: Torain vs. Murray vs. Greene. Will answer yours. I'm thinking Murray vs. St. Louis' 31st ranked def against the run. But Greene is more of a sure bet to get carries vs. SD and Torain has a great match up too vs. Carolina. But, Hightower is back plus Helu plus mike shannahan.
  6. carlsojj

    Rock and a hard place.

    Rice. Baltimore will be running the ball all day... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=350092
  7. carlsojj

    Cotchery or Roy Williams?

    close to game time. Need to make a call. Williams is up against a tough TB passing defense...
  8. carlsojj

    Anyone use QB as a FLEX option?

    Theoretically, it should make QB's get drafted a little earlier because you don't NEED to play either 3 RB's or 3 WR's if you can play 2 QB's. We have a QB flex league and it doesn't affect my strategy very much, but many people in my league go QB early. The top 8 are usually gone by round 3. Knowing there was going to be a run on QB's I selected Drew Brees early in the 2nd and made it to the super bowl. But mostly it's best to look for a couple value QBs in the 5th and beyond and grab RB's or WR's that fall due to QB's going early.
  9. carlsojj

    Morgan or Henry

    Morgan. He will be the number one receiver on the 49ers this year or at least a close second to Bruce, while Chris Henry will be the 3rd receiver for the Bengals. I do think Henry will have a good year especially if Chad or Coles get injured, but I rather go with a player that you know will get the targets...
  10. How's this? I traded LJ, Portis, and Warner for A.P. and Palmer last week. LJ had almost 200 yrds and 2TDs, warner had 460 yrds and 3tds, and portis had 120yrds. A.P. was solid, but palmer sat and may be gone for a while. I also lost by 4 points thanks to LT's wonderful 40+ yrd TD with a few minutes left.
  11. carlsojj

    How Did I Fair In This Trade?

    Here's how I saw it. LJ was a sell high candidate if ever there was one--K.C. is not good. Portis is a talented every down back, but the offense is young, the line is only fair, and they play in the hardest division in football. Kurt Warner has started the season strong, but is a long shot to stay healthy for 16 games Whereas, A.P. is likely the second best RB in the league (gotta stay with LT) on a team with one of the best O lines. Palmer could turn his season around especially with Chris Henry coming back (plus they started off the season against some very good defensive teams) He will also be my #2 QB Overall, I felt I needed to gamble to get someone that can score 30+ in a game in order to have a shot at the title...
  12. carlsojj

    How Did I Fair In This Trade?

    With a hamstring injury? somehow I doubt he'll be lost for the season.
  13. Just traded Portis,Warner,and LJ for A.P. and Palmer? My team now has QBs: Brees and Palmer RBs: A.P., Chris Perry, L. White, Betts, Hightower, Ray Rice WR/TE: Steve Smith, D. Bowe, A. Gates, Bryant Johnson, Brandon Lloyd, Kevin Curtis K: Longwell Def: Titans We play standard scoring, no TE, with a flex. I'm a little thin at RB now, but A.P. has hugh upside...
  14. carlsojj

    What was the BEST trade you ever made?

    three years ago I traded C. Palmer + William Green+ Stephen Davis for Peyton Manning and Willis Macgahee. Davis got injured, Macgahee took over the starting job mid season and put up great numbers and Peyton threw for an NFL record ~47 TD's and took me to the title...
  15. carlsojj

    FF pro bowl

    Our leagues championship game is week 16 (which I won), so for week 17, we do a pro bowl. Pick any players you want and make your team. The team with the most points wins--easy enough. What would your picks be for this week? Here's what I"m thinking for my team, the scoring etc. is in the signature below: QB: P. Manning RB1: LT2 RB2: S. Alexander WR1: R. Wayne WR2: T. CJ Flex: B. Westbrook Kicker: Gould (he's been good to me all year) Defense: Baltimore (See Gould)