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Everything posted by parshall2marshall

  1. parshall2marshall

    Mis-used Phrases / nonsensical cliches & "filler"

    It's late and I'm supposedly studying for finals; bite me. I'm an idiot (that can't type for $hit).
  2. parshall2marshall

    change one letter ...

    load It's a load of crap.
  3. parshall2marshall

    Mis-used Phrases / nonsensical cliches & "filler"

    Mine are mostly spelling... "Their" vs. "they're" vs. "there" "To" vs. "two" vs. "too" "you're" vs. "your" Tthat one really drives me nuts. Seriously, it's not that hard to figure out. "it's" vs. "its" And, please, learn how to use the apostrophe properly! It DOES belong in "don't." It does NOT belong in every single freaking word that ends in an "s."
  4. parshall2marshall

    Guess the Movie Game

    Taps, I believe. Mine:
  5. parshall2marshall

    Travel Stories (bad or good)

    I was on a flight back from Las Vegas about 2 years ago (Mario Andretti was on there, too - but that's irrelevant to the story...hell, I didn't even recognize him at first). I was in first-class for once, and very much enjoying it. Anyway, about an hour or so into the flight, we start getting some turbulence. It continues; rather rough, and looking out the window it was as gray as hell. Didn't really bother me, though. So, the pilot gets on, notifies everyone that there's turbulence (well, duh), and announces that he is requesting everyone to return their seats to the upright position, put up their tray tables, yada yada yada, the flight attendents were to sit down and buckle themselves in. Okay, so you see the few people with the "Oh my God, we're all going to die" look on their face, but a surprising amount of people didn't have any problem (either they were refreshingly calm-natured, drunk, or simply had nothing to live for). Well, a couple minutes later, he makes another announcement: "Okay, this turbulence is being caused by a storm system, so I'm going to try and get us above it. So, just hang in there and --" Well, at this point, we hit a doozie that rocks the $h!t out of the plane and felt like we had been in a freefall for a second. Granted, it was a little bit of a scare, but I'm pretty sure our pilot didn't handle it too well, because, in complete professionalism and at the top of his lungs WHILE STILL ON THE SPEAKER SYSTEM, he screams "OH $H!+!". And from the looks of it, about forty of the passengers did just that. About 5 minutes later, our valiant pilot had gotten us out of the storm, and we landed about 3 hours later, completely unharmed. But needing a change of pants.
  6. parshall2marshall

    Madden Cover curse is over

    Fock, I stand a better chance of making the playoffs in the league where I have him then in the league where I have LaDanian f-ing Tomlinson. Nothing like like losing two QBs and two WRs for either part or all of the season to royally fock you up.
  7. parshall2marshall

    *** The Official I survived Chad Johnson Thread***

    I'm with ya. I'm now depending on Galloway and Foster.
  8. parshall2marshall

    Tonights Dinner

    I had hickory-smoked chicken, apple, and gouda sausage and dirty rice. I'd be interested in the guacamole recipe, too.
  9. parshall2marshall

    ***** The Offical What Do You Need On MNF Thread *****

    I need 13 points and I have Foster and Galloway. The way it appears now, I'm absolutely screwed. Thank God for the banana:
  10. parshall2marshall

    Just Lost The Best Girl Ever

    Time for the 5% of my femininity that hasn't been overhauled by sports and hard rock to come out... If she's gone, she isn't the one for you. Simple as that. If it didn't work out, then it was never going to. You'll find someone else.
  11. parshall2marshall

    Which WR should I pickup?

    Since Amani Toomer's knee has focked him up for the season, I am now left with a whopping ONE healthy receiver on my team ( ). Three weeks ago, I wouldn't have given a $hit, but I'm making a late-season surge (four game win streak). So, here's some of the options left to pickup in my league: Devery Henderson, N.O. Mike Furrey, DET Matt Jones, JAC Reggie Williams, JAC Marcus Robinson, MIN Kevin Curtis, StL Santonio Holmes, PIT I'm in a 12 team league with big rosters, so the choices aren't that plentiful. Advice is appreciates; leave your link (will try to answer them tonight - got an exam later today). Thanks.
  12. parshall2marshall

    Halloween "kids that suxor" thread

    We were handing out treat bags, so each kid obviously got one (they each had several things in it - I'm pretty generous). About 6 kids come up to the door at the same time. After the bags are given out, one of the younger kid says, "Hey, I want more!" An older kids tries to shut him up, and the kid reiterates, "No I want MORE!" Well, it was irritating until the little pi$$er actually got drug off the front porch by the older kids. I cracked up.
  13. parshall2marshall

    Guitar lesson update - I need song recommendations

    I'll give a vote for Sweet Emotion. It's one of the first songs I learned to play, and it really helps with speed. La Grange (ZZ Top) is another fun one.
  14. parshall2marshall

    Top 5....

    I have to give some love to Spinal Tap -- I've had times where I've randomly laughed when someone says "11". "The Jerk" is an underrated classic, IMO. Any movie that starts with Steve Martin saying "I was born a poor black child" has got to get some love (I know it's already gotten some on this thread, but it's one of my favs) Another good Steve Martin movie: "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels".
  15. parshall2marshall

    spinoff: Top 5 Funniest Movies

    One of the most brilliant movies ever. "Nigel Tufnel: The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven and... Marty DiBergi: Oh, I see. And most amps go up to ten? Nigel Tufnel: Exactly. Marty DiBergi: Does that mean it's louder? Is it any louder? Nigel Tufnel: Well, it's one louder, isn't it? It's not ten. You see, most blokes, you know, will be playing at ten. You're on ten here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on ten on your guitar. Where can you go from there? Where? Marty DiBergi: I don't know. Nigel Tufnel: Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do? Marty DiBergi: Put it up to eleven. Nigel Tufnel: Eleven. Exactly. One louder. Marty DiBergi: Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder? Nigel Tufnel: [pause] These go to eleven." I have to give a bit of love to "Midnight Run," too - just a personal favorite. Man, it's great to see Blazing Saddles getting the love - the campfire scene is a pure cinematic farting masterpiece.
  16. parshall2marshall

    Top 5....

    Anchorman is one of my favorites... -Brick Tambland has got to be one of the best movie characters ever: "I love lamp!" "Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident!" "I'm Brick Tamland. People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48 and am what some people call mentally retarded." "[voiceover] Brick Tamland is married with 11 children and is one of the top political advisors to the Bush White House."
  17. parshall2marshall

    Pathetic FF Game

    It was pathetic partly because about 20 of my points came from one player, and we each had multiple guys lay an egg or go to the negative. That and I just kind of hate that league and really wanted to beat the crap out of everyone, so I'd probably be pi$$ed regardless.
  18. parshall2marshall

    Pathetic FF Game

    43-34. I won.
  19. parshall2marshall

    Steelers Support Group

    I'm a Leftwich fan.
  20. parshall2marshall

    What horror movies do you plan on watching for Halloween?

    The Screech sex tape.
  21. parshall2marshall

    i bow to you LT

    I just rode LT to 41 points and a probable win over the #1 team in my league (I'm in 10th). I've got DeShaun Foster, he's got Dallas defense and Kasay, and I'm up 95-51.
  22. parshall2marshall

    what is the madden curse?

    Here ya go, peenie: Sports Illustrated Cover Jinx - Wikipedia (again)
  23. parshall2marshall

    what is the madden curse?

    Not sure. The Madden Curse is more consistent, but, unlike the SI Jinx, no one's died.
  24. parshall2marshall

    Big Ben sucks!

    I wouldn't be surprised to see a situation in Pitt eerily similar to the one already happening in Jacksonville, with Roethlisberger in a Leftwich-type situation and Batch in a spot like Garrard is. Just my 2 cents.
  25. parshall2marshall

    what is the madden curse?

    Madden Curse - Wikipedia