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Brad GLuckman

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Everything posted by Brad GLuckman

  1. Brad GLuckman

    I need to get out of an Engagement Party...

    Am I not understanding this? You had plans for months. Go hang out with your friends. She's being completely selfish to expect you to abandon your plans for hers.
  2. Brad GLuckman

    Pelosi home security cameras hacked

    I've never heard of Shellenberger before, but he has a pretty good profile on this guy: https://michaelshellenberger.substack.com/p/pelosi-attack-suspect-was-a-psychotic
  3. Brad GLuckman

    Pelosi home security cameras hacked

    Why was there a wellness check?
  4. Brad GLuckman

    The Wire

    I have tried to watch it twice and cant get past episode 5 or so before I get bored and move on to something else. Does it get better?
  5. Brad GLuckman

    I guess the Fetterman Oz debate didn't go so well.

    Here it is. Tough to watch but I don't feel sorry for him. He should've dropped out, but like all these people he just wants to be a Senator so bad.
  6. Brad GLuckman

    Ukraine - Doomsday

    Be careful what you wish for. From what I've read, the people most displeased with Putin think he needs to be more brutal.
  7. Because it's a political loser. But in the end, most people want some abortion rights for women and just disagree on when it should become illegal. As always, there are radicals on both sides but I'd bet most people can agree it'd be sometime in the 1st half of the 2nd trimester.
  8. Brad GLuckman

    You got one: My daughter is officially a Republican

    Letting your kid become their own person is not coddling. I don't want my kids to be carbon copies of me. I want them to think for themselves, adjust their beliefs as they experience the world, and as they learn new things. Your approach results in a mindless robot who believes things for no reason other than they were brainwashed.
  9. Brad GLuckman

    ***Happy Football Day Week 5***

    Right?! I think this even worse than Bradys
  10. Brad GLuckman

    ***Happy Football Day Week 5***

    I just don't get why there's not some ref in the booth who overturns all these BS calls. Would be so simple.
  11. Brad GLuckman

    ***Happy Football Day Week 5***

    I don't know which was worse but man they were both awful
  12. Brad GLuckman

    Cell Phone Bills

    Then you're obviously just a casual subscriber because she provides a lot more content than that.
  13. I heard on a podcast that the Seahawks felt like his skillset was not working as he aged, which is why they traded him. It's still early and a new offense so we will see. But if this is the Wilson we see moving forward, the Broncos are screwed and Seahawks made a hell of a trade.
  14. Brad GLuckman

    Cell Phone Bills

    Mint Mobile. $15/month for 4 Gb data, which I rarely come close to using.
  15. Brad GLuckman

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    It's the whole point of nukes. You don't attack a country with Nukes because you don't want to be nuked. I dont get his assumption that we'd just lay down. But I guess his doomsday scenario doesn't work without it,
  16. Who cares about Biden? Thuis thread is about Walker. We have a Biden thread. The point is he says he's pro-life but paid for an abortion. He's a hypocrite and an awful candidate. There are bad Republican candidates, just as there are bad Democratic candidates.
  17. Brad GLuckman

    NATO confirms russia is moving nuclear missiles into position

    Ukraine is advancing in the East and South. It's looking great for them right now but in the end, Putin will never accept defeat. He won't just walk away. I don't think he'll use nukes, though. I think this will just turn into a long-term war with tons of deaths for both sides giving and taking small bits of territory here and there. The hope for Ukraine is the Russian population will tire of this. Russian media has finally acknowledged things are not going well but it's tough for the population to do anything since they are under Putins thumb.
  18. Brad GLuckman

    what would be your last meal before you die?

    Ribeye - medium rare with lobster tail
  19. I will concede that some type of nuclear attack is more probable today than it was 1 year ago. But, you always speak like Russia is the only country in the world with nukes. We have them too. The whole point of Nukes is a deterrent.
  20. Do you guys think I'm excusing his actions? For the love of God people, I agree it is wrong and he should go to prison. I'm just curious what Russia would do with the information.
  21. Yes, it has been established selling secrets to Russians is bad. I am not disagreeing. Also, it's isn't "necessary" I see value in it. I am actually curious. I read the story and thought "why would the Russians even want that? What are they doing with it?" It's not like these two were selling our missile technology. I could see why Russia would want that. Its just weird. Not as weird as you guys getting really worked up over the fact that I asked it.
  22. Christ, It's not a take. It's an actual question. Not everyone here is obsessed with right vs left. I can't see the value in American medical records to Russia. Not saying it's not there, I just don't get it.
  23. I wonder how selling American soldiers' medical info to Russia is advantageous to them.
  24. Brad GLuckman

    What happened to the Nord Stream Pipelines?

    Wait, are you saying Putins not a bad guy? I fully understand not wanting to send money to Ukraine, but I think we can not send them money while also acknowledging Putin is a bad guy.
  25. Brad GLuckman

    What happened to the Nord Stream Pipelines?

    I dont see why Russia woukd do this. Supplying energy to Europe is a bargaining chip for them.