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Everything posted by /Osiris/

  1. Those were classics because, unlike the 'toons of today that rely heavily on special effects, they centered on the comedic genius of the writers. I still recall with great affection waiting patiently for 11:30 on Saturday mornings to watch the Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show. It's a shame that not many cartoons are aired on broadcast television on Saturday mornings anymore.
  2. /Osiris/

    Pat Riley bails on the Heat AGAIN!

    NBA coaching is such a focking joke anyway. Why Pat Riley and Phil Jackson are hailed as such supreme leaders of men is beyond me. Both have ridden the coattails of some of the game's best-ever players on their way to 16 combined (or something close to it) championships. Whatta joke.
  3. /Osiris/

    Brett Favre Retiring from Packers

    Great. Now we'll have to live with the continuous chatter about how great he was, how he played the game as if he was a kid, how he was a gunslinger, how he left everything out on the field, yada, yada, yada. Good riddance, dude. Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.
  4. /Osiris/

    Big Ben gets a new contract.

    This is how smart organizations conduct business: re-do superstars' contracts before they expire for less money than it would've cost them had they waited until such time. Brilliance. I could throw in the requisite Matt Millen one-liner, but it's getting too easy to pick on ol' Meat Head.
  5. /Osiris/


    Not sure who mentioned slavery as an excuse for poor speech or educational challenges, but it certainly wasn't me.
  6. /Osiris/


    Yeah, sure. If I didn't personally experience it, I shouldn't have any opinion. You fit in just nicely with the rest of these narrow-minded folks in this thread. So I suppose 50 years from now, Americans who had no personal connection to 9/11 should feel less pissed about the attacks? Gimme a break.
  7. /Osiris/


    Gotdammit....Every time there's a discussion about slavery, it's always a white dude who says, "hey, it was a long time ago...just forget about it." That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Wrong is wrong, if it was 400 years ago or 400 days ago. To hear the stories of how families were torn apart, of how many Black folks were thrown overboard during the Middle Passage, of how Black women were raped by their white massas...that was focked up--regardless of when it happened. And sure, it's in the history books that Blacks in West Africa sold their own people into captivity; I hoped they bar-b-qued in hell along with the rest of those focking bastards who looked at us as three-fifths of a human being.
  8. /Osiris/


    A 5-page thread on this subject? Please, give it a rest already. If nothing else, this thread has proven only one thing: everyone has their opinion and nothing anyone says will prompt them to change it. Now go read a book or something. Geez.
  9. /Osiris/


    Heck, I didn't even know this peenie person you all speak of is a woman. Who knew?
  10. /Osiris/


    A bit of hyperbole on my part, sure, but I had to stoop to kilroy's level so that he could hear me. And please, kilroy, stop already with the /Osiris/ = Peenie analogies. Not true, dude.
  11. /Osiris/


    Wow, what thoughtful rebuttals. Face it. Your ridiculous claim that whites don't envy Blacks is off base. Period. Don't be ashamed of it. Accept it. Embrace it. Live with it. But above all, don't deny it.
  12. /Osiris/


    Uh....yeah. Sure. I suppose that's also the reason why most white women get shots so that they can have full lips like Black folks, right? Because full lips is "a good thing," right? And also why white folks always steal and become a part of Black art forms such as jazz, blues and hip hop, right? You're trying, kilroy; your effort is applauded.
  13. /Osiris/


    Is that why some white folks spend tons of cash on tanning booths and risk all kinds of skin ailments by "laying out" in the sun trying to get dark like us?
  14. /Osiris/


  15. /Osiris/


    Your curiosity about Black culture is quite peculiar, I must say. Then again, we ARE pretty interesting, no? Your envy is obvious.
  16. /Osiris/

    Jordan Sparks has some big arms,but

    **ANGH!!!** Wrong answer. Try again, dude.
  17. /Osiris/

    Jordan Sparks has some big arms,but

    That's ironic, especially considering most white women smell like wet German Shepherds if they're caught in the rain. Plus, any generalized statement such as that, if not racist, is certainly narrow-minded and juvenile.
  18. /Osiris/

    The sexiest SKANKS over 35

    Where's Mariska Hargitay? She's another underrated beauty. There would be no Law & Order SVU without her. http://www.buddytv.com/articles/Law_&_...-hargitay-5.jpg
  19. /Osiris/

    Homer Mock Draft - ** DRAFT THREAD **

    2.61 LaMarr Woodley - Michigan
  20. /Osiris/

    Homer Mock Draft - ** DRAFT THREAD **

    1.29 Justin Blalock G - Texas
  21. /Osiris/

    NY Jets Rumors

    Move up 23 spots for that? Even Millen's not dumb enough to make that move. ....or is he?
  22. /Osiris/

    FFToday's NFL Mock Draft

    I'll take Baltimore instead of the Vikings.
  23. /Osiris/

    Forbes.com's list of the top GMs in sports

    A few observations... What the fock? 1 - McHale 20 - Pioli 41 - Elgin Baylor 89 - Ozzie Newsome 90 - Ken Holland Just about right 4 - AJ Smith 9 - Polian 13 - Jerry Jones 15 - Dumars 92 - Danny Ainge 96 - Millen
  24. /Osiris/

    FFToday's NFL Mock Draft

  25. /Osiris/

    FFToday's NFL Mock Draft

    So who's kickin' this bee-atch off?