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Larry David

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Posts posted by Larry David

  1. Bwahahaha man I wish he had taken my initial reponse and never checked back.


    You are waaaaay overthinking it dude. Think of it this way: Miami and Tampa took their byes in week 1 instead of week 11.


    That's. It.


    Yes but what about the left starts, not to mention the right starts, and those guys who purposely benched their studs???

  2. The NFL is such a joke. Why on earth would they move this to week 11 and not give the players a bye


    It would be so easy to just move to a different location


    Because Stephen Ross probably complained about the lost revenue. But they could have played the game in Atlanta, still sold a lot of tickets and then the NFL (and its $63 billion net worth) could have reimbursed him for the difference.

  3. I know it's just one man's opinion, but he's not the only person who believes that Garappolo has a good chance to buck the trend of recent QB faceplants....




    The verdict

    I completely understand if some teams have hesitation about trading for Garoppolo, given the extremely small sample size. But there are plenty of positives on the tape, and it's not like he has come out of nowhere. (Remember, Garoppolo was a second-round pick out of Eastern Illinois.)

    Sure, Garoppolo is still developing. And there will be situations where his lack of reps shows up during games. But given the five key areas we just looked at, Garoppolo should carry high value if the Patriots put him on the trade market.

    Also, if you're Cleveland and you have this rare opportunity to pull off a trade because of a surplus of draft picks but don't pull the trigger and Garoppolo proves to be a winner somewhere else, it would be a tough pill to swallow.

  4. How do we know he's the Qb that they need.


    You said it yourself he hasn't even thrown 100 passes in the NFL.


    I'm not to sure that passing on him might not be in the best interest for the Browns.

    You're absolutely right. He might be the next Brock Osweiler or Matt Flynn or Matt Cassel. But if the Browns like what they've seen from the tape and want to roll the dice on him, they can't be faulted too much if he turns out to be a bust if they don't waste a single first round draft pick on him.

  5. With all this speculation about Garappolo to the Browns, here is my trade proposal that I think makes sense for both sides. The Browns have two second round picks in this draft and three in next year’s draft. I would trade the four best of those picks to New England for Garappolo. Besides getting the QB they desperately need, the Browns would still keep the 1st and 12th picks in this year’s draft and a 1st pick and 2nd rounder in next year’s draft. They also have a total of five picks in the 5th and 6th rounds this year to help cushion the blow of their lost picks. The Patriots would be getting four quality picks for a guy who has yet to throw 100 passes in the NFL. Seems to me it would be hard for them to ignore that offer even if doesn't involve a first round pick.

  6. Between the money they spent last year on their defense and now the Marshall signing, it looks like the Giants are going for it all before Eli runs out of gas in another year or two. Taking that into account, they should try and trade up for the Jets pick at six and add the best available OL or give Eli another weapon with Fournette or OJ Howard.

  7. Don't be too worried about Marshall and Beckham getting along. Marshall has already stated that he'll be a #2. The guy will be 33 in a couple of weeks and realizes these are (almost certainly) the last two years of his career so I think we can expect a little maturity.

  8. Several of the early rankings I've seen have Tyrod Taylor vs.Cleveland ranked over Big Ben at Cincy. In some cases he's several spots higher. I get that Ben is a much better fantasy player at home than on the road and Taylor is at home vs. the lowly Browns. But I think that the Bills game is going to be all about Shady McCoy and Taylor will be doing nothing but handing the ball off in the second half. Thoughts?

  9. Collins owner here... From an IDP standpoint I'm assuming this is an upgrade for Collins? He is going to play more snaps in Cleveland, the Browns defense will be on the field a lot more than the Pats D and, since teams will spend the majority of the 3rd and 4th quarters running out the clock against the Browns, his opportunity for tackles will be greater.

  10. maybe the timeout thing is just not reviewable. makes sense. talk about a slippery slope. you could always have people making innocuous TO gestures and only "review" when convenient


    That's probably the case, but I think they already go down the slippery slope when they look at the 12th man situation. If it's obvious that an extra player was on the field and it's just as obvious that someone is calling timeout, it seems odd to recognize one fact and ignore the other.

  11. For some reason, 12 men on the field is a penalty that can be called upon replay review. I think the logic is that it’s a cut and dry penalty unlike most things like holding or pass interference where there is often a lot nuance involved. Either the 12th man was on the field or he wasn’t. Also, a team doesn’t have to challenge the 12th man on the field, it’s just something that the refs will check while checking something else, i.e. the spot.


    I believe that whether a team called a time out in time is not something that can be reviewed. Is it fair, to check one or two things but ignore the third? Probably, but that’s the NFL for you.

  12. so this week I have to either play Meredith against Minn or can pickup Adams(probably won't get due to waivers), Boldin, LaFell, Goodwin, Enunwa, Patterson


    Sounds like you're looking for a http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showforum=13 Personally, I'm sitting Meredith right now since there's a better chance of Cutler completing more passes to the other team's DBs than to his own WRs. But I wouldn't sit him over the guys you mention.

  13. I find it laughable that people think the protests have something to do with it. So, NFL players can beat and rape women among many other felonies, and the ratings are through the roof but take a knee during the national anthem and that's crossing an unforgivable line?? If that's not screwed up, right wing BS logic, I don't know what is.


    To me, most of the real reasons have been mentioned in this thread:


    The Thursday night games have hurt for two reasons: The quality of the play during those games is usually subpar and having three games in five nights lessens the novelty of football being a Sunday + one game event.


    The Redzone channel, which is right up there with anesthesia and the internet as the one of the greatest inventions of all time, has spoiled us. Now sitting through five minutes of commercials while watching two minutes of football is a lot tougher to swallow.


    The skyrocketing amount of injuries hurts for many reasons 1) they mess up the flow of the game. How many times do games go to a TV timeout because someone is being helped or carted off the field? 2) injuries hurt fantasy football... especially when it comes to running backs 3) the moral aspect of it.... I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I find it harder and harder to ignore the fact that we're watching these guys take years off their lives. I know, no one is forcing them to play football and they make millions doing it, but when you think about how busy surgeons have been just on NFL players this year, it's pretty sobering. Yes, it's hypocritical of me to keep watching it and complain about the injuries but i find myself thinking about it more and more.

  14. I'm looking to sell high based on his schedule ROS, maybe a bad move but I'm looking to cash in on some depth.


    I don't think his schedule ROS is too tough. He has as many games against teams that have been mediocre to bad against the run (Pitt, Cleveland, Cincy, NYJ) as he does against teams that have been strong against the run (Dallas, Miami, Pats, Eagles).

  15. I listen to the 06010 pod cast with Matthew Berry during the week some when on a jog or whatever. Its pretty good at times with SBell injury insight etc.


    It however seems this year they are trying to be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too comical. Heck the first 10minutes you have to fast forward through do to all the "funnies" they are trying to pull.


    MB annoys me also because right before Field Yates tries to make a point about a football player that is relevant to FF , Berry busts in and interrupts , starts talking about how its better to edge before you Mow or some goofy nonsense like that.


    ok rant over

    I agree with many of your points. Berry tries too hard to be funny at the start of the show and they're always making inside jokes and references. Stephania Bel's voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Berry does interrupt Field a lot.


    Also, is it just me or is Field's mic always too low? Either that or he's not speaking into it. His voice trails off a lot. Despite all that, I am a fan once they start talking fantasy.

  16. What type of production do you expect from C. Coleman when he returns? Decent wr3? For some reason I know nothing about him other than he was a first rd pick and got hurt. I've seen people throw around the term " this years ODB". With a 3rd string QB that seems a little generous, but what do I know?


    Think Josh Gordon - 2013. OK, maybe Josh Gordon in 2012 would be a better comparison, but I'd take that too.
